Discovery. Development. Delivery
Innovation is central to the development of medical technologies that will provide life-saving and life-enhancing treatments of the future. In recent decades, the majority of innovations in healthcare have targeted new diagnostic procedures, therapies, drugs, and medical devices. Going forward, the emphasis on innovation promises to accelerate rapidly and produce an exponential change in important areas. At FAU, ranked number 1 in Germany and number 2 in Europe for innovation in the Reuters Top 100, 2019, we focus on bringing ideas to reality.
Study Programmes
Medical engineering is one of the focal points of the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU). One of the core tasks of the Central Institute of Medical Engineering (ZiMT) is the coordination of the engineering Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programs in Medical Engineering
Bachelor’s Programmes: The FAU offers 2 different master’s degree branches within the Medical Engineering programme. Both of them are taught in German:
Electrical Engineering/Information Technology/Computer Science(Medizinelektronik und medizinische Bild- und Datenverarbeitung)
Medical Device Engineering, Production Technology and Prosthetics (Medizinische Gerätetechnik, Produktionstechnik und Prothetik)
Master’s Programmes: The FAU offers 5 different master’s degree branches within the Medical Engineering programme. Two of these are completely taught in English:
- Medical Image and Data Processing (English or German → 2 separate branches)
- Health & Medical Data Analytics and Entrepreneurship (English)
- Medical Electronics (German)
- Medical Production Technology, Device Engineering and Prosthetics (German)
- Medical Robotics (since WS2022/23)
Further information about the Bachelor’s & Master’s programs
- A two-year international master’s course at the Faculty of Engineering taught in English
- Provides interdisciplinary education at the interface of Engineering, Physics and Medicine
- Allows for a highly individualised curriculum
- Covers a wide range of fields of contemporary optical technologies – a key technology for the modern world
- Is part of the Elite Network of Bavaria, an initiative of the Free State of Bavaria to support talented young students.
Please find more information here:
The international Master’s program in Artificial Intelligence (AI) is based on a solid foundation and education in the field of Computer Science. The programme consists of three main pillars: symbolic AI (such as Expert Systems and Logic Calculi), subsymbolic AI (such as Deep and Machine Learning) and AI systems and applications.
The degree course offers a broad variety of topics and specializations. The wide range of applications and research groups in the Department of Computer Science provides broad opportunities for “hands-on” project work and practical sessions. In contrast to Data Science oriented programs, AI focuses on the constructive modelling and implementation of algorithms, data structures, neural networks and their respective applications.
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Why apply for this program?
Data Science has become a revolutionary technology that everyone seems to talk about. It is becoming a key concept for large private businesses, public institutions and research. While it is not easy to define it in a few words, data science deals with the methods and tools needed to analyze data and draw actionable conclusions from the results gained in the process. These methods and tools, which cover big data and their analysis, data modeling, machine learning, and simulation methods, are located mainly at the intersection of three subjects: computer sciences, mathematics, and statistics. Consequently, this new Master’s program at Friedrich-Alexander University is jointly taught by lecturers from these three fields.
This program uses dynamic learning methodologies to ensure our students stand out in today’s competitive job market. Students will enjoy a wide variety of long-lasting benefits:
- Hands-on teaching methodology.
- A world-class institution.
- Individual, interest-based curriculum.
Please find more information here:
The program is directed at all academic health care workers (e.g., from industry, self-government, consulting firms, law firms) from any discipline (e.g., economics, engineering, law, education) except medicine. All these employees have in common that they have to communicate with physicians on a daily basis, are confronted with questions about the functioning of the body as well as diseases and therapies, without ever having studied medical content systematically, completely and at a high level.
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This degree program is designed especially for healthcare professionals who do not have a background in economics (e.g. doctors, pharmacists, nursing specialists, medical engineers). It aims to provide specialists and managers in all areas of healthcare with advanced knowledge of business administration through a distance learning degree program for working professionals that leads to the degree Master of Health Business Administration. This is achieved through targeted teaching of elements of business administration that are relevant for healthcare.
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The biology of the 21st century deals, among other things, with the communication between cells, the creation of customized cells or the diagnosis of, for example, cancer based on the analysis of the mechanical cell properties. These modern questions are addressed in the Integrated Life Sciences program (Bachelor + Master ILS).
ILS is the ideal course of study for all those interested in the natural sciences who cannot or do not want to choose between biology, physics, an engineering degree or a mathematics degree. In the ILS study course you learn beside cell and molecular biology also programming, the structure and the function mode of modern cameras or microscopes, the description of experimental data (“big data”) with suitable mathematical models and their physical interpretation.
Please find more information here:
The study program Life Science Engineering consists of the Bachelor program (6 semesters, Bachelor of Science) and the Master program (4 semesters, Master of Science). The program includes interdisciplinary courses at FAU, practical work in the laboratory, job opportunities as a student assistant, and numerous cooperations with research institutes (e.g. Helmholtz Institute for Renewable Energy) and industry.
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Medical Process Management (MPM) is a master’s degree (full-time study, 120 ECTS) for students with a first degree and extends over a period of three semesters plus the time to write the master’s thesis.
This program imparts medical knowledge, knowledge of the healthcare system, healthcare IT, and skills in quality and process management with the aim of increasing patient benefit and value creation in healthcare with effective and efficient processes.
Only FAU offers a study program of this type. The study program begins in the winter semester.
Please find more information here:
What is Molecular Medicine?
How does the human organism function, and what are the molecular causes of diseases?
Answering these questions is the content of the Molecular Medicine program. The research-oriented program is at the interface between medicine and the life sciences, and in addition to theoretical content, it also teaches many practical skills in scientific work and molecular laboratory methodology.
From molecules and cells, to tissues, organs and organ systems, to the entire human organism and its diseases – you will learn all this in six semesters in the bachelor’s program in Molecular Medicine.
Target group
The program is aimed at applicants with an interest in the natural sciences who are interested in medicine, biology and chemistry, laboratory work and research, and who want to specialize in the direction of medical research at an early stage. No license to practice medicine can be obtained in this degree program, so it is not suitable for applicants who wish to become physicians.
Please find more information here:
Innovation & Educational Programmes
Controlling technology in your home from the other side of the world, using tiny sensors knitted into shirts to track vital parameters all day long – these seemingly futuristic ideas of immersion in a digital world are increasingly becoming a reality in our everyday lives. The miniaturization of electrical devices and clothing are just a selection of the ways in which our environment is becoming smarter. This fast changing environment provides the platform and opportunities for innovation. Students of the Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg (FAU) can harness the opportunities of this platform by visiting the Innovation Lab for Wearable and Ubiquitous Computing, funded by the Center for Digitalization Bavaria and currently organised by the Bavarian Research Institute for Digital Transformation.
Further information about the Innovation Lab for Wearable and Ubiquitous Computing (InnoLab)
FAU joins SmashMedicine
In 2020, SmashMedicine was established across Europe with the help of EIT Health. This was originally an EdTech platform for medical students based on the research work of Dr Benjamin Harris at Oxford. A measure of its success is that faculties are now building the platform into their courses, and there is a wide interest to join from across the EIT Health network. On the platform, students write and review multiple choice questions, developing such skills as critical thinking and creativity. This solution is also, by serendipity, ideally suited to remote learning in the post-Covid era.
FAU joins SmashMedicine in 2022 to extend the platform to medical engineering students and German-speaking regions. The aim is to transform the education of multidisciplinary teams using novel pedagogical approaches and the support of artificial intelligence to deepen symbiotic learning.
Further information about SmashMedicine
The “European Engineering Learning Innovation and Science Alliance” (EELISA) is FAU’s European University – an association of ten European universities from Hungary, Turkey, Italy, Spain, Romania, France, Switzerland and FAU in Germany.
In line with our motto “Building Bridges. Bridging Boundaries.”, EELISA connects partner universities with complementary strengths and profiles to shape innovation and the future of society, mastering global challenges with intelligent and sustainable solutions by European cooperation.
In order to introduce a medical device into the market, it is essential not only to have the technical knowledge of the production process but also the rules and regulations of the entire product life cycle. As medical devices are products that have a medical purpose and are intended for the use of humans, manufacturers have to adhere to strict legal requirements. Consequently, knowledge of this evermore complex subject matter of medical device regulation is indispensable for any successful and competitive market entry.
The Central Institute of Medical Engineering offers the opportunity to learn more about the regulatory requirements of medical devices for the European / International markets (in an English seminar).
Further information about the certificate course “Medical Device Regulation”
This intensive training program will build your skills and prepare you to launch your Medtech start-up in Europe. You’ll emerge with a clear idea of your market, your regulatory pathway, financing options, your founder team, and valid proof of concept. One week will be organized by UnternehmerTUM and focus on market opportunities and your hypotheses, one by IESE Business School with a focus on finance and investors’ perspectives, and two weeks by Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg and other partners on the healthcare market, pitch practice and stakeholder videos. At the end of the programme, you’ll have had taken part in three pitch events in front of investors and experts.
Further information about the EIT Health MedTech Bootcamp
From Scientists to Innovators for Industry / SciFi is a 3-month blended-learning program consisting of online modules (with 7 basic modules and 3 industry-specific modules), webinars, mentoring sessions and rounded off by three events (kick-off, mid-program and final event).
Further Information about the blended-learning program
The Digital Tech Academy is the overarching HUB for digitization and entrepreneurship at the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg. It is embedded into the university department of strategic planning S-Outreach as ‘Knowledge and Technology Transfer’ which is the single point of contact for Spin-off services, joint r&d projects, IP management, continuing education and event management.
Further information about the Digital Tech Academy
EXISTENCY is a joint project of the Ansbach University of Applied Sciences, the Technical University of Nuremberg and the Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nuremberg to promote start-ups at universities. The project is funded by the EXIST-Potentiale program of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy.
Further information about EXISTENCY