I am doing research in the field of open and service innovation. One focus is to analyse how physical and digital platforms must be designed to foster service ecosystems and networks. The topic of how to integrate different disciplines, e.g. medical engineering, digital health, but also education and retailing into such platforms and spaces to innovate services, is highly relevant.
Research projects
Build future of service research and service innovation in German research landscape (DL2030, DF2, OSL) – Analyse smart service development processes and service ecosystems (smarthappps) – Designing platforms and spaces for service innovation (Josephs).
Strengthening the resilience of value creation networks through competence pooling
(Third Party Funds Group – Sub project)
Overall project: Konzipierung von Kompetenzdepots Term: 1. January 2025 - 31. December 2027 Funding source: BMBF / Verbundprojekt
In the automotive, IT/semiconductor and smart infrastructure sectors in particular, supply bottlenecks, natural disasters, political instability or pandemics can lead to the complete collapse of value creation networks. Until now, there has been a lack of ability to quickly and flexibly deploy critical skills that are needed at short notice in crisis situations. For example, if maritime transport is disrupted, competences are needed to change transport routes, or expertise to negotiate emergency contracts. Together with partners from the sectors, the project is developing solutions on how to pool competences in a network with other actors.
ResiKomp aims to increase the resilience of value networks by procuring the necessary competences through digital competence pooling. Competence pools are digital points of contact for companies to identify critical competences in specific sectors, simulate crisis scenarios and their potential impact using, for example, AI algorithms, and develop mechanisms and specific actions to provide and procure the necessary competences in response to potential disruptions. Platform- or community-based approaches will enable companies to access critical competences across their network in crisis situations. This includes mechanisms to ensure a balance between trust and competition, hidden competence monopolies and risk mitigation mechanisms.
The project idea is characterized by the cross-network bundling of several necessary pillars for the provision and procurement of competences in crisis situations. These pillars provide tools for identifying, simulating and exchanging critical competences. In the future, a community of practice, leveling options for networks and operator concepts for digital competence pools will emerge.
Wi1 is scientifically supporting the "Next Big Thing" project of UVEX SAFETY GROUP GmbH & Co. KG. The aim of the project is to design a work organisation in the areas of people, methods and business processes within the next year in such a way that radical innovations are fundamentally possible. Based on the joint previous experience from the "SmartHaPSSS" project, the chair can provide scientific support for the project. The scientific support focuses on the methodological and conceptual support of the project processes and content as well as an accompanying evaluation of the individual work steps, which enables a qualitative assessment of the implemented measures and a comparison of the development over time. On the one hand, the methodological and conceptual support of the project processes and content regularly provides impetus for the conception and implementation as well as for the achievement of the strategic goals of UVEX SAFETY GROUP GmbH & Co. KG.
SHAPE zielt darauf ab, skalierbare Ansätze zur Etablierung von Dienstleistungsökosystemen für KMU, öffentliche Einrichtungen und andere Akteure zu entwickeln. Dies beinhaltet die iterative und datenbasierte Entwicklung von Dienstleistungsinnovationen, die flexible Ressourcenallokation, die Anpassung der Akteursbeziehungen und die digitale Transformation dieser Ökosysteme. Durch den Aufbau einer Hub-Struktur und die Einbindung von Multiplikatoren sollen diese Ansätze digital zugänglich gemacht und bei der Umsetzung unterstützt werden. Das Projekt SHAPE erforscht Mechanismen zur dynamischen Ressourcenallokation und agilen Rekombination von Akteursbeziehungen, um einen allgemeinen Ansatz zu entwickeln, der in verschiedenen Domänen anwendbar ist. Durch die Automatisierung der Auswahl und Kombination von Kompetenzen und Ressourcen soll eine skalierbare Methodik für Dienstleistungsinnovationen in Ökosystemen entwickelt werden, die kundenorientiert und auf verschiedene Branchen anwendbar ist.
Orchestrating services – Development and piloting in service ecosystems
(Third Party Funds Group – Sub project)
Overall project: Service orchestration - development and piloting in ecosystems Term: 1. January 2024 - 31. December 2026 Funding source: Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF)
The research project SHAPE aspires to foster data-driven service innovations, which offer substantial benefits for the transformation and resilience of the German economy. Customer-specific, data-driven services increasingly require the cooperation of several actors, who have the required know-how, methodological expertise and resources. As a result, value co-creation is increasingly taking place in ecosystems. Hence, during the project period, the SHAPE hub is to be developed as a vehicle to orchestrate actors and resources and provide them with a set of methods that they can use for data-driven service innovations in ecosystems. The aim is to develop scalable approaches for establishing service ecosystems for SMEs, public institutions and other stakeholders.
The research project investigates how theresilience of municipalities can be improved by orchestrating citizen-driveninnovation. Through the transdisciplinary involvement of civil society, municipalities can benefit from innovation impulses or hand over parts of theinnovation process to civil society to be more agile in responding to crisesand challenges, while at the same time enabling civil society to participatemore by strengthening its own capacities. The aim is therefore to explore howan open digital innovation platform for municipalities should be designed sothat innovators from civil society can organize themselves there at a lowthreshold to jointly develop solutions in crisis situations (possibly incooperation with the municipality). As the problem areas of socio-environmentalchallenges in the context of sustainability (e.g. mobility, climate change,food supply, local recreation, housing, or education) in urban contexts tend torequire a regional level in the sense of subsidiarity, another focus of theproject is the interweaving of urban and rural areas as socially andfunctionally complementary spaces for the common good. In the design andprovision of such a platform, the project also considers issues of dataprotection and the provision of such a platform, e.g. as a public service.Through the permanent and sustainable establishment of a digital platform fornetworking civil society actors in urban-rural constellations, the project aimsto support municipalities in orchestrating citizen-driven innovations and tostrengthen the resilience of a municipality's society and its spatial interdependencies.
Digital Transformation as a core driver influences service offerings and business models, as well as organisation, collaboration and forms of human labour. The ability to shape digital services has the potential to be a key competence in this new idea of value creation. There is already a trend of technical innovations like Artificial Intelligence (AI) or the Internet of Things (IoT) being applied in digital services. More over, digitalisation offers new ways of interaction between provider and user in addition to the possibility of co-creating services.
The research project “DL2030” identifies major R&D requirements and approaches to address these. The focus is thereby on technology orientated service systems with high customer value. These systems lead the way towards a competitive German economy. By these measures, the position of service research as a stand-alone scientific field is strengthened. Strategic research directions, potentials and requirements are enforced. The research roadmap, created during the project, is a foundational element for future research emphases in service research. With these goals DL2030 is also supporting the High-Tech-Strategy 2025 of the German government.
Sengewald, T., & Roth, A. (2024). Actors’ Roles in Citizen-driven Innovation. In Proceedings of the ISPIM Connects Osaka – Connecting and Empowering Society. Osaka, Japan, JP.
Meyer, P., Roth, A., Gutknecht, K., & Möslein, K. (2023). Potentiale von Servicerobotern am Point of Sale. In Sara D'Onofrio, Stefan Meinhardt (Hrg.), Robotik in der Wirtschaftsinformatik. (S. 225–246). Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien.
Daiberl, C., & Roth, A. (2020). Driving Service Productivity of Open Innovation Labs. In Albrecht Fritzsche, Julia M. Jonas, Angela Roth and Kathrin M. Möslein (Eds.), Innovating in the Open Lab. (pp. 165–182). Berlin: De Gruyter Oldenbourg.
Fritzsche, A., Jonas, J., Roth, A., & Möslein, K. (Eds.) (2020). Innovating in the Open Lab. Berlin: De Gruyter Oldenbourg.
Fritzsche, A., Jonas, J., Roth, A., & Möslein, K. (2020). Preface. In Albrecht Fritzsche, Julia M. Jonas, Angela Roth, Kathrin M. Möslein (Eds.), Innovating in the Open Lab. (pp. VII-X).
Höckmayr, B., Roth, A., Genenning, S.M., Boukhris, A., Möslein, K., Kalb, D.,... Mittelstädt, S. (2020). Die systematische Entwicklung von Servicesystemen im digitalen Zeitalter – Ein Fakten-basierter Ansatz. In Beverungen D., Schumann J.H., Stich V., Strina G. (Eds.), Dienstleistungsinnovationen durch Digitalisierung - Geschäftsmodelle – Methoden – Umsetzungsbeispiele. (pp. 227-275). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Gabler.
I am doing research in the field of open and service innovation. One focus is to analyse how physical and digital platforms must be designed to foster service ecosystems and networks. The topic of how to integrate different disciplines, e.g. medical engineering, digital health, but also education and retailing into such platforms and spaces to innovate services, is highly relevant.
Research projects
Build future of service research and service innovation in German research landscape (DL2030, DF2, OSL) – Analyse smart service development processes and service ecosystems (smarthappps) – Designing platforms and spaces for service innovation (Josephs).
Strengthening the resilience of value creation networks through competence pooling
(Third Party Funds Group – Sub project)
Term: 1. January 2025 - 31. December 2027
Funding source: BMBF / Verbundprojekt
In the automotive, IT/semiconductor and smart infrastructure sectors in particular, supply bottlenecks, natural disasters, political instability or pandemics can lead to the complete collapse of value creation networks. Until now, there has been a lack of ability to quickly and flexibly deploy critical skills that are needed at short notice in crisis situations. For example, if maritime transport is disrupted, competences are needed to change transport routes, or expertise to negotiate emergency contracts. Together with partners from the sectors, the project is developing solutions on how to pool competences in a network with other actors.
ResiKomp aims to increase the resilience of value networks by procuring the necessary competences through digital competence pooling. Competence pools are digital points of contact for companies to identify critical competences in specific sectors, simulate crisis scenarios and their potential impact using, for example, AI algorithms, and develop mechanisms and specific actions to provide and procure the necessary competences in response to potential disruptions. Platform- or community-based approaches will enable companies to access critical competences across their network in crisis situations. This includes mechanisms to ensure a balance between trust and competition, hidden competence monopolies and risk mitigation mechanisms.
The project idea is characterized by the cross-network bundling of several necessary pillars for the provision and procurement of competences in crisis situations. These pillars provide tools for identifying, simulating and exchanging critical competences. In the future, a community of practice, leveling options for networks and operator concepts for digital competence pools will emerge.
"Next Big Thing“ at UVEX SAFETY GROUP GmbH & Co. KG
(Third Party Funds Single)
Funding source: Industrie
Wi1 is scientifically supporting the "Next Big Thing" project of UVEX SAFETY GROUP GmbH & Co. KG. The aim of the project is to design a work organisation in the areas of people, methods and business processes within the next year in such a way that radical innovations are fundamentally possible. Based on the joint previous experience from the "SmartHaPSSS" project, the chair can provide scientific support for the project. The scientific support focuses on the methodological and conceptual support of the project processes and content as well as an accompanying evaluation of the individual work steps, which enables a qualitative assessment of the implemented measures and a comparison of the development over time. On the one hand, the methodological and conceptual support of the project processes and content regularly provides impetus for the conception and implementation as well as for the achievement of the strategic goals of UVEX SAFETY GROUP GmbH & Co. KG.
Dienstleistungsorchestrierung – Entwicklung und Pilotierung in Ökosystemen
(Third Party Funds Group – Overall project)
Funding source: Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF)
SHAPE zielt darauf ab, skalierbare Ansätze zur Etablierung von Dienstleistungsökosystemen für KMU,
öffentliche Einrichtungen und andere Akteure zu entwickeln. Dies beinhaltet die iterative und
datenbasierte Entwicklung von Dienstleistungsinnovationen, die flexible Ressourcenallokation, die
Anpassung der Akteursbeziehungen und die digitale Transformation dieser Ökosysteme. Durch den
Aufbau einer Hub-Struktur und die Einbindung von Multiplikatoren sollen diese Ansätze digital
zugänglich gemacht und bei der Umsetzung unterstützt werden.
Das Projekt SHAPE erforscht Mechanismen zur dynamischen Ressourcenallokation und agilen
Rekombination von Akteursbeziehungen, um einen allgemeinen Ansatz zu entwickeln, der in
verschiedenen Domänen anwendbar ist. Durch die Automatisierung der Auswahl und Kombination von
Kompetenzen und Ressourcen soll eine skalierbare Methodik für Dienstleistungsinnovationen in
Ökosystemen entwickelt werden, die kundenorientiert und auf verschiedene Branchen anwendbar ist.
Orchestrating services – Development and piloting in service ecosystems
(Third Party Funds Group – Sub project)
Term: 1. January 2024 - 31. December 2026
Funding source: Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF)
The research project SHAPE aspires to foster data-driven service innovations, which offer substantial benefits for the transformation and resilience of the German economy. Customer-specific, data-driven services increasingly require the cooperation of several actors, who have the required know-how, methodological expertise and resources. As a result, value co-creation is increasingly taking place in ecosystems. Hence, during the project period, the SHAPE hub is to be developed as a vehicle to orchestrate actors and resources and provide them with a set of methods that they can use for data-driven service innovations in ecosystems. The aim is to develop scalable approaches for establishing service ecosystems for SMEs, public institutions and other stakeholders.
Resilience by orchestrating citizen-driven innovation through digital platforms in urban-rural constellations
(Third Party Funds Group – Overall project)
Funding source: andere Förderorganisation
URL: https://www.bidt.digital/forschungsprojekt/resilienz-durch-burgergetriebene-innovation-mithilfe-digitaler-plattformen/
The research project investigates how theresilience of municipalities can be improved by orchestrating citizen-driveninnovation. Through the transdisciplinary involvement of civil society, municipalities can benefit from innovation impulses or hand over parts of theinnovation process to civil society to be more agile in responding to crisesand challenges, while at the same time enabling civil society to participatemore by strengthening its own capacities. The aim is therefore to explore howan open digital innovation platform for municipalities should be designed sothat innovators from civil society can organize themselves there at a lowthreshold to jointly develop solutions in crisis situations (possibly incooperation with the municipality). As the problem areas of socio-environmentalchallenges in the context of sustainability (e.g. mobility, climate change,food supply, local recreation, housing, or education) in urban contexts tend torequire a regional level in the sense of subsidiarity, another focus of theproject is the interweaving of urban and rural areas as socially andfunctionally complementary spaces for the common good. In the design andprovision of such a platform, the project also considers issues of dataprotection and the provision of such a platform, e.g. as a public service.Through the permanent and sustainable establishment of a digital platform fornetworking civil society actors in urban-rural constellations, the project aimsto support municipalities in orchestrating citizen-driven innovations and tostrengthen the resilience of a municipality's society and its spatial interdependencies.
Digital services as a success factor for the future of value creation
(Third Party Funds Single)
Funding source: Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF)
Digital Transformation as a core driver influences service offerings and business models, as well as organisation, collaboration and forms of human labour. The ability to shape digital services has the potential to be a key competence in this new idea of value creation. There is already a trend of technical innovations like Artificial Intelligence (AI) or the Internet of Things (IoT) being applied in digital services. More over, digitalisation offers new ways of interaction between provider and user in addition to the possibility of co-creating services.
The research project “DL2030” identifies major R&D requirements and approaches to address these. The focus is thereby on technology orientated service systems with high customer value. These systems lead the way towards a competitive German economy. By these measures, the position of service research as a stand-alone scientific field is strengthened. Strategic research directions, potentials and requirements are enforced. The research roadmap, created during the project, is a foundational element for future research emphases in service research. With these goals DL2030 is also supporting the High-Tech-Strategy 2025 of the German government.
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