Prof. Dr. Ben Fabry

Department of Physics

We study the mechanical behavior (such as stiffness, force generation and movements) of cells, tissue, and whole organisms, to help better understand mechanical aspects of diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular, musculoskeletal or inflammatory disorders.

Research projects

  • Cancer and immune cell biomechanics
  • Bioartificial muscle
  • 3-D Tumor models for studying mechanisms of metastasis Formation
  • Novel hydrogels for tissue engineering and biofabrication
  • Measurement of cell mechanical properties as a diagnostic marker
  • Development of bioartificial skeletal and cardiac muscle tissues
  • Mechanisms of immune cell migration and invasion

  • EXIST-Forschungstransfer - BreatheAssist ist ein neuartiges Intensiv-Beatmungsgerät, das es Patienten erlaubt, frühzeitig wieder selbst zu atmen und drängende Probleme wie Desynchronisation, unnatürliche Atemarbeit und geräteinduzierte Lungenschäden vermeiden soll. Dies ermöglicht damit erstmals eine maximal lungenschonendeSpontanatmung.

    (Third Party Funds Single)

    Term: 1. June 2024 - 31. May 2027
    Funding source: Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz (BMWK)






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