Research in material development, design, and innovative processing of polymer materials. The research focus is Lightweight structures, Additive Manufacturing, Polymers in electric/electronic and medical applications, and machine elements.
Research projects
Functional (Bio)Polymers
Additive Manufacturing
Fiber-reinforced plastics
Polymer Bonded Magnets
Tribology and polymeric machine elements
Current projects
Verbesserte Simulationsansätze und Entwicklung neuartiger Feedstockmaterialien für den metallischen Pulverspritzguss
(Third Party Funds Single)
Term: 1. September 2024 - 31. August 2026Funding source: Bayerische Forschungsstiftung
Synthetic Molecular Communications Across Different Scales: From Theory to Experiments
(Third Party Funds Group – Overall project)
Analyse des Fließverhaltens wärmeleitfähiger Duroplaste im Spritzgießverfahren
(Third Party Funds Single)
Term: 1. May 2023 - 31. October 2025Funding source: DFG-Einzelförderung / Sachbeihilfe (EIN-SBH)
Hochpräzise Bipolarplatten im dynamisch temperierten Spritzprägen
(Third Party Funds Single)
Term: since 1. January 2023Funding source: DFG-Einzelförderung / Sachbeihilfe (EIN-SBH)
Um die dringend notwendigen Kosten- und Lebensdauervorteile der Kunststoffe im Vergleich zu metallischen Werkstoffen für die Anwendung der Bipolarplatten zu erschließen, sind hohe Füllstoffgehalte zur Erzielung ausreichend hoher elektrischer Leitfähigkeit notwendig. Derart modifizierte Thermoplastschmelzen zeigen jedoch aufgrund einer deutlich erhöhten Viskosität sowie des negativen Effekts erhöhter Schmelzewärmeleitfähigkeit ein verschlechtertes Abbildungs- und Formfüllungsverhalten. Dies resultiert in Limitationen in den möglichen Dickenabmessungen sowie der Abformung feiner Kanalstrukturen bisheriger Bipolarplattengeometrien im Spritzgussprozess. Da die Ausgangsspannung pro Zelle lediglich max. 1,23 V beträgt, sind für höhere Spannungen mehrere in Reihe geschaltete Zellen erforderlich, was bei dickeren Bipolarplatten aus Kunststoff-Compound darüber hinaus erheblich größere Bauraumvolumina und Kosten verursacht. Die daher angestrebte Reduktion der Plattendicke kann nur bedingt durch höhere Einspritzgeschwindigkeiten und Werkzeugtemperaturen im Spritzgussprozess erreicht werden, da dies aufgrund des verringerten Fließquerschnitts unabhängig von der Art der Werkzeugtemperaturführung in zu hohem Druckbedarf während der Füllung sowie inhomogenen Druck- und Temperaturfeldern über den Fließweg resultiert. Dies zeigt sich auf Bauteilebene in einer verschlechterten, fließwegabhängigen Maßhaltigkeit und Abformgenauigkeit der Kanalstrukturen. Neben Abbildungsproblemen zeigen hochgefüllte Kunststoffbauteile auch ein ausgeprägt richtungsabhängiges mechanisches und elektrisches Bauteilverhalten, welches maßgeblich von den Temperatur-Druck-Scherbedingungen im Prozess bestimmt wird. Ziel des Projekts ist daher der Erkenntnistransfer der analytischen und experimentellen Auslegung der benötigten Zeit-Temperatur-Druck-Scherbedingungen im dynamisch temperierten Spritzprägen zur Realisierung von dünnwandigen und hochgefüllten Bipolarplatten mit höchstmöglicher Maßhaltigkeit und Abformgenauigkeit der Kanalstrukturen bei gleichzeitig optimierten elektrischen und mechanischen Eigenschaften. Hierbei soll die Fließfähigkeit der Kunststoffschmelze während des Urformprozesses durch die dynamische Werkzeugtemperaturführung aufrechterhalten werden. Die Kombination dieser modernen Verfahrensstrategie mit einem Prägeprozess erlaubt die flächige Nachdruckwirkung und Realisierung hoher Plattenaspektverhältnisse bei gleichzeitig höchstmöglicher Maßhaltigkeit und Abformgenauigkeit der Kanalstrukturen über den Fließweg. Durch die Kontrolle von Temperatur und Druck sowie die indirekte Einflussnahme auf die Scherung im Prozess können die bestehenden Kenntnisse zur prozessseitigen Beeinflussung elektrischer und mechanischer Bauteileigenschaften zudem in den Fertigungsprozess des dynamisch temperierten Spritzprägens übersetzt werden, um das Werkstoffpotential optimal auszunutzen.
Textile Recycling Excellence
(Third Party Funds Group – Sub project)
Overall project: Textile Recycling EXcellenceTerm: 31. May 2022 - 31. May 2025Funding source: Europäische Union (EU)
Less than 1 % of materials used to produce clothing is recycled into new clothing. From January 2025, a directive requires 27 Member States to implement a separate household textile waste collection scheme and comply with rising minimum recycling objectives. Legislation is not enough to deal with the issue. Creating a circular system for post-consumer textile waste faces many challenges, including a lack of EU-wide standards for collecting and sorting textile waste across countries, inaccurate composition claims, variable material quality and a lack of reliable data across value chain stakeholders. The EU-funded T-REX project aims to demonstrate how household textile waste can become a new feedstock and business model for the textile industry by engaging key actors across the entire value chain.
Keramische Schaumstoffmaterialien für erhöhte Bauteilfunktionalitäten und ressourceneffiziente Produktionsprozesse; Teilvorhaben: Erforschung von Keramikfeedstocks zur Herstellung poröser Keramikstrukturen mit Hilfe thermoplastischer Formgebungsverfahren
(Third Party Funds Single)
Term: 1. April 2022 - 31. March 2025Funding source: Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Technologie (BMWi)
Funktion by Desgin: Cellular Hybrids - Eine Route zur Biologisierung der Materialwissenschaften
(Third Party Funds Single)
Term: 1. January 2021 - 31. December 2025Funding source: Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst (StMWK) (seit 2018)
Mechanical joining without auxiliary elements
(Third Party Funds Group – Sub project)
Overall project: Method development for mechanical joinability in versatile process chains
Term: 1. July 2019 - 30. June 2027
Funding source: DFG / Sonderforschungsbereich / Transregio (SFB / TRR)
The aim of this project is to conduct fundamental scientific research into joining without auxiliary element using metallic pin structures produced by forming technology, which are pressed into the joining partner or caulked after insertion into a perforated joining partner, and the joint properties that can be achieved with this. This includes the development of a fundamental understanding of the acting mechanisms with a focus on feasibility in phase 1, the optimisation of the pin structure with regard to geometry and arrangement as well as the joining process for the targeted adjustment of joining properties in phase 2 and the transferability of the technology to an extended range of applications in phase 3. The aim in phase 1 is therefore to develop a fundamental understanding of the extrusion of defined metallic pin geometries from the sheet plane using local material accumulation in order to be able to determine local changes in the material properties, such as strength. Simultaneously, different process control strategies for joining metal and FRP as well as different metals will be fundamentally researched and process windows will be derived.In the case of FRP, various process routes will be investigated with a focus on fibre-friendly injection of the pin structures or hole forming for caulking of the pin structures without delamination of the FRP. Ultrasound, vibration, infrared radiation or combinations of these methods are used to melt the matrix with the goal of identifying suitable process routes and generating an understanding of the mechanisms at work. Based on the findings of the pin manufacturing and the results regarding the joining processes, a fundamental understanding of the process will be developed, which will allow the further development of the pin geometry and the definition of suitable simple, regular pin arrangements and dimensions in the next step. In order to meet the different requirements of the pin manufacturing process and the joining method, the adaptability of the tool and joining technology is essential. Accordingly, the adaptation on the tool side and the specific process control during pin production will be investigated in order to demonstrate the possible variations. In addition, the adaptability of the joining operation will be achieved by adapting the process control, especially in the case of metal-FRP joints, in order to react to different conditions, such as the fibre layer and layer structure of the FRP. Finally, the direction-dependent joint properties and the application behaviour of the multi-material joints joined with the developed pin geometries will be characterised and evaluated depending on the pin dimensioning and arrangement in order to identify the decisive influencing factors on the joint properties.
Recent publications
Detsch, R., Schlicht, S., Nawaz, Q., Boccaccini, A.R., & Drummer, D. (2025). Process-Dependent Variations in the Proliferation of Myoblasts, Fibroblasts and Chondrocytes on Laser-Sintered Polypropylene . Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials , 113 (2).
Drummer, D., & Schlicht, S. (2025). Mechanisms, strategies and materials in support-free low temperature powder bed fusion . In Proceedings of the ANTEC 2025 . Philadelphia, PA, US.
Roumeliotis, P., Schlicht, S., & Drummer, D. (2025). Intumescent, catalyzed flame retardant systems for polyamide‐based powder bed fusion . Journal of Vinyl & Additive Technology .
Rösel, U., & Drummer, D. (2025). Influence of Application Conditions on the Magnetic Properties of Recycled Polymer-Bonded Magnets Based on Thermoplastics and Ferrite-Based Fillers . Recycling .
Rösel, U., & Drummer, D. (2025). Prozess- und werkstoffbedingte Verarbeitungsgrenzen thermoplastisch amorpher Dünnwandbauteile . In Proceedings of the VDI Fachtagung Spritzgießen .
Schlicht, S., Wesinger, M., Kaufmann, A., Fischer, D., & Drummer, D. (2025). Multiscale polyethylene fiber – bacterial nanocellulose composites through combined laser fusion and bacterial in situ synthesis . International Polymer Processing .
Cholewa, S., Forstner, T., & Drummer, D. (2024). β-Modification in heterogeneous polypropylene for laser-based powder bed fusion of polymers . Progress in Additive Manufacturing .
Cholewa, S., Jaksch, A., & Drummer, D. (2024). Polypropylene in laser-based powder bed fusion of polymers . In PROCEEDINGS OF THE 38TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF THE POLYMER PROCESSING SOCIETY (PPS-38) . St. Gallen, CH: AIP Publishing.
Cholewa, S., Jaksch, A., & Drummer, D. (2024). Tailored Microstructure in Laser-Based Powder Bed Fusion of Polymers . In Annual Technical Conference - ANTEC, Conference Proceedings . St. Louis, MO, USA: Society of Plastics Engineers.
Forstner, T., Cholewa, S., & Drummer, D. (2024). Enhanced Feedstock Processability for the Indirect Additive Manufacturing of Metals by Material Extrusion through Ethylene–Propylene Copolymer Modification . Polymers , 16 (18).
Forstner, T., Cholewa, S., & Drummer, D. (2024). Influence of wax addition on feedstock processing behavior in additive manufacturing of metals by material extrusion . Progress in Additive Manufacturing .
Forstner, T., & Drummer, D. (2024). Continuous production of cellular ceramics through thermoplastic foam extrusion . In Proceedings of the SPE ANTEC 2024 . St. Louis, Missouri, US.
Forstner, T., & Drummer, D. (2024). Understanding chemical foaming of highly filled ceramic feedstocks for injection molding . In PROCEEDINGS OF THE 38TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF THE POLYMER PROCESSING SOCIETY (PPS-38) . St. Gallen, CH: AIP Publishing.
Kaufmann, A., Schlicht, S., Rösel, U., & Drummer, D. (2024). Adhesion‐controlled anisotropic rotational molding of multilayered ultrasoft silicone films . Polymer Engineering and Science .
Li, S., Wu, W., Drummer, D., Tomiak, F., Wang, Y., Lu, Z., & Zhao, X. (2024). Copper Modified Boron Nitride And Graphene Combined To Self-Assemble Three-Dimensional Thermal Conductivity Framework to Improve the Thermal Conductivity of Epoxy Resin . Applied Composite Materials .
Lindbüchl, M., & Drummer, D. (2024). Local integration of electrically conductive paths using an in situ x-y positioning system in selective laser sintering . In Edith Perret (Eds.), AIP Conference Proceedings . St. Gallen, CHE: American Institute of Physics.
Ma, Z., Jiang, B., Drummer, D., & Zhang, L. (2024). Composite electroforming of precision Ni-P-PTFE mold inserts with low internal stress and self-lubricating properties . Surface & Coatings Technology , 494 .
Ma, Z., Jiang, B., Drummer, D., & Zhang, L. (2024). Influence of phosphorous acid concentration on the self-lubricating properties of electroformed Ni-P-PTFE ternary composites . Surface & Coatings Technology , 477 .
Popp, J., & Drummer, D. (2024). Influence of the Textile Reinforcement on the Joint Formation of Pin-Joined Composite/Metal Parts . Applied Composite Materials .
Popp, J., & Drummer, D. (2024). Investigation of different process routes for joining thermoplastic composite/steel joints via the embedding of cold formed metallic pin structures . Journal of Advanced Joining Processes , 10 .
Romeis, M., Ehrngruber, M., & Drummer, D. (2024). Investigation of the effects of energy density in Laser Sintering of polypropylene on morphological and dielectric properties for high-frequency antennas . In Michael Schmidt, C.B. Arnold, K. Wudy (Eds.), Procedia CIRP (pp. 257-260). Furth, DEU: Elsevier B.V..
Romeis, M., Ehrngruber, M., & Drummer, D. (2024). Laser-Sintering of Cyclic Olefine Copolymer for Low Dielectric Loss Applications . Polymers , 16 (12).
Rothammer, B., Feile, K., Werner, S., Frank, R., Bartz, M., Wartzack, S.,... Marian, M. (2024). Ti3C2Tx-UHMWPE nanocomposites—Towards an enhanced wear-resistance of biomedical implants . Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A , 1 -15.
Rösel, U., & Drummer, D. (2024). Changes in Material Behavior according to the Amount of Recycled Magnetic Materials in Polymer-Bonded Magnets Based on Thermoplastics . Magnetism , 4 , 1-23.
Rösel, U., & Drummer, D. (2024). Evaluation of a Recycling Strategy for Polymer-Bonded Magnets Based on Thermosets . Recycling , 9 , 81.
Rösel, U., & Drummer, D. (2024). Influence of Different Filler Systems on the Thermal Conductivity and Mechanical Properties of Thermosets . Polymers , 16 , 2917.
Rösel, U., & Drummer, D. (2024). The Influence of the Design and Technological Parameters of Polymer-Based Multipolar Magnets with SrFeO Hard Magnetic Filler on the Residual Magnetic Properties . Magnetism .
Schlicht, S., Campbell, J.C., Weber, A.C., Westhoff, J., Volodkin, D., Fischer, D.,... Vikulina, A. (2024). Vaterite-based in situ surface modification and process-dependent biocompatibility of laser sintered polypropylene . Journal of Materials Research and Technology .
Schlicht, S., Detsch, R., Nawaz, Q., Boccaccini, A.R., & Drummer, D. (2024, September). Process- and topography-related cell viability on laser sintered polypropylene . Poster presentation at 8th China-Europe Symposium on Biomaterials in Regenerative Medicine, Nürnberg, DE.
Schlicht, S., & Drummer, D. (2024). Geometry-induced process and part characteristics in support-free powder bed fusion of polypropylene at room temperature . Progress in Additive Manufacturing , 9 (2).
Schlicht, S., & Drummer, D. (2024). Laser-Based Additive Manufacturing of Polypropylene-Agarose Composites: Processing Properties and Compressive Mechanical Properties . In Proceedings of the 38th International Conference of the Polymer Processing Society (PPS-38) . St. Gallen, CH: College Park, Maryland: American Institut of Physics.
Schlicht, S., & Drummer, D. (2024). Layer-dependent temperature evolution and cooling kinetics in non-isothermal Powder Bed Fusion of polypropylene . Procedia CIRP , 124 , 261-264.
Schlicht, S., Gabriel, C., & Drummer, D. (2024). Low temperature powder bed fusion of polyamide 6: transient process characteristics and process-dependent part properties . Progress in Additive Manufacturing .
Schlicht, S., Kaufmann, A., Kleffel, T., & Drummer, D. (2024). Biomechanische Metamaterialien – Prozesse, Möglichkeiten und Perspektiven . In Tagungsband 38. Engelberger Kunststofftechnisches Seminar 2024 . Engelberg, CH.
Schlicht, S., Kaufmann, A., Tur, B., Kniesburges, S., & Drummer, D. (2024). Highly dynamic rotational molding of thin-walled larynx models for fluid dynamic modelling . In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Voice Physiology and Biomechanics . Erlangen, DE.
Schlicht, S., Wesinger, M., Kaufmann, A., Rösel, U., Fischer, D., & Drummer, D. (2024). Multiscale polyethylene fiber - nanocellulose fiber composites through laser fusion and bacterial in situ synthesis . In Proceedings of the Conference of the Polymer Processing Society 2024 . Ferrol, ES.
Semmler, M., Eckhardt, M., Heinrich, A., Tur, B., Wolfsteiner, S., Schlicht, S.,... Döllinger, M. (2024). Rheological Analysis of Saliva Samples and its Influence on Voice Quality in Ectodermal Dysplasia . In Proceedings of the 29th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics . Edinburgh, GB.
Tischer, F., Cholewa, S., Groppe, P., Granath, T., Düsenberg, B., Mandel, K.,... Schmidt, J. (2024). Magnetic polyamide 11 powder for the powder bed fusion process by liquid-liquid phase separation and crystallization . Additive Manufacturing , 88 .
Tur, B., Gühring, L., Wendler, O., Schlicht, S., Drummer, D., Schützenberger, A., & Kniesburges, S. (2024). Vibratory Response of an Adaptive Synthetic Larynx Model . In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Voice Physiology and Biomechanics . Erlangen, DE.
Zhang, L., Yang, D., Ma, Z., Deng, Z., Li, Z., Drummer, D., & Jiang, B. (2024). Pulse current electroforming of Ni-PTFE nanocomposite mold insert with long-lifetime and anti-adhesive properties . Electrochimica Acta , 491 .
Zhao, X., Wu, W., Drummer, D., Wang, Y., Liu, C., Li, S., & Lu, Z. (2024). Interlayer growth of SiC nanowires in graphene aerogel for thermal conductivity enhancement of epoxy resin and its mechanism . Polymer Composites , 45 (5), 4513-4523.
Baumgärtner, B., Rothfelder, R., Greiner, S., Breuning, C., Renner, J., Schmidt, M.,... Hausotte, T. (2023). Evaluation of Additively-Manufactured Internal Geometrical Features Using X-ray-Computed Tomography . Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing .
Cholewa, S., Jaksch, A., & Drummer, D. (2023). Analysis of Flow Additives in Laser-Based Powder Bed Fusion of Polymers: Implications for Flow
Behavior, Processing, Temperature Profile, and Part Characteristics . In Proceedings of the Solid Freeform Fabrication 2023: Proceeding of the 34th Annual International Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium (pp. 10).
Cholewa, S., Jaksch, A., & Drummer, D. (2023). Flame-retardant Polyamide 6 for Powder Bed Fusion of Polymers . In Michael Kynast, Michael Eichmann, Gerd Witt (Eds.), Proceedings of the 19th Rapid.Tech 3D Conference . Erfurt, DE: Hanser.
Cholewa, S., Jaksch, A., & Drummer, D. (2023). Structure Development of Semi-crystalline Polymers in Laser Based Powder Bed Fusion . In Proceedings of the Antec 2023 . Denver, Colorado, US.
Cholewa, S., Stieglitz, L., Jaksch, A., Rieger, B., & Drummer, D. (2023). Tailored Syndiotactic Polypropylene Feedstock Material for Laser-Based Powder Bed Fusion of Polymers: Material Development and Processability . ACS Applied Polymer Materials .
Dong, Y., Jiang, B., Drummer, D., & Zhang, L. (2023). Mass transfer characteristics at cathode/electrolyte interface during electrodeposition of nickel microcolumns with various aspect ratios . Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering , 33 (10).
Dong, Y., Jiang, B., Qiang, J., Ma, Z., Drummer, D., & Zhang, L. (2023). Tuning formation process of void defects in microcolumn arrays via pulse reverse electrodeposition . Journal of Materials Research and Technology , 24 , 3055-3066.
Drummer, D., Schlicht, S., & Greiner, S. (2023). Additive Manufacturing of Functionalized Material Systems for Medical Applications: Potentials and Challenges in Additive Manufacturing . In Additive Manufacturing in Multidisciplinary Cooperation and Production (pp. 253-263). Maribor, Slowenien, SI: Cham: Springer Publishing AG.
Frank, R., & Drummer, D. (2023). Influence of Tailored Blend Morphology on Resulting Dielectric Properties in PP-Cast Film . In Annual Report - Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, CEIDP . East Rutherford, NJ, USA: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc..
Frank, R., Wittmann, L.-M., Kleffel, T., Roth, B., Graichen, K., & Drummer, D. (2023). Investigating the Integration of Nonwoven Carbon Fibers for Mechanical Enhancement in Compression Molded Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Bipolar Plates . Polymers , 15 (19).
Greiner, S., Schlicht, S., & Drummer, D. (2023). Understanding geometry dependent temperature fields in laser powder bed fusion of PA12 by means of infrared thermal imaging . In Additive Manufacturing in Multidisciplinary Cooperation and Production (pp. 15-23). Maribor, Slowenien, SI: Cham: Springer Publishing AG.
Herzog, C., & Drummer, D. (2023). Influence of the injection molding process on the tooth deflection of plastic gears during operation . (pp. 1435-1448). VDI Verlag GMBH.
Herzog, C., & Drummer, D. (2023). Influence of the injection molding process on the tooth deflection of plastic gears during operation . In VDI Wissensforum GmbH (Eds.), Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on High Performance Plastic Gears 2023 (pp. 1435 - 1448). Garching/ Munich, DE: Düsseldorf: VDI-Verlag GmbH.
Herzog, C., & Drummer, D. (2023). Limitations of the Check Calculation for Tooth Deformation of Plastic Gears According to Gear Design Guideline VDI 2736 . Polymers , 15 (3809).
Herzog, C., & Drummer, D. (2023). Test Rig for The In Situ Measurement of The Elastic Tooth
Deflection of Plastic Gears . Polymers , 15 .
Hesse, N., Jaksch, A., Kaschta, J., Groh, D., Drummer, D., Peukert, W., & Schmidt, J. (2023). From trash to treasure in additive manufacturing: Recycling of polymer powders by acid catalyzed hydrolysis . Additive Manufacturing , 71 .
Jaksch, A., Cholewa, S., & Drummer, D. (2023). Enhancing the Thermal Stability of Polyamide 6 in Powder Bed Fusion via Primary and Secondary
Antioxidant Incorporation . In Proceedings of the Solid Freeform Fabrication 2023: Proceedings of the 34th Annual International
Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium – An Additive Manufacturing Conference .
Jaksch, A., Cholewa, S., & Drummer, D. (2023). Thin-Walled Part Properties in Powder Bed Fusion of Polymers—A Comparative Study on Temperature Development and Part Performance Depending on Part Thickness and Orientation . Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing , 7 (3).
Jiang, B., Dong, Y., Qiang, J., Drummer, D., & ZHANGa, L. (2023). Effect of ion mass transfer and electric field distribution on the formation of void defect in electroformed nickel microcolumns . Electrochemistry , 91 (8).
Köhler, D., Popp, J., Kupfer, R., Troschitz, J., Drummer, D., & Gude, M. (2023). In-Situ Computed Tomography - Analysis of a Single-Lap Shear Test with Composite-Metal Pin Joints . In Journal of Physics: Conference Series . Barcelona, ESP: Institute of Physics.
Li, S., Wu, W., Drummer, D., Wang, Y., Lu, Z., & Zhao, X. (2023). Copper and graphene work together to construct a three-dimensional skeleton thermal conductivity network to improve the thermal conductivity of the epoxy resin . Polymer Composites .
Lotter, S., Brand, L., Jamali, V., Schäfer, M., Loos, H., Unterweger, H.,... Schober, R. (2023). Experimental Research in Synthetic Molecular Communications - Part I . IEEE Nanotechnology Magazine , 1-12.
Lotter, S., Brand, L., Jamali, V., Schäfer, M., Loos, H.M., Unterweger, H.,... Schober, R. (2023). Experimental Research in Synthetic Molecular Communications - Part II . IEEE Nanotechnology Magazine , 1-12.
Lu, Z., Wu, W., Drummer, D., Wang, Y., Liu, C., Li, S., & Zhao, X. (2023). ZnO nanowire-decorated Al2O3/graphene aerogel for improving the thermal conductivity of epoxy composites . Polymer Composites .
Ma, Z., Jiang, B., Dong, Y., Qiang, J., Drummer, D., & Zhang, L. (2023). Electrodeposition model with dynamic ion diffusion coefficients for predicting void defects in electroformed microcolumn arrays . Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics .
Marschall, M., Cholewa, S., Kopp, S.-P., Drummer, D., & Schmidt, M. (2023). Holistic Characterization of PBF-LB/P Powder Regarding Isothermal Crystallization, Rheology and Optical Properties Under Process Conditions . In Igor Drstvensek, Snehashis Pal, Nataša Ihan Hren (Eds.), Additive Manufacturing in Multidisciplinary Cooperation and Production. (pp. 43-52). Cham: Springer.
Natale, R., & Drummer, D. (2023, March). Improving the optical properties of achromatic lenses due to the process conditions . Paper presentation at Scholars 2nd Edition International Conference on Optics, Lasers and Photonics. 2023, London, GB.
Popp, J., Busch, M., Hausotte, T., & Drummer, D. (2023). Fiber Orientation in continuous fiber reinforced thermoplastics/metal hybrid joining via multi-pin arrays . Science and Engineering of Composite Materials , 30 (1).
Popp, J., Wolf, M., & Drummer, D. (2023). Fügen thermoplastischer Faserverbunde über Pin-Strukturen mit variablen Prozessrouten . Werkstoffe in der Fertigung .
Popp, J., Zirngibl, C., Schleich, B., Wartzack, S., & Drummer, D. (2023). Influence of geometrical parameters of conic pin structures in thermoplastic composite/steel hybrid joining . In Marion Merklein, Hinnerk Hagenah, Joost R. Duflou, Livan Fratini, Fabrizio Micari, Paulo Martins, Gerson Meschut (Eds.), Materials Research Proceedings (pp. 117-124). Erlangen, DEU: Association of American Publishers.
Qiang, J., Jiang, B., Dong, Y., Yang, L., Drummer, D., & Zhang, L. (2023). Tuning residual stress in electrodeposited nickel films via pulse current . Surfaces and Interfaces , 40 .
Romeis, M., Ehrngruber, M., & Drummer, D. (2023). Prozessabhängigkeit der dielektrischen Eigenschaften im FFF von COC . In Tagungsband Technomer: . Chemnitz, DE.
Rösel, U., & Drummer, D. (2023). Correlation between the Material System and the Magnetic Properties in Thermoset-Based Multipolar Ring Magnets . Magnetism , 3 , 226-244.
Rösel, U., & Drummer, D. (2023). Extension of the Application Range of Multipolar Bonded Ring Magnets by Thermosets in Comparison to Thermoplastics . Magnetism , 3 , 71-89.
Rösel, U., & Drummer, D. (2023). Rotor-integrierte Dauermagnete – Spritzguss in der Antriebstechnik . In Tagungsband VDI Fachtagung Spritzgießen .
Rösel, U., Kneidl, M., Franke, J., & Drummer, D. (2023). Improving the integrated fabrication of insulation systems in electric drives by injection molding of thermosets due to processing conditions and slot design . Polymers , 1-20.
Schlicht, S., Cholewa, S., & Drummer, D. (2023). Process-Structure-Property Interdependencies in Non-Isothermal Powder Bed Fusion of Polyamide 12 . Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing , 7 (1).
Schlicht, S., & Drummer, D. (2023). Accelerated Powder Bed Fusion of Polypropylene Using Superposed Fractal Exposure Strategies . In Additive Manufacturing in Multidisciplinary Cooperation and Production (pp. 3-14). Maribor, SI: Springer International Publishing AG.
Schlicht, S., & Drummer, D. (2023). Eutectic In Situ Modification of Polyamide 12 Processed through Laser-Based Powder Bed Fusion . Materials , 16 (5).
Schlicht, S., & Drummer, D. (2023). Thermal Intra-Layer Interaction of Discretized Fractal Exposure Strategies in Non-Isothermal Powder Bed Fusion of Polypropylene . In Proceedings of the EMPOrIA - International Joint Conference 2023 . Aachen, DE.
Schlicht, S., & Drummer, D. (2023). Thermal Intra-Layer Interaction of Discretized Fractal Exposure Strategies in Non-Isothermal Powder Bed Fusion of Polypropylene . Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing , 7 (2).
Schneider, K., Kleffel, T., & Drummer, D. (2023). RF Welding of Dielectric Lossless Foam Particles by the Application of a Dielectric Heatable Coating with High Recycling Potential . Polymers , 15 (19).
Schubert, D., Rohrmoser, A., Herzog, C., Wolf, M., Hagenah, H., Merklein, M., & Drummer, D. (2023). Influence of production process-induced surface topologies at varying roughness depths on the tribological properties of polyamide steel contact . Journal of Polymer Engineering , 43 (2), 187-197.
Schubert, D., Wolf, M., & Drummer, D. (2023). Interaction of tool and process design on the mechanical and tribological behaviour of an injection-moulded polyamide-steel gear set . Polymer Testing , 107982.
Tischer, F., Cholewa, S., Düsenberg, B., Drummer, D., Peukert, W., & Schmidt, J. (2023). Polyamide 11 nanocomposite feedstocks for powder bed fusion via liquid-liquid phase separation and crystallization . Powder Technology , 424 .
Tomiak, F., Zitzmann, M., & Drummer, D. (2023). A Multi-Material Flame-Retarding System Based on Expandable Graphite for Glass-Fiber-Reinforced PA6 . Polymers , 15 (20).
Tur, B., Gühring, L., Wendler, O., Schlicht, S., Drummer, D., & Kniesburges, S. (2023). Effect of Ligament Fibers on Dynamics of Synthetic, Self-Oscillating Vocal Folds in a Biomimetic Larynx Model . Bioengineering , 10 (10).
Wagemann, P., Wolf, M., & Drummer, D. (2023). Vibration welding of crosslinked polyethylene . Joining Plastics - Fügen von Kunststoffen , 17 (3-4), 166-173.
Werner, J., & Drummer, D. (2023). Influence of particle geometry and size on the cell morphology of vacuum assisted rotationally molded foam . Cellular Polymers , Online First .
Wolf, M., & Drummer, D. (2023). Structure formation in pin-like joining using vibration welding technology . Journal of Advanced Joining Processes , 100158.
Wolf, M., & Drummer, D. (2023). Structuring step dependent characteristics in joining using pin-like structures in the vibration welding process . International Polymer Processing .
Wolf, M., & Drummer, D. (2023). Verformung pinartiger Strukturen im Fügeprozess zur Erzeugung formschlüssiger Multimaterialverbindungen . Joining Plastics - Fügen von Kunststoffen , 17 (3-4).
Wolf, M., Kleffel, T., & Drummer, D. (2023). Functionalization of series components by joining laser-sintered with injection-molded parts: Weld seam characteristics in vibration welding . Composites and Advanced Materials , 32 .
Yuan, S., Zhou, M., Liu, X., Li, Q., Drummer, D., & Jiang, B. (2023). Investigation of parameters and porous plug enhanced enrichment with field-amplified sample stacking in microchip . Physics of Fluids , 35 (1).
Zhao, X., Wu, W., Drummer, D., Wang, Y., Cui, S., Liu, C.,... Chen, Q. (2023). SiC Nanowires Bridged Graphene Aerogels with a Vertically Aligned Structure for Highly Thermal Conductive Epoxy Resin Composites and Their Mechanism . ACS Applied Electronic Materials .
Cholewa, S., & Drummer, D. (2022). Crystallization behavior under process conditions in Powder Bed Fusion of polymers . In M. Schmidt, F. Vollertsen, B.M. Colosimo (Eds.), Procedia CIRP (pp. 23-27). Erlangen, DEU: Elsevier B.V..
Cholewa, S., & Drummer, D. (2022). Prozessnahe simultane Bestimmung des Kristallisations- und Fließverhaltens von PA 12 im Lasersintern . In Tagungsband Rapid.Tech 3D Druck . Erfurt, DE.
Cholewa, S., Jaksch, A., & Drummer, D. (2022). Coalescence behavior of polyamide 12 as function of zero-shear viscosity and influence on mechanical performance . In Proceedings of the SFF 2022 . Austin, Texas, US.
Drummer, D., Greiner, S., Grützmacher, C., Jiang, F., Kleffel, T., Romeis, M.,... Wolf, M. (2022). Neue Werkstoffe und Prozesse für die additive Fertigung . Jahresmagazin Ingenieurwissenschaften .
Greiner, S., & Drummer, D. (2022). Understanding aspect ratio effects in Laser Powder Bed Fusion of polyamide 12 by means of infrared thermal imaging . In M. Schmidt, F. Vollertsen, B.M. Colosimo (Eds.), Procedia CIRP (pp. 253-256). Erlangen, DE: Elsevier B.V..
Herzog, C., Wolf, M., & Drummer, D. (2022). In Situ Measured Tooth Flank Wear of Plastic Gears under Spectrum Loading . Polymers , 14 , 5239.
Herzog, C., Wolf, M., Schubert, D., & Drummer, D. (2022). In situ investigation of the influence of varying load conditions on tooth deformation and wear of polymer gears . Forschung Im Ingenieurwesen-Engineering Research .
Jaksch, A., Cholewa, S., & Drummer, D. (2022). Understanding geometry dependent part behavior of thin walled structures in powder bed fusion of polymers . In M. Schmidt, F. Vollertsen, B.M. Colosimo (Eds.), Procedia CIRP (pp. 28-32). Erlangen, DEU: Elsevier B.V..
Jaksch, A., Spinola, M., Cholewa, S., Pflug, L., Stingl, M., & Drummer, D. (2022). Thin-Walled Part Properties in PBF-LB/P — Experimental Understanding and Nonlocal Material Model . In Proceedings of the SFF 2022 . Austin, Texas, US.
Jiang, F., & Drummer, D. (2022). Analysis of UV Curing Strategy on Reaction Heat Control and Part Accuracy for Additive Manufacturing . Polymers , 14 (4).
Jiang, F., Wörz, A., Romeis, M., & Drummer, D. (2022). Analysis of UV-Assisted direct ink writing rheological properties and curing degree . Polymer Testing , 105 .
Jiang, F., Zhou, M., & Drummer, D. (2022). Effects of Fumed Silica on Thixotropic Behavior and Processing Window by UV-Assisted Direct Ink Writing . Polymers , 14 (15).
Meschut, G., Merklein, M., Brosius, A., Drummer, D., Fratini, L., Füssel, U.,... Wolf, M. (2022). Review on mechanical joining by plastic deformation . Journal of Advanced Joining Processes .
Ott, C., & Drummer, D. (2022). In-situ leakage behavior of polymer-metal hybrids under mechanical load . International Polymer Processing .
Ott, C., & Drummer, D. (2022). Reducing component stress during encapsulation of electronics: a simulative examination of thermoplastic foam injection molding . Journal of Polymer Engineering .
Popp, J., & Drummer, D. (2022). Joining of continuous fiber reinforced thermoplastic/steel hybrid parts via undercutting pin structures and infrared heating . Journal of Advanced Joining Processes , 5 .
Popp, J., & Drummer, D. (2022). Joining of steel/CFRT-hybrid parts via non-rotational symmetric cold formed pin structures . In Proceedings of the Hybrid 2022 . Leoben.
Popp, J., Römisch, D., Merklein, M., & Drummer, D. (2022). Joining of CFRT/Steel Hybrid Parts via Direct Pressing of Cold Formed Non-Rotational Symmetric Pin Structures . Applied Sciences , 12 .
Roth, B., & Drummer, D. (2022). Druckabhängige Orientierungsrelaxation im dynamisch temperierten Spritzprägen . Zeitschrift Kunststofftechnik , 1 , 1-23.
Roth, B., Frank, R., Kleffel, T., Schneider, K., & Drummer, D. (2022). High-Precision Thin Wall Bipolar Plates for Fuel Cell Applications via Injection Compression Molding with Dynamic Mold Temperature Control . Polymers , 14 (14).
Rösel, U., & Drummer, D. (2022). Possibilities in Recycling Magnetic Materials in Applications of Polymer-Bonded Magnets . Magnetism , 2 , 251-270.
Rösel, U., & Drummer, D. (2022). Simulationsgestützte Auslegung eines Spritzgießwerkzeugs zur Herstellung von kunststoffgebundenen Dauermagneten auf Duroplast Basis . Werkstoffe in der Fertigung , 22-26.
Rösel, U., & Drummer, D. (2022). Understanding the Effect of Material Parameters on the Processability of Injection-Molded Thermoset-Based Bonded Magnets . Magnetism , 2 , 211-228.
Rösel, U., Kneidl, M., Drummer, D., & Franke, J. (2022). Possibilities of Integrated Fabrication of Insulation Systems in Electric Drives by Injection Molding of Thermosets . Polymers , 14 , 5352.
Schlicht, S., Greiner, S., & Drummer, D. (2022). Low Temperature Powder Bed Fusion of Polymers by Means of Fractal Quasi-Simultaneous Exposure Strategies . Polymers , 14 (7).
Schlicht, S., Jaksch, A., & Drummer, D. (2022). Inline Quality Control through Optical Deep Learning-Based Porosity Determination for Powder Bed Fusion of Polymers . Polymers , 14 (5).
Schneider, K., Gothe, B., Drexler, M., Siltamaeki, J., Weiger, H., Seefried, A., & Drummer, D. (2022). The effect of dielectric and thermal properties of plastic mold materials on the high frequency welding of three-dimensional foam components . Polymer Engineering and Science .
Schubert, D., Herzog, C., & Drummer, D. (2022). In Situ Test Rig for the Measurement of the Operating Characteristics of Polymer Gears . Zeitschrift Kunststofftechnik , 1 , 93-116.
Tomiak, F., & Drummer, D. (2022). The Impact of beta-Radiation Crosslinking on Flammability Properties of PA6 Modified by Commercially Available Flame-Retardant Additives . Polymers , 14 (15).
Tomiak, F., Schneider, K., Schoeffel, A., Rathberger, K., & Drummer, D. (2022). Expandable Graphite as a Multifunctional Flame-Retarding Additive for Highly Filled Thermal Conductive Polymer Formulations . Polymers , 14 (8).
Tomiak, F., Schoeffel, A., Rathberger, K., & Drummer, D. (2022). Expandable Graphite, Aluminum Diethylphospinate and Melamine Polyphosphate as Flame Retarding System in Glass Fiber-Reinforced PA6 . Polymers , 14 (6).
Wittmann, L.-M., & Drummer, D. (2022). Mechanical properties of thermoformed multilayer parts containing non thermoformable materials . Journal of Plastic Film & Sheeting , 875608792210939.
Wittmann, L.-M., & Drummer, D. (2022). Two Layer Sheets for Processing Post-Consumer Materials . Polymers , 14 (8).
Wittmann, L.-M., Kaschta, J., & Drummer, D. (2022). Biaxial Elongation Behavior in Partially Molted State of Two-Layer Sheets Containing Postconsumer Material . Polymers , 14 , 3172.
Wolf, M., Beiß, T., & Drummer, D. (2022). Neuartiges Werkzeugkonzept zum Schweißen von komplexen Bauteilen aus Kunststoffen in Klein- und Kleinstserien . Konstruktion , 10 , 70-74.
Wolf, M., Beiß, T., & Drummer, D. (2022). Neuartiges Werkzeugkonzept zum Schweißen von komplexen Bauteilen aus Kunststoffen in Klein- und Kleinstserien . Konstruktion , 74 (10), 70-74.
Wolf, M., & Drummer, D. (2022). Filling Behavior in Joining Using Pin-like Structures . Polymers , 14 , 3083.
Wolf, M., & Drummer, D. (2022). Separation of Multi-Material Polymer Combinations Produced by Joining Using Pin-like Structures . Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing , 6 (1).
Wolf, M., & Drummer, D. (2022). Weld peculiarities of infrared-welded joints between laser-sintered and injection-moulded components . Joining Plastics - Fügen von Kunststoffen , 16 (3-4), 166-173.
Yuan, S., Jiang, B., Jiang, F., Drummer, D., & Zhou, M. (2022). Numerical and experimental investigation of mixing enhancement in the passive planar mixer with bent baffles . International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer , 191 .
Yuan, S., Jiang, B., Peng, T., Zhou, M., & Drummer, D. (2022). Investigation of efficient mixing enhancement in planar micromixers with short mixing length . Chemical Engineering and Processing , 171 .
Zirngibl, C., Kügler, P., Popp, J., Bielak, C.R., Bobbert, M., Drummer, D.,... Schleich, B. (2022). Provision of cross-domain knowledge in mechanical joining using ontologies . Production Engineering , 16 , 327 - 338.
Deringer, T., & Drummer, D. (2021). In situ curing and bonding of epoxy prepregs in epoxy thermoset injection molding . International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology .
Drummer, D., Grützmacher, C., Kleffel, T., Lanzl, L., Rösel, U., Roth, B.,... Wittmann, L.-M. (2021). Hochgefüllte Kunststoffe: Neue Potenziale durch den Einsatz von Füllstoffen zur gezielten Eigenschaftsmodifikation . Jahresmagazin Ingenieurwissenschaften , 38-45.
Greiner, S., Jaksch, A., Cholewa, S., & Drummer, D. (2021). Development of material-adapted processing strategies for laser sintering of polyamide 12 . Advanced Industrial and Engineering Polymer Research .
Greiner, S., Jaksch, A., & Drummer, D. (2021). Materialangepasste Prozessstrategien für das Lasersintern von Kunststoffen . In Tagungsband 27. Technomer - Fachtagung über Verarbeitung und Anwendung von Polymeren . Technische Universität Chemnitz, DE.
Greiner, S., Schlicht, S., & Drummer, D. (2021). Temperaturfeldhomogenisierung durch fraktale Belichtungsstrategien im Lasersintern von Kunststoffen . In Proceedings of the 17th Rapid.Tech Conference .
Huang, Z., Wu, W., Drummer, D., Liu, C., Wang, Y., & Wang, Z. (2021). Enhanced the thermal conductivity of polydimethylsiloxane via a three-dimensional hybrid boron nitride@silver nanowires thermal network filler . Polymers , 13 (2), 1-10.
Huang, Z., Wu, W., Drummer, D., Liu, C., Wang, Y., & Wang, Z. (2021). Multi-contact hybrid thermal conductive filler Al2O3@AgNPs optimized three-dimensional thermal network for flexible thermal interface materials . Journal of Applied Polymer Science .
Jaksch, A., Hesse, N., Schmidt, J., & Drummer, D. (2021). Selektives Laserstrahlschmelzen von Polyamid 12 - Einfluss von Fließhilfsmitteln auf Verarbeitbarkeit und Bauteileigenschaften . In Proceedings of the 17th Rapid.Tech Conference .
Lanzl, L., & Drummer, D. (2021). Process Behavior of Short Glass Fiber Filled Systems during Powder Bed Fusion and Its Effect on Part Dimensions . Polymers , 13 .
Liu, C., Wu, W., Drummer, D., Wang, Y., Chen, Q., Liu, X., & Schneider, K. (2021). Significantly enhanced thermal conductivity of polymer composites via establishing double-percolated expanded graphite/multi-layer graphene hybrid filler network . European Polymer Journal , 160 .
Ott, C., & Drummer, D. (2021). Low-stress over-molding of media-tight electronics using thermoplastic foam injection molding . Polymer Engineering and Science .
Piott, F., Krämer, A., Lück, A., Hoffmann, L., Mitschang, P., & Drummer, D. (2021). Increasing the performance of continuous compression moulding by local pressure adaption . Advanced Manufacturing: Polymer and Composites Science .
Popp, J., Kleffel, T., & Drummer, D. (2021). Influence of pin geometry on the joint strength of CFRT-metal hybrid parts with metallic pins . Joining Plastics - Fügen von Kunststoffen , 15 , 177-183.
Popp, J., Kleffel, T., Römisch, D., Papke, T., Merklein, M., & Drummer, D. (2021). Fiber Orientation Mechanism of Continuous Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastics Hybrid Parts Joined with Metallic Pins . Applied Composite Materials .
Popp, J., Wolf, M., Mattner, T., & Drummer, D. (2021). Energy Direction in Ultrasonic Impregnation of Continuous Fiber-Reinforced Thermoplastics . Journal of Composites Science , 5 (9).
Roth, B., & Drummer, D. (2021). Isotropy of mechanical properties and environmental stress crack sensitivity in injection- and injection-compression molding of polystyrene with different mold temperature . Polymer Engineering and Science , 1-10.
Roth, B., & Drummer, D. (2021). Pressure Equilibrium Time of a Cyclic-Olefin Copolymer . Polymers , 13 .
Rothfelder, R., Lanzl, L., Selzam, J.H., Drummer, D., & Schmidt, M. (2021). Vibrational Microfeeding of Polymer and Metal Powders for Locally Graded Properties in Powder-Based Additive Manufacturing . Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance .
Römisch, D., Popp, J., Drummer, D., & Merklein, M. (2021). Joining of CFRT-steel hybrid parts via hole-forming and subsequent pin caulking . Production Engineering .
Rösel, U., & Drummer, D. (2021). Correlation between the Flow and Curing Behavior of Hard Magnetic Fillers in Thermosets and the Magnetic Properties . Magnetism , 1 , 37-57.
Rösel, U., & Drummer, D. (2021). Injection Moulding of Multipolar Polymer-Bonded Magnets into Soft Magnetic Inserts for Rotors in Reluctance Motors . Magnetism , 1 , 3-21.
Rösel, U., Drummer, D., & Köjer, M. (2021). Fertigung eines Spritzgießwerkzeuges zur Herstellung von Flusssperren aus kunststoffgebundenen Dauermagneten in einem Synchron-Reluktanzmotor . Werkstoffe in der Fertigung , 4 .
Schneider, K., Ott, C., & Drummer, D. (2021). Simulative study of polymeric core-shell foam particles for the enlargement of the material portfolio in 3-D high-frequency welding . Polymer Engineering and Science .
Schulte-Hubbert, F., Drummer, D., & Hoffmann, L. (2021). Model Approach for Displaying Dynamic Filament Displacement during Impregnation of Continuous Fibres Based on the Theory of Similarity - Theory and Modelling . International Polymer Processing , 36 (4), 423-434.
Tomiak, F., Rathberger, K., Schoeffel, A., & Drummer, D. (2021). Expandable Graphite for Flame Retardant PA6 Applications . Polymers , 13 .
Tomiak, F., Schoeffel, A., Rathberger, K., & Drummer, D. (2021). A synergistic flame retardant system based on expandable graphite, aluminum (Diethyl-)polyphospinate and melamine polyphosphate for polyamide 6 . Polymers , 13 (16).
Wittmann, L.-M., & Drummer, D. (2021). Multilayer sheets for thermoforming non thermoformable polymers . Journal of Plastic Film & Sheeting .
Wolf, M., & Drummer, D. (2021). Design criteria for the pin-foot ratio for joining adhesion-incompatible polymers using pin-like structures in vibration welding process . Journal of Polymer Engineering .
Deringer, T., & Drummer, D. (2020). The influence of mold temperature on thermoset in-mold forming . Journal of Polymer Engineering .
Greiner, S., & Drummer, D. (2020). Infrared monitoring of modified hatching strategies for laser sintering of polymers . In Procedia CIRP (pp. 89-94).
Greiner, S., Jaksch, A., & Drummer, D. (2020). Understanding Cylinder Temperature Effects in Laser Beam Melting of Polymers . In Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering .
Heinl, M., Greiner, S., Wudy, K., Pobel, C., Rasch, M., Huber, F.,... Hausotte, T. (2020). Measuring procedures for surface evaluation of additively manufactured powder bed based polymer and metal parts . Measurement Science and Technology , 31 (9), 1-14.
Hertle, S., Kleffel, T., Wörz, A., & Drummer, D. (2020). Production of polymer-metal hybrids using extrusion-based additive manufacturing and electrochemically treated aluminum . Additive Manufacturing , 33 .
Jiang, F., & Drummer, D. (2020). Curing Kinetic Analysis of Acrylate Photopolymer for Additive Manufacturing by Photo-DSC . Polymers , 12 .
Lanzl, L., Wudy, K., & Drummer, D. (2020). The effect of short glass fibers on the process behavior of polyamide 12 during selective laser beam melting . Polymer Testing .
Liu, C., Wu, W., Drummer, D., Shen, W., Wang, Y., Schneider, K., & Tomiak, F. (2020). ZnO nanowire-decorated Al2O3hybrids for improving the thermal conductivity of polymer composites . Journal of Materials Chemistry C , 8 (16), 5380-5388.
Mattner, T., & Drummer, D. (2020). Analysis of Contributive Forces In Intra-Laminar Shear of Continuous Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastics . In ANTEC® 2020: The Virtual Edition Proceedings .
Mattner, T., Popp, J., Kleffel, T., Gröschel, C., & Drummer, D. (2020). High Speed Forming of Continuous Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastics . Applied Composite Materials .
Mattner, T., Wrensch, M., & Drummer, D. (2020). Shear behavior of woven and non-crimp fabric based thermoplastic composites at near-processing conditions . Composites Part B-Engineering , 185 .
Müller, A., Schubert, D., Drummer, D., & Hausotte, T. (2020). Determination of the single point uncertainty of customized polymer gear wheels using structured-light scanning with various polygonization settings . Journal of Sensors and Sensor Systems , 9 (1), 51-60.
Ott, C., Wolf, M., & Drummer, D. (2020). Media-Tight Polymer-Polymer Assemblies By Means of Sintered Powder Layer in Assembly Injection Moulding . Procedia Manufacturing , 47 , 362-367.
Qiang, J., Luo, K., Dong, Y., Jiang, B., Drummer, D., & Roth, B. (2020). In Situ Stress Measurement of Ni Electrodeposition Using Lateral Shearing Interferometry . Journal of The Electrochemical Society , 167 (16).
Roth, B., & Drummer, D. (2020). Anwendungsoptimierte Druckverfestigung . Zeitschrift Kunststofftechnik , 2020 (4), 108-132.
Roth, B., & Drummer, D. (2020). Application optimized compression induced solidification . International Journal of Plastics Technology , 16 (4).
Roth, B., Wildner, W., & Drummer, D. (2020). Compression-Induced Solidification . Polymers , 12 .
Roth, B., Wildner, W., & Drummer, D. (2020). Dynamic compression induced solidification . Polymers , 12 (2).
Rösel, U., & Drummer, D. (2020). Einfluss von Prozessparametern auf die Eigenschaften von Rotoren . In Proceedings of the Fachtagung Leitfähige Kunststoffe des Kunststoffinstituts Lüdenscheid .
Schneider, K., Wudy, K., & Drummer, D. (2020). Flame-retardant polyamide powder for laser sintering: Powder characterization, processing behavior and component properties . Polymers , 12 (8).
Schubert, D., Rohrmoser, A., Hagenah, H., Merklein, M., & Drummer, D. (2020). Verschleißmodellierung am Beispiel einer Polyamid-Stahl-Getriebepaarung für das prozessorientierte Toleranzmanagement . In Sandro Wartzack (Eds.), Beiträge zur 4. Summer School (pp. 107-116). Erlangen, DE.
Soldner, D., Greiner, S., Burkhardt, C., Drummer, D., Steinmann, P., & Mergheim, J. (2020). Numerical and experimental investigation of the isothermal assumption in selective laser sintering of PA12 . Additive Manufacturing .
Tomiak, F., Schartel, B., Wolf, M., & Drummer, D. (2020). Particle Size Related Effects of Multi-Component Flame-Retardant Systems in Poly(Butadiene Terephtalate) . Polymers , 12 (6).
Topic, N., Kruppa, S., & Drummer, D. (2020). Assistance Machine Function for BMC Injection Molding . In ADVANCES IN POLYMER PROCESSING 2020 (pp. 177-188). Aachen, DE: BERLIN: SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN.
Wang, L., Wu, W., & Drummer, D. (2020). Construction of micro-thermal conductive network of self-assembled CNTs hybrids with 1D–0D structure . Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry .
Wang, Y., Wu, W., Drummer, D., Liu, C., Shen, W., Tomiak, F.,... Chen, Q. (2020). Highly thermally conductive polybenzoxazine composites based on boron nitride flakes deposited with copper particles . Materials & Design , 191 .
Wang, Y., Wu, W., Drummer, D., Liu, C., Tomiak, F., & Schneider, K. (2020). Improvement of thermal conductivity and mechanical properties for polybenzoxazine composites via incorporation of epoxy resin and segregated structure . Materials Research Express , 7 (9).
Wang, Y., Wu, W., Drummer, D., Liu, C., Tomiak, F., Schneider, K., & Huang, Z. (2020). Achieving a 3D thermally conductive while electrically insulating network in polybenzoxazine with a novel hybrid filler composed of boron nitride and carbon nanotubes . Polymers , 12 (10), 1-18.
Werner, J., Vetter, L., Hertle, S., Wolf, M., & Drummer, D. (2020). Air inclusions in the polymer melt functioning as intrinsic physical blowing agents for the generation of foams in rotational molding . Cellular Polymers .
Wittmann, L.-M., Kurth, K., & Drummer, D. (2020). Elongation behaviour of filled semi-crystalline polymers in thermoforming . Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies , 6 (3), 647-660.
Wolf, M., & Drummer, D. (2020). Influence of the Structuring-Tool Geometry on Form-Fit Joining by Use of Pin-Like Structures in Vibration Welding . Procedia Manufacturing , 47 , 375-382.
Wolf, M., & Drummer, D. (2020). Joining laser-sintered with injection-molded parts made of PA12 using infrared welding . Polymer Engineering and Science .
Wolf, M., Werner, J., & Drummer, D. (2020). Weld seam morphology and bond strength of infrared and vibration welded SLS parts of polyamide 12 as a function of the layer build-up direction and the welding process . Additive Manufacturing , 36 .
Wudy, K., & Drummer, D. (2020). Curing behavior of thermosets for the use in a combined selective laser sintering process of polymers . In Solid Freeform Fabrication 2018: Proceedings of the 29th Annual International Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium - An Additive Manufacturing Conference, SFF 2018 (pp. 338-339). Austin, TX, US: The University of Texas at Austin.
Zhou, M., Fu, L., Jiang, F., Jiang, B., & Drummer, D. (2020). Atomistic investigation on the wetting behavior and interfacial joining of polymer-metal interface . Polymers , 12 (8).
Zou, Z., Wu, W., Wang, Y., & Drummer, D. (2020). Biomass derived carbon aerogel as an ultrastable skeleton of form-stable phase change materials for efficient thermal energy storage . Materials Research Express , 7 (4).
Zou, Z., Wu, W., Wang, Y., Kern, W., & Drummer, D. (2020). Influences of Morphology Controllable Alumina on the Thermal Conductivity of Composites of Silicone Rubber 形貌可控氧化铝对硅橡胶复合材料导热性能的影响 . Gaofenzi Cailiao Kexue Yu Gongcheng/Polymeric Materials Science and Engineering , 36 (4), 128-134 and 141.
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(Third Party Funds Single)
Funding source: DFG-Einzelförderung / Sachbeihilfe (EIN-SBH)
Um die dringend notwendigen Kosten- und Lebensdauervorteile der Kunststoffe im Vergleich zu metallischen Werkstoffen für die Anwendung der Bipolarplatten zu erschließen, sind hohe Füllstoffgehalte zur Erzielung ausreichend hoher elektrischer Leitfähigkeit notwendig. Derart modifizierte Thermoplastschmelzen zeigen jedoch aufgrund einer deutlich erhöhten Viskosität sowie des negativen Effekts erhöhter Schmelzewärmeleitfähigkeit ein verschlechtertes Abbildungs- und Formfüllungsverhalten. Dies resultiert in Limitationen in den möglichen Dickenabmessungen sowie der Abformung feiner Kanalstrukturen bisheriger Bipolarplattengeometrien im Spritzgussprozess. Da die Ausgangsspannung pro Zelle lediglich max. 1,23 V beträgt, sind für höhere Spannungen mehrere in Reihe geschaltete Zellen erforderlich, was bei dickeren Bipolarplatten aus Kunststoff-Compound darüber hinaus erheblich größere Bauraumvolumina und Kosten verursacht. Die daher angestrebte Reduktion der Plattendicke kann nur bedingt durch höhere Einspritzgeschwindigkeiten und Werkzeugtemperaturen im Spritzgussprozess erreicht werden, da dies aufgrund des verringerten Fließquerschnitts unabhängig von der Art der Werkzeugtemperaturführung in zu hohem Druckbedarf während der Füllung sowie inhomogenen Druck- und Temperaturfeldern über den Fließweg resultiert. Dies zeigt sich auf Bauteilebene in einer verschlechterten, fließwegabhängigen Maßhaltigkeit und Abformgenauigkeit der Kanalstrukturen. Neben Abbildungsproblemen zeigen hochgefüllte Kunststoffbauteile auch ein ausgeprägt richtungsabhängiges mechanisches und elektrisches Bauteilverhalten, welches maßgeblich von den Temperatur-Druck-Scherbedingungen im Prozess bestimmt wird. Ziel des Projekts ist daher der Erkenntnistransfer der analytischen und experimentellen Auslegung der benötigten Zeit-Temperatur-Druck-Scherbedingungen im dynamisch temperierten Spritzprägen zur Realisierung von dünnwandigen und hochgefüllten Bipolarplatten mit höchstmöglicher Maßhaltigkeit und Abformgenauigkeit der Kanalstrukturen bei gleichzeitig optimierten elektrischen und mechanischen Eigenschaften. Hierbei soll die Fließfähigkeit der Kunststoffschmelze während des Urformprozesses durch die dynamische Werkzeugtemperaturführung aufrechterhalten werden. Die Kombination dieser modernen Verfahrensstrategie mit einem Prägeprozess erlaubt die flächige Nachdruckwirkung und Realisierung hoher Plattenaspektverhältnisse bei gleichzeitig höchstmöglicher Maßhaltigkeit und Abformgenauigkeit der Kanalstrukturen über den Fließweg. Durch die Kontrolle von Temperatur und Druck sowie die indirekte Einflussnahme auf die Scherung im Prozess können die bestehenden Kenntnisse zur prozessseitigen Beeinflussung elektrischer und mechanischer Bauteileigenschaften zudem in den Fertigungsprozess des dynamisch temperierten Spritzprägens übersetzt werden, um das Werkstoffpotential optimal auszunutzen.
Textile Recycling Excellence
(Third Party Funds Group – Sub project)
Term: 31. May 2022 - 31. May 2025
Funding source: Europäische Union (EU)
Less than 1 % of materials used to produce clothing is recycled into new clothing. From January 2025, a directive requires 27 Member States to implement a separate household textile waste collection scheme and comply with rising minimum recycling objectives. Legislation is not enough to deal with the issue. Creating a circular system for post-consumer textile waste faces many challenges, including a lack of EU-wide standards for collecting and sorting textile waste across countries, inaccurate composition claims, variable material quality and a lack of reliable data across value chain stakeholders. The EU-funded T-REX project aims to demonstrate how household textile waste can become a new feedstock and business model for the textile industry by engaging key actors across the entire value chain.
Keramische Schaumstoffmaterialien für erhöhte Bauteilfunktionalitäten und ressourceneffiziente Produktionsprozesse; Teilvorhaben: Erforschung von Keramikfeedstocks zur Herstellung poröser Keramikstrukturen mit Hilfe thermoplastischer Formgebungsverfahren
(Third Party Funds Single)
Funding source: Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Technologie (BMWi)
Funktion by Desgin: Cellular Hybrids - Eine Route zur Biologisierung der Materialwissenschaften
(Third Party Funds Single)
Funding source: Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst (StMWK) (seit 2018)
Mechanical joining without auxiliary elements
(Third Party Funds Group – Sub project)
Term: 1. July 2019 - 30. June 2027
Funding source: DFG / Sonderforschungsbereich / Transregio (SFB / TRR)
The aim of this project is to conduct fundamental scientific research into joining without auxiliary element using metallic pin structures produced by forming technology, which are pressed into the joining partner or caulked after insertion into a perforated joining partner, and the joint properties that can be achieved with this. This includes the development of a fundamental understanding of the acting mechanisms with a focus on feasibility in phase 1, the optimisation of the pin structure with regard to geometry and arrangement as well as the joining process for the targeted adjustment of joining properties in phase 2 and the transferability of the technology to an extended range of applications in phase 3. The aim in phase 1 is therefore to develop a fundamental understanding of the extrusion of defined metallic pin geometries from the sheet plane using local material accumulation in order to be able to determine local changes in the material properties, such as strength. Simultaneously, different process control strategies for joining metal and FRP as well as different metals will be fundamentally researched and process windows will be derived.In the case of FRP, various process routes will be investigated with a focus on fibre-friendly injection of the pin structures or hole forming for caulking of the pin structures without delamination of the FRP. Ultrasound, vibration, infrared radiation or combinations of these methods are used to melt the matrix with the goal of identifying suitable process routes and generating an understanding of the mechanisms at work. Based on the findings of the pin manufacturing and the results regarding the joining processes, a fundamental understanding of the process will be developed, which will allow the further development of the pin geometry and the definition of suitable simple, regular pin arrangements and dimensions in the next step. In order to meet the different requirements of the pin manufacturing process and the joining method, the adaptability of the tool and joining technology is essential. Accordingly, the adaptation on the tool side and the specific process control during pin production will be investigated in order to demonstrate the possible variations. In addition, the adaptability of the joining operation will be achieved by adapting the process control, especially in the case of metal-FRP joints, in order to react to different conditions, such as the fibre layer and layer structure of the FRP. Finally, the direction-dependent joint properties and the application behaviour of the multi-material joints joined with the developed pin geometries will be characterised and evaluated depending on the pin dimensioning and arrangement in order to identify the decisive influencing factors on the joint properties.
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