Regarding MedTech research, our main focus is a touchless and burden-free assessment of biomarkers, which are objective and quantifiable, e.g. radar-based detection of heartbeat and breathing as well as AI-applications for both clinical routine data and experimental data as the aforementioned radar-based biomarkers. We underpin our MedTech research with another scientific core competency of our research department: research into ethical, legal, and social aspects and implications. We address social aspects with a strong background in healthcare research and a mixed-methods approach. To study ethical and legal aspects we have established close collaborations with research partners.
Research projects
Radar-based vital parameter assessment: using six-port interferometry we detect biomarkers, e.g. pulse wave, heart sounds, thoraxic excursions by breathing;
As tertiary data we derive heart rate variability from heart rate over time AI-based analyses: using methods based on learning algorithms, e.g. rule mining we analyse structured and unstructured clinical routine data
Experimental data Health App-Research: first health market prototypes for assessment, monitoring and improving health and patient care
Current projects
<(>,,<)>Large Language Models (LLM) in Palliative and End-of-Life Care"
(Third Party Funds Single)
Term: 1. January 2025 - 30. June 2026Funding source: andere Förderorganisation
Essen und Trinken für Leib und Seele - Biomarker für Ernährung und Flüssigkeit am Lebensende
(Third Party Funds Single)
Die Forschungsprojekte für die Palliativversorgung. Aktuell finden die folgenden Projekte bereits Umsetzung:
- Untersuchung des Vitamin-Status bei Palliativpatientinnen und -patienten (Vitamin-Projekt ), um Unterversorgung und Vitaminmangelerscheinungen bei Palliativpatientinnen und –patienten sowie deren klinischen Folgen zu erforschen
- Untersuchung des Tumor-Anorexie-Kachexie-Syndroms bei Palliativpatientinnen und –patienten, um das Auftreten und die Bedeutung und Tragweite für den Stoffwechsel der Patientinnen und Patienten zu erforschen
Die Umsetzung der beiden Projekte wird durch die Förderung durch die Stiftung ALIVIA möglich gemacht.
Enhancing palliative care in ICU
(Third Party Funds Group – Sub project)
About 10% of all decedents in the population die after admission to an intensive care unit (ICU). These patients often have distressing symptoms and may receive more intense life-prolonging treatment than they would have chosen, their family members often experience lasting distress from the experience and many ICU physicians and nurses are burdened by their perception of potentially non-beneficial care.
The EPIC project aims to sustainably improve palliative care for critically ill patients and their families in the ICU. An interdisciplinary consortium collaborates to provide a novel harmonized palliative care practice model using telemedicine. The project is the first European interventional study on palliative care in the ICU, using a systems-based approach with proactive patient identification, checklist and blended learning targeted to specific requirements of ICU clinicians. Effectiveness of the new model is assessed through a stepped wedge randomized trial with 7 clinical centers from 5 European countries, 23 multi-disciplinary ICUs and enrolment of 2001 patients. Primary outcome is a reduction in ICU stay to relieve suffering. Cost implications and cost effectiveness will be assessed from different perspectives. An evidence-based patient decision aid for critically ill patients is developed. Additional outcomes serve deepen our understanding of barriers and facilitators and provide ethical recommendations for the use of telepalliative care in civic society.
The vision of EPIC is to contribute to a mind shift from a narrow focus on prolonging life towards more holistic care. A European patient and family advisory group is implemented to engage patients and family members from the start and co-create open-access information to increase acceptance of palliative care. Telemedicine offers a low-cost solution to spread the model to all regions in Europe and open new avenues for patient-centered care.
Erschließung des transformativen Anwendungspotentials von TEAM-X in der palliativen Versorgung
(Third Party Funds Group – Sub project)
Empathokinästhetische Messung und Bewegungsmustererkennung als Biomarker für Gesundheitszustand
(Third Party Funds Group – Sub project)
Overall project: Empathokinästhetische Sensorik
Term: 1. July 2021 - 30. June 2025
Funding source: DFG / Sonderforschungsbereich (SFB)
D05 erforscht bei Palliativpatienten für Gesundheitszustand, Befinden und Prognose erstmals Bewegungen als Biomarker, d. h. objektivierbare, messbare und quantifizierbare Parameter, die eine diagnostische und prädiktive Bedeutung haben. Diese Biomarker werden in Labor und Living Lab der Palliativstation mit Patientinnen und Patienten untersucht. Berührungslose Sensorik erlaubt erstmals einen wissenschaftlichen Zugang zur letzten Lebensphase. Ebenso erforscht D05 sozialwissenschaftliche Herausforderungen medizintechnologischer Innovationen in der Palliativmedizin prototypisch für alle Gesundheitsbereiche.
Recent publications
Berendt, J., Brunner, S., Heckel, M., Tewes, M., Ostgathe, C., & Gahr, S. (2024). Symptom burden and relief in palliative care units of German Comprehensive Cancer Center and other hospitals . Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology , 150 (3).
Cuhls, H., Mochamat, ., Mücke, M., Jaspers, B., Jentschke, E., Hense, J.,... Radbruch, L. (2024). SOP – Fatigue . Die Onkologie , 30 (Suppl 2), 76-82.
Donath, C., Ostgathe, C., & Heckel, M. (2024). Dementia patients in palliative care according to data from the German National Hospice and Palliative Care Register (2009–2021) . BMC Palliative Care , 23 (1).
Ettrich, T., Schönsteiner, S., Mayer-Steinacker, R., Stilgenbauer, S., Gog, C., Thuss-Patience, P.,... Ostgathe, C. (2024). SOP – Darmpassagestörung in der Palliativmedizin . Die Onkologie .
Grießhammer, S., Malessa, A., Lu, H., Yip, J., Leuschner, J., Christgau, F.,... Ostgathe, C. (2024). Contactless radar-based heart rate estimation in palliative care – a feasibility study and possible use in symptom management . BMC Palliative Care , 23 .
Heckel, M., Peters, J., Schweighart, S., Habermann, M., & Ostgathe, C. (2024). Knowledge and Public Perception of Palliative Care in Germany . Journal of palliative medicine .
Hense, J., Przyborek, M., Rosenbruch, J., Ostgathe, C., Wolf, C., & Bogner, S. (2024). SOP – Subkutane Medikamentengabe und Infusionen in der erwachsenen Palliativmedizin . Die Onkologie , 30 (Suppl 2), 98-105.
Kremling, A., Bausewein, C., Klein, C., Nadolny, S., Ostgathe, C., Schildmann, E.,... Schildmann, J. (2024). Terminological Confusion About Sedation in Palliative Care: Results of an International Online Vignette Survey . Journal of palliative medicine , 27 (4), 487-494.
Lu, H., Ostgathe, C., Koelpin, A., & Steigleder, T. (2024). CW Radar-based Non-Contact Respiration Monitoring using Complex-Valued Neural Networks . In 2024 21st European Radar Conference (EuRAD) (pp. 320-323). Paris, FR: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc..
Oechsle, K., Radbruch, L., Wolf, C., & Ostgathe, C. (2024). SOP – Palliative Sedierung . Die Onkologie , 30 (Suppl 2), 70-75.
Peters, J., Heckel, M., Breindl, E., & Ostgathe, C. (2024). What Does “Palliative” Mean? Sentiment, Knowledge, and Public Perception Concerning Palliative Care on the Internet since the COVID-19 Pandemic . Palliative Medicine Reports , 5 (1).
Peters, J., Rabenstein, U., Heckel, M., Breindl, E., & Ostgathe, C. (2024). Öffentliche Wahrnehmung von Palliativversorgung vor, während und nach der COVID-19-Pandemie – eine empirische Untersuchung von Online-Diskursen . Zeitschrift für Palliativmedizin , 25 (4), 203-212.
Rosenbruch, J., Eschbach, C., Viehrig, M., Ostgathe, C., & Bausewein, C. (2024). SOP – Respiratory distress in adult palliative care patients SOP – Atemnot bei erwachsenen Palliativpatienten . Die Onkologie .
Wöhl, M., Gimpel, H., Meindl, O., Ostgathe, C., Peuten, S., Schneider, W., & Steigleder, T. (2024). Boosting Multi-Professional Collaboration in Palliative Care Through Digital Technologies: An Action Design Research Study . Business & Information Systems Engineering .
Öhl, N., Steigleder, T., Hille, E.M., Braun, M., Weisser, A., Muehlensiepen, F.,... Heckel, M. (2024). Soziale Implikationen von Gesundheitstechnologien in der Palliativversorgung – Entwicklung eines konzeptionellen Rahmenwerks . Zeitschrift für Palliativmedizin , 25 .
Bozzao, A., Weber, D., Crompton, S., Braz, G., Csaba, D., Dhermain, F.,... Poortmans, P. (2023). European Cancer Organisation Essential Requirements for Quality Cancer Care: Adult glioma. Journal of Cancer Policy , 38 .
Bräunig, J., Mejdani, D., Krauß, D., Grießhammer, S., Richer, R., Schüßler, C.,... Vossiek, M. (2023). Radar-based Recognition of Activities of Daily Living in the Palliative Care Context Using Deep Learning . In 2023 IEEE EMBS International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics (BHI) . Pittsburgh, US: New York City: IEEE.
Gahr, S., Brunner, S., Heckel, M., & Ostgathe, C. (2023). Are There Entity-Specific Criteria for Initiation of Specialized Palliative Care for Incurable Cancer? A Scoping Review . Zeitschrift für Palliativmedizin .
Grimminger, S., Heckel, M., Markgraf, M., Peuten, S., Wöhl, M., Gimpel, H.,... Schneider, W. (2023). Palliative care as a digital working world (PALLADiUM) - A mixed-method research protocol . BMC Palliative Care , 22 (1).
Hense, J., Przyborek, M., Rosenbruch, J., Ostgathe, C., & Wolf, C. (2023). SOP – Subkutane Medikamentengabe und Infusionen in der erwachsenen Palliativmedizin Version II . Die Onkologie .
Kauzner, S., Heckel, M., Ostgathe, C., Schneider, M., Bausewein, C., Schildmann, E.,... Klein, C. (2023). Documentation of Sedation in Palliative Care: A Scoping Review of Requirements, Recommendations, and Templates . Journal of Palliative Medicine .
Klein, C., & Ostgathe, C. (2023). Aktuelle Empfehlungen für die gezielte Sedierung am Lebensende . MMW Fortschritte der Medizin , 165 (21-22), 58-61.
Klein, C., Voss, R., Ostgathe, C., & Schildmann, J.A. (2023). Sedation in Palliative Care. Deutsches Ärzteblatt international , 120 (14), 235-242.
Lu, H., Wenzel, M., Steigleder, T., Klinger, I., Ostgathe, C., & Koelpin, A. (2023). Contactless In-Bed Movement in Various Scales Classification with CW Radar . In 20th European Radar Conference, EuRAD 2023 (pp. 306-309). Berlin, DE: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc..
Ostgathe, C., Bausewein, C., Schildmann, E., Bazata, J., Handtke, V., Heckel, M.,... Schildmann, J. (2023). Expert-approved best practice recommendations on the use of sedative drugs and intentional sedation in specialist palliative care (SedPall) . BMC Palliative Care , 22 (1).
Ostgathe, C., & Jäger, C. (2023). Current legal aspects of physician-assisted suicide in Germany Aktuelles zum ärztlich assistierten Suizid in Deutschland . MMW Fortschritte der Medizin , 165 (17), 32-35.
Ott, T., Heckel, M., Öhl, N., Steigleder, T., Albrecht, N., Ostgathe, C., & Dabrock, P. (2023). Palliative Care and new technologies. The use of smart sensor technologies and its impact on the Total Care principle . BMC Palliative Care .
Öhl, N., Ostgathe, C., Steigleder, T., Klinger, I., Weisser, A., & Heckel, M. (2023). Social Implications of Technology Applications in Palliative Care - Development of a Conceptual Framework . In Proceedings of the World Congress of the European Association for Palliative Care . Rotterdam, NL.
Allner, M., Gostian, M., Rupp, R., Allner, C., Mantsopoulos, K., Ostgathe, C.,... Balk, M. (2022). Advance directives in patients with head and neck cancer - status quo and factors influencing their creation . BMC Palliative Care , 21 (1).
Bausewein, C., Hodiamont, F., Berges, N., Ullrich, A., Gerlach, C., Oechsle, K.,... Simon, S.T. (2022). National strategy for palliative care of severely ill and dying people and their relatives in pandemics (PallPan) in Germany-study protocol of a mixed-methods project . BMC Palliative Care , 21 .
Biersching, T., Schweda, A., Oechsle, K., Nauck, F., Rosenbruch, J., Schuler, U.,... Tewes, M. (2022). The OUTREACH study: oncologists of German university hospitals in rotation on a palliative care unit-evaluation of attitude and competence in palliative care and hospice . Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology .
Brunner, S., Heckel, M., Zenz, D., Ostgathe, C., & Gahr, S. (2022). Health- and disease-related data of inpatients in palliative care units of the Comprehensive Cancer Centers and other hospitals in comparison-Data from the Hospice and Palliative Care Register . Wiener Medizinische Wochenschrift .
Fidorra, J., Nissen, M., Abdullahi Yari, I., Ostgathe, C., Steigleder, T., & Eskofier, B. (2022). Concept of a Simple Reaction Test for eHealth-Based Opioid Response Assessment in Palliative Care . Poster presentation at 12th World Research Congress of the European Association for Palliative Care, Online.
Klinger, I., Heckel, M., Shahda, S., Kriesen, U., Schneider, C., Kurkowski, S.,... Ostgathe, C. (2022). COVID-19: Challenges and solutions for the provision of care to seriously ill and dying people and their relatives during SARS-CoV-2 pandemic - perspectives of pandemic response team members: A qualitative study on the basis of expert interviews (part of PallPan) . Palliative Medicine .
Klinger, I., Heckel, M., Shahda, S., Krisen, U., Stellmacher, S., Kurkowski, S.,... Ostgathe, C. (2022). COVID-19 pandemic response teams: organization, competencies, and challenges-understanding and using structural realities . Bundesgesundheitsblatt, Gesundheitsforschung, Gesundheitsschutz .
Kremling, A., Bausewein, C., Klein, C., Schildmann, E., Ostgathe, C., Ziegler, K., & Schildmann, J. (2022). Intentional Sedation as a Means to Ease Suffering: A Systematically Constructed Terminology for Sedation in Palliative Care . Journal of Palliative Medicine .
Kurkowski, S., Heckel, M., Pfaller, L., Peters, J., Bazata, J., Schildmann, E., & Ostgathe, C. (2022). Correction: Possible age-related differences in healthcare professionals’ perspectives on younger and older patients’ autonomy and decision-making in the context of sedation in specialised palliative care: exploratory secondary qualitative content and linguistic conversation analysis of interviews with healthcare professionals (BMC Palliative Care, (2022), 21, 1, (71), 10.1186/s12904-022-00963-y) . BMC Palliative Care , 21 (1).
Kurkowski, S., Heckel, M., Pfaller, L., Peters, J., Jeremias, B., Eva, S., & Ostgathe, C. (2022). Possible age-related differences in healthcare professionals’ perspectives on younger and older patients’ autonomy and decision-making in the context of sedation in specialised palliative care: exploratory secondary qualitative content and linguistic conversation analysis of interviews with healthcare professionals . BMC Palliative Care , 21 .
Kurkowski, S., Ziegler, K., Jäger, C., Torres Cavazos, J., Heckel, M., Klein, C., & Ostgathe, C. (2022). More Barriers than Bridges - Research in Times of the GDPR . Zeitschrift für Palliativmedizin , 23 (02), 86-89.
Lu, H., Yip, J., Steigleder, T., Grießhammer, S., Heckel, M., Jami, N.V.S.J.,... Kölpin, A. (2022). A Lightweight Robust Approach for Automatic Heart Murmurs and Clinical Outcomes Classification from Phonocardiogram Recordings . In 2022 Computing in Cardiology (CinC) . Tampere, FI: New York City: IEEE.
Mueller, E., Mueller, M.J., Boehlke, C., Ramsenthaler, C., Jaeger, H., Schaefer, H.,... Becker, G. (2022). Development of a screening tool for the need of specialist palliative care in oncologic inpatients: study protocol for the ScreeningPALL Study . BMJ Open , 12 (9).
Ostgathe, C., Stachura, P., Heckel, M., Brunner, S., Gahr, S., Hofmann, S.,... Klein, C. (2022). SOP - Management of multiresistent Pathogens in the Palliative Care Unit . Die Onkologie .
Payne, S., Harding, A., Williams, T., Ling, J., & Ostgathe, C. (2022). Revised recommendations on standards and norms for palliative care in Europe from the European Association for Palliative Care (EAPC): A Delphi study . Palliative Medicine .
Peters, J., Dykes, N., Heckel, M., Ostgathe, C., & Habermann, M. (2022). Präsentation von Palliativstationen und SAPV-Teams im Internet - eine korpusbasierte Metaanalyse von Webseiten . Zeitschrift für Palliativmedizin , 23 , 46-53.
Peters, J., Rabenstein, U., Heckel, M., Breindl, E., & Ostgathe, C. (2022). Palliativversorgung in Zeiten der COVID-19-Pandemie: Wandelt sich die öffentliche Wahrnehmung? (Abstract) . Zeitschrift für Palliativmedizin , 23 (5), e9.
Yip, J., Steigleder, T., Heckel, M., Eskofier, B., & Ostgathe, C. (2022, August). Die Beschreibung des Gesundheitszustandes anhand von Veränderungen in Bewegungsmustern von Palliativpatient:innen – Eine explorative Erfassung . Paper presentation at Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Palliativmedizin, Bremen.
Allner, M., Gostian, M., Balk, M., Rupp, R., Hecht, M., Ostgathe, C.,... Gostian, A.-O. (2021). Precautionary documents in patients with head and neck cancer - status quo and factors influencing their creation . In ORAL ONCOLOGY . AMSTERDAM: ELSEVIER.
Bender-Säbelkampf, S., Heckel, M., Ostgathe, C., Berking, C., & Heppt, M. (2021). PaM - Development and Validation of a palliative medical Integration Model for Melanoma . In JOURNAL DER DEUTSCHEN DERMATOLOGISCHEN GESELLSCHAFT (pp. 13-14). HOBOKEN: WILEY.
Fiedler, G., Drinkmann, A., Hauth, I., Lenz, P., Letsch, A., Lewitzka, U.,... Wolfersdorf, M. (2021). ARD shows "GOTT": Open Letter from Palliative Medicine & Suicide Prevention to Ferdinand von Schirach . Zeitschrift für Palliativmedizin , 22 (01), 20-22.
Haas, O., Lopera Gonzalez, L.I., Hofmann, S., Ostgathe, C., Maier, A., Rothgang, E.,... Steigleder, T. (2021). Predicting Anxiety in Routine Palliative Care Using Bayesian-Inspired Association Rule Mining . Frontiers in Digital Health , 3 .
Kamal Mallick, M., Biser, S., Haridas, A., Umesh, V., Toensing, O., Abdullahi, I.,... Steigleder, T. (2021). Improving Dyspnoea Symptom Control of Patients in Palliative Care Using a Smart Patch-A Proof of Concept Study . Frontiers in Digital Health , 3 (765867).
Lehmann, E., Hodiamont, F., Landmesser, M., Knobloch, C., Nauck, F., Ostgathe, C.,... Bausewein, C. (2021). Adaptation of the Australian Palliative Care Phase concept to the German palliative care context: a mixed-methods approach using cognitive interviews and cross-sectional data . BMC Palliative Care , 20 (1).
Oechsle, K., Theissen, T., Heckel, M., Schwenzitzki, L., Ullrich, A., & Ostgathe, C. (2021). Support for and involvement of family caregivers in Comprehensive Cancer Center - an Assessment of the Palliative Care Working Group within the network of Comprehensive Cancer Center funded by the German Cancer Aid . Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift .
Ostgathe, C. (2021). EAPC 2020 Research Congress: From Palermo to virtual . Zeitschrift für Palliativmedizin , 22 (01), 5-6.
Shi, K., Steigleder, T., Schellenberger, S., Michler, F., Malessa, A., Lurz, F.,... Kölpin, A. (2021). Contactless analysis of heart rate variability during cold pressor test using radar interferometry and bidirectional LSTM networks . Scientific Reports , 11 (1).
Tewes, M., Baumann, F., Teufel, M., & Ostgathe, C. (2021). Symptoms During Outpatient Cancer Treatment and Options for their Management . Deutsches Ärzteblatt international , 118 (17), 291-+.
Berendt, J., Ostgathe, C., Simon, S.T., Tewes, M., Schlieper, D., Schallenburger, M.,... Neukirchen, M. (2020). Zusammenarbeit von Intensivmedizin und Palliativmedizin: Eine Bestandsaufnahme an den deutschen onkologischen Spitzenzentren . Medizinische Klinik - Intensivmedizin und Notfallmedizin .
Harding, R., Snyman, L., Ostgathe, C., Odell, S., & Gwyther, L. (2020). The ethical imperative to relieve suffering for people with tuberculosis by ensuring access to palliative care . International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease , 24 (5), 3-8.
Heckel, M., Illig, A., Brunner, S., & Ostgathe, C. (2020). Evaluating the implementation of national recommendations on multidrug-resistant bacterial microorganisms in end-of-life care . Zeitschrift für Evidenz, Fortbildung und Qualitat im Gesundheitswesen .
Heckel, M., Meesters, S., Schildmann, E., & Ostgathe, C. (2020). Patient*innen gestalten Forschung in der Palliativmedizin mit . Zeitschrift für Evidenz, Fortbildung und Qualitat im Gesundheitswesen .
Heckel, M., Vogt, A.R., Stiel, S., Radon, J., Kurkowski, S., Goebel, S.,... Weber, M. (2020). Correction to: The quality of care of the dying in hospital—next-of-kin perspectives (Supportive Care in Cancer, (2020), 10.1007/s00520-020-05465-2) . Supportive Care in Cancer .
Heckel, M., Vogt, A.R., Stiel, S., Radon, J., Kurkowski, S., Goebel, S.,... Weber, M. (2020). The quality of care of the dying in hospital—next-of-kin perspectives . Supportive Care in Cancer .
Klein, C., Wittmann, C., Wendt, K.N., Ostgathe, C., & Stiel, S. (2020). Erratum to: Palliative sedation: Development and consensus of a German language documentation template (Der Anaesthesist, (2018), 67, 7, (504-511), 10.1007/s00101-018-0451-4) Erratum zu: Palliative Sedierung: Entwicklung und Konsentierung einer deutschsprachigen Dokumentationsvorlage (Der Anaesthesist, (2018), 67, 7, (504-511), 10.1007/s00101-018-0451-4) . Anaesthesist .
Kurkowski, S., Radon, J., Vogt, A.R., Weber, M., Stiel, S., Ostgathe, C., & Heckel, M. (2020). Hospital end-of-life care: Families' free-text notes . BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care .
Lödel, S., Ostgathe, C., Heckel, M., Oechsle, K., & Gahr, S. (2020). Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for Palliative Care in German Comprehensive Cancer Centers - An evaluation of the implementation status . BMC Palliative Care , 19 (1).
Ostgathe, C. (2020). Patientenverfügung 2.0 . Anaesthesist , 69 (2), 75-77.
Peters, J., Dykes, N., Ostgathe, C., Habermann, M., & Heckel, M. (2020). Kompetenzdarstellung, Patientennähe und Argumentationsstrategien von Internetangeboten deutscher Hospize, Palliativstationen und SAPV-Teams-eine korpusbasierte Meta-Analyse . Zeitschrift für Palliativmedizin , 21 (5), e34.
Schellenberger, S., Shi, K., Steigleder, T., Malessa, A., Michler, F., Hameyer, L.,... Kölpin, A. (2020). A dataset of clinically recorded radar vital signs with synchronised reference sensor signals . Scientific Data .
Shi, K., Schellenberger, S., Will, C., Steigleder, T., Michler, F., Fuchs, J.,... Kölpin, A. (2020). A dataset of radar-recorded heart sounds and vital signs including synchronised reference sensor signals. Scientific Data , 7 (1).
Shi, K., Schellenberger, S., Will, C., Steigleder, T., Michler, F., Fuchs, J.,... Kölpin, A. (2020). A dataset of radar-recorded heart sounds and vital signs including synchronised reference sensor signals . Scientific Data .
Sternemann, U., Suchantke, I., Schmidt, K.-G., Höfner, P., Wagner, D., Ollenschläger, M.,... Steigleder, T. (2020, August). Entwicklung einer Applikation zum Home-Monitoring des Gesundheitszustandes von Palliativpatienten - eine Proof-of-Concept-Studie . Poster presentation at 13. DGP Kongress Deutsche Gesellschaft für Palliativmedizin, Wiesbaden, DE.
Vogt, A., Stiel, S., Heckel, M., Goebel, S., Mai, S.S., Seifert, A.,... Weber, M. (2020). Assessment of the quality of end-of-life care: translation and validation of the German version of the "Care of the Dying Evaluation" (CODE-GER) - a questionnaire for bereaved relatives . Health and Quality of Life Outcomes , 18 (1), 311-.
Related Research Fields
Regarding MedTech research, our main focus is a touchless and burden-free assessment of biomarkers, which are objective and quantifiable, e.g. radar-based detection of heartbeat and breathing as well as AI-applications for both clinical routine data and experimental data as the aforementioned radar-based biomarkers. We underpin our MedTech research with another scientific core competency of our research department: research into ethical, legal, and social aspects and implications. We address social aspects with a strong background in healthcare research and a mixed-methods approach. To study ethical and legal aspects we have established close collaborations with research partners.
Research projects
<(>,,<)>Large Language Models (LLM) in Palliative and End-of-Life Care"
(Third Party Funds Single)
Funding source: andere Förderorganisation
Essen und Trinken für Leib und Seele - Biomarker für Ernährung und Flüssigkeit am Lebensende
(Third Party Funds Single)
Funding source: Stiftungen
Die Forschungsprojekte für die Palliativversorgung. Aktuell finden die folgenden Projekte bereits Umsetzung:
Die Umsetzung der beiden Projekte wird durch die Förderung durch die Stiftung ALIVIA möglich gemacht.
Enhancing palliative care in ICU
(Third Party Funds Group – Sub project)
Term: 1. January 2024 - 31. December 2028
Funding source: EU / Cluster 1.3: Non-Communicable and Rare Diseases
About 10% of all decedents in the population die after admission to an intensive care unit (ICU). These patients often have distressing symptoms and may receive more intense life-prolonging treatment than they would have chosen, their family members often experience lasting distress from the experience and many ICU physicians and nurses are burdened by their perception of potentially non-beneficial care.
The EPIC project aims to sustainably improve palliative care for critically ill patients and their families in the ICU. An interdisciplinary consortium collaborates to provide a novel harmonized palliative care practice model using telemedicine. The project is the first European interventional study on palliative care in the ICU, using a systems-based approach with proactive patient identification, checklist and blended learning targeted to specific requirements of ICU clinicians. Effectiveness of the new model is assessed through a stepped wedge randomized trial with 7 clinical centers from 5 European countries, 23 multi-disciplinary ICUs and enrolment of 2001 patients. Primary outcome is a reduction in ICU stay to relieve suffering. Cost implications and cost effectiveness will be assessed from different perspectives. An evidence-based patient decision aid for critically ill patients is developed. Additional outcomes serve deepen our understanding of barriers and facilitators and provide ethical recommendations for the use of telepalliative care in civic society.
The vision of EPIC is to contribute to a mind shift from a narrow focus on prolonging life towards more holistic care. A European patient and family advisory group is implemented to engage patients and family members from the start and co-create open-access information to increase acceptance of palliative care. Telemedicine offers a low-cost solution to spread the model to all regions in Europe and open new avenues for patient-centered care.
Erschließung des transformativen Anwendungspotentials von TEAM-X in der palliativen Versorgung
(Third Party Funds Group – Sub project)
Term: 1. January 2022 - 31. March 2025
Funding source: Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz (BMWK)
Empathokinästhetische Messung und Bewegungsmustererkennung als Biomarker für Gesundheitszustand
(Third Party Funds Group – Sub project)
Term: 1. July 2021 - 30. June 2025
Funding source: DFG / Sonderforschungsbereich (SFB)
D05 erforscht bei Palliativpatienten für Gesundheitszustand, Befinden und Prognose erstmals Bewegungen als Biomarker, d. h. objektivierbare, messbare und quantifizierbare Parameter, die eine diagnostische und prädiktive Bedeutung haben. Diese Biomarker werden in Labor und Living Lab der Palliativstation mit Patientinnen und Patienten untersucht. Berührungslose Sensorik erlaubt erstmals einen wissenschaftlichen Zugang zur letzten Lebensphase. Ebenso erforscht D05 sozialwissenschaftliche Herausforderungen medizintechnologischer Innovationen in der Palliativmedizin prototypisch für alle Gesundheitsbereiche.
Related Research Fields