The Institute of Medical Biotechnology designs and engineers new systems technologies that allow to investigate and manipulate optical and mechanical properties of biological tissues in health, disease and tissue engineering.
Research projects
Optical technologies
Bioreactor technologies
Multiphoton endoscopy technologies
Image processing, pattern recognition & AI
Label-free optical metrologies for tissue diagnostics
Multidimensional cell and tissue stretch systems technologies for mechanobiology
Bioprocess engineering for optical tissue clearing
High pressure biotechnology
Current Projects
Entwicklung eines parallelisierten isotropen Zelldehnungssystesms ("MultiStretcher) für mechanobiologisch und medizinische Anwendungen
(Third Party Funds Single)
Term: 1. December 2023 - 30. November 2026Funding source: Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Wirtschaft, Landesentwicklung und Energie (StMWi) (seit 2018)
Multiphoton imaging with computational specificity
(Third Party Funds Single)
Term: 1. July 2023 - 30. June 2025Funding source: EU - 9. Rahmenprogramm - Horizon Europe
Recent publications
Eckert, C., Schmidt, S., Faber, J., Detsch, R., Vielreicher, M., Lamberger, Z.,... Boßerhoff, A.K. (2025). An alginate-cellulose based bioink mimics the viscoelastic features of the melanoma microenvironment and its influence on cell cycle and invasion . Bioprinting , 46 .
Bühler, A., Brown, E.L., Nedoschill, E., Eckstein, M., Ludwig, P., Wachter, F.,... Regensburger, A. (2024). In Vivo Assessment of Deep Vascular Patterns in Murine Colitis Using Optoacoustic Mesoscopic Imaging . Advanced Science .
Ghanbari, M.H., Biesalski, M., Friedrich, O., & Etzold, B. (2024). Clozapine sensing through paper-based microfluidic sensors directly modified via electro-deposition and electro-polymerization . Sensors & Diagnostics , 3 (10), 1749-1758.
Ghanbari, M.H., Biesalski, M., Friedrich, O., & Etzold, B. (2024). Screen printed 3D microfluidic paper-based and modifier-free electroanalytical device for clozapine sensing . Analyst , 149 (22), 5411-5422.
Haug, M., Michael, M., Ritter, P., Kovbasyuk, L., Vazakidou, M.E., & Friedrich, O. (2024). Levosimendan’s Effects on Length-Dependent Activation in Murine Fast-Twitch Skeletal Muscle . International Journal of Molecular Sciences , 25 (11).
Haug, M., Schwappacher, R., Pollmann, C., Ritter, P., Michael, M., Herrmann, H.J.,... Friedrich, O. (2024). Effects of Adjuvant Exercise and Nutrition Therapy on Muscle Fibre Biomechanics in Gastrointestinal Cancer Patients . Cancers , 16 (8).
Herrmann, L., Leidenberger, M., Quadros, H.C., Grau, B., Hampel, F., Friedrich, O.,... Tsogoeva, S. (2024). Access to Artemisinin-Triazole Antimalarials via Organo-Click Reaction: High In Vitro/In Vivo Activity against Multi-Drug-Resistant Malaria Parasites . JACS Au , 4 (3), 951-957.
Merten, A.-L., Schöler, U., Guo, Y., Linsenmeier, F., Martinac, B., Friedrich, O., & Schürmann, S. (2024). High-content method for mechanosignaling studies using IsoStretcher technology and quantitative Ca2+ imaging applied to Piezo1 in cardiac HL-1 cells . Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences , 81 (1).
Merten, A.-L., Schöler, U., Lesko, C., Kreiß, L., Schneidereit, D., Linsenmeier, F.,... Friedrich, O. (2024). A novel modular opto-biomechatronics bioreactor for simultaneous isotropic mechanical stretch application and fluorescence microscopy under cell and tissue culture conditions . Biosensors and Bioelectronics: X , 16 , 100437.
Schipka, R., Heltmann-Meyer, S., Schneidereit, D., Friedrich, O., Röder, J., Boccaccini, A.R.,... Schmid, R. (2024). Characterization of two different alginate-based bioinks and the influence of melanoma growth within . Scientific Reports , 14 (1).
Schneidereit, D., Bauer, J., Mnuskina, S., Nübler, S., Cacciani, N., Mühlberg, A.,... Friedrich, O. (2024). CAS3D: 3D quantitative morphometry on Second Harmonic Generation image volumes from single skeletal muscle fibers . Computers in Biology and Medicine , 178 .
Schulz-Kuhnt, A., Rühle, K., Javidmehr, A., Döbrönti, M., Biwank, J., Knittel, S.,... Atreya, I. (2024). ATP citrate lyase (ACLY)-dependent immunometabolism in mucosal T cells drives experimental colitis in vivo . Gut , gutjnl-2023-330543.
Xu, S., Yang, X., Ritter, P., Dai, X., Lee, K.C., Kreiß, L.,... Horstmeyer, R. (2024). Tensorial tomographic Fourier ptychography with applications to muscle tissue imaging . Advanced Photonics , 6 (2).
Bauer, J., Head, S.I., & Friedrich, O. (2023). Assessment of Cell Viability in Electrically Excitable Muscle Cells Through Intact Twitch Stimulation . In Friedrich O, Gilbert DF (Eds.), Cell Viability Assays (2nd Edt.). (pp. 177-192). Humana Press Inc..
Bühler, A., Brown, E., Paulus, L.-P., Eckstein, M., Thoma, O.-M., Oraiopoulou, M.-E.,... Regensburger, A. (2023). Transrectal Absorber Guide Raster-Scanning Optoacoustic Mesoscopy for Label-Free In Vivo Assessment of Colitis . Advanced Science .
Friedrich, O., & Gilbert, D. (2023). Cell Viability Assays .
Gilbert, D., Friedrich, O., & Wiest, J. (2023). Assaying Proliferation Characteristics of Cells Cultured Under Static Versus Periodic Conditions . In Friedrich O, Gilbert DF (Eds.), Cell Viability Assays (2nd Edt.). (pp. 35-45). Humana Press Inc..
Kahl, M., Schneidereit, D., Meinert, C., Bock, N., Hutmacher, D.W., & Friedrich, O. (2023). A fluorescence-based opto-mechatronic screening module (OMSM) for automated 3D cell culture workflows . Biosensors and Bioelectronics: X , 14 .
Kopecky, C., Haug, M., Reischl, B., Deshpande, N., Manandhar, B., King, T.W.,... Cochran, B.J. (2023). Effect of insulin insufficiency on ultrastructure and function in skeletal muscle . Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle .
Kreiss, L., Jiang, S., Li, X., Xu, S., Zhou, K.C., Lee, K.C.,... Horstmeyer, R. (2023). Digital staining in optical microscopy using deep learning - a review . PhotoniX , 4 (1).
Krolinski, A., Sommer, K.P., Wiesner, J., Friedrich, O., & Vielreicher, M. (2023). Optimized Method of 3D Scaffold Seeding, Cell Cultivation, and Monitoring Cell Status for Bone Tissue Engineering . In Friedrich O, Gilbert DF (Eds.), Cell Viability Assays (2nd Edt.). (pp. 467-480). Humana Press Inc..
Mnuskina, S., Bauer, J., Wirth-Hücking, A., Schneidereit, D., Nübler, S., Ritter, P.,... Friedrich, O. (2023). Single fibre cytoarchitecture in ventilator-induced diaphragm dysfunction (VIDD) assessed by quantitative morphometry second harmonic generation imaging: Positive effects of BGP-15 chaperone co-inducer and VBP-15 dissociative corticosteroid treatment . Frontiers in Physiology , 14 .
Mühlberg, A., Ritter, P., Langer, S., Goossens, C., Nübler, S., Schneidereit, D.,... Kreiß, L. (2023). SEMPAI: a Self-Enhancing Multi-Photon Artificial Intelligence for Prior-Informed Assessment of Muscle Function and Pathology . Advanced Science .
Polley, C., Distler, T., Scheufler, C., Detsch, R., Lund, H., Springer, A.,... Seitz, H. (2023). 3D printing of piezoelectric and bioactive barium titanate-bioactive glass scaffolds for bone tissue engineering . Materials Today Bio , 21 .
Rederer, A., Rose, V., Krüger, R., Schmittutz, L., Swierzy, I., Fischer, L.,... Müller-Deile, J. (2023). Partner, Neighbor, Housekeeper and Dimension: 3D versus 2D Glomerular Co-Cultures Reveal Drawbacks of Currently Used Cell Culture Models . International Journal of Molecular Sciences , 24 (12).
Schneidereit, D., Nübler, S., & Friedrich, O. (2023). Second Harmonic Generation Morphometry of Muscle Cytoarchitecture in Living Cells . In Friedrich O, Gilbert DF (Eds.), Cell Viability Assays (2nd Edt.). (pp. 267-285). Humana Press Inc..
Schöler, U., Merten, A.-L., Schürmann, S., & Friedrich, O. (2023). Quantitative Live-Cell Ca2+ Imaging During Isotropic Cell Stretch . In Friedrich O, Gilbert DF (Eds.), Cell Viability Assays (2nd Edt). (pp. 155-176). Humana Press Inc..
Sommer, K., Heidbreder, K., Kreiß, L., Dedden, M., Paap, E.-M., Wiendl, M.,... Zundler, S. (2023). Anti-beta 7 integrin treatment impedes the recruitment on non-classical monocytes to the gut and delays macrophage-mediated intestinal wound healing . Clinical and Translational Medicine , 13 (4).
Sommer, K.P., Krolinski, A., Mirkhalaf, M., Zreiqat, H., Friedrich, O., & Vielreicher, M. (2023). Protocol for Cell Colonization and Comprehensive Monitoring of Osteogenic Differentiation in 3D Scaffolds Using Biochemical Assays and Multiphoton Imaging . International Journal of Molecular Sciences , 24 (3), 2999.
Gineste, C., Youhanna, S., Vorrink, S.U., Henriksson, S., Hernández, A., Cheng, A.J.,... Westerblad, H. (2022). Enzymatically dissociated muscle fibers display rapid dedifferentiation and impaired mitochondrial calcium control . iScience , 25 (12).
Haug, M., Reischl, B., Nübler, S., Kiriaev, L., Mázala, D.A., Houweling, P.J.,... Head, S.I. (2022). Absence of the Z-disc protein α-actinin-3 impairs the mechanical stability of Actn3KO mouse fast-twitch muscle fibres without altering their contractile properties or twitch kinetics . Skeletal Muscle , 12 (1).
Haug, M., Ritter, P., Michael, M., Reischl, B., Schürmann, S., Prölß, G., & Friedrich, O. (2022). Structure-Function Relationships in Muscle Fibres: MyoRobot Online Assessment of Muscle Fibre Elasticity and Sarcomere Length Distributions . IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering , 69 (1), 148-155.
Kara, A., Distler, T., Polley, C., Schneidereit, D., Seitz, H., Friedrich, O.,... Boccaccini, A.R. (2022). 3D printed gelatin/decellularized bone composite scaffolds for bone tissue engineering: Fabrication, characterization and cytocompatibility study . Materials Today Bio , 15 .
Kratzer, S., Arkudas, A., Himmler, M., Schubert, D.W., Schneidereit, D., Bauer, J.,... Cai, A. (2022). Vascularization of Poly-ε-Caprolactone-Collagen I-Nanofibers with or without Sacrificial Fibers in the Neurotized Arteriovenous Loop Model . Cells , 11 , 3774.
Kreiß, L., Ganzleben, I., Mühlberg, A., Ritter, P., Schneidereit, D., Becker, C.,... Waldner, M. (2022). Label-free analysis of inflammatory tissue remodeling in murine lung tissue based on multiphoton microscopy, Raman spectroscopy and machine learning . Journal of Biophotonics .
Kreiß, L., Thoma, O.-M., Lemire, S., Lechner, K., Carlé, B.-E., Dilipkumar, A.,... Waldner, M. (2022). Label-Free Characterization and Quantification of Mucosal Inflammation in Common Murine Colitis Models With Multiphoton Imaging . Inflammatory Bowel Diseases .
Kunze, P., Kreiß, L., Novosadová, V., Roehe, A.V., Steinmann, S., Prochazka, J.,... Schneider-Stock, R. (2022). Multiphoton Microscopy Reveals DAPK1‐Dependent Extracellular Matrix Remodeling in a Chorioallantoic Membrane (CAM) Model . Cancers , 14 (10).
Lemire, S., Thoma, O.-M., Kreiß, L., Völkl, S., Friedrich, O., Neurath, M.,... Waldner, M. (2022). Natural NADH and FAD Autofluorescence as Label-Free Biomarkers for Discriminating Subtypes and Functional States of Immune Cells . International Journal of Molecular Sciences , 23 (4).
Michael, M., Kovbasyuk, L., Ritter, P., Reid, M.B., Friedrich, O., & Haug, M. (2022). Redox Balance Differentially Affects Biomechanics in Permeabilized Single Muscle Fibres—Active and Passive Force Assessments with the Myorobot . Cells , 11 (23).
Ritter, P., Cai, A., Reischl, B., Fiedler, M., Prölß, G., Frie, B.,... Haug, M. (2022). MyoBio: An automated bioreactor system technology for standardized perfusion-decellularization of whole skeletal muscle . IEEE transactions on bio-medical engineering .
Ritter, P., Nübler, S., Buttgereit, A., Smith, L.R., Mühlberg, A., Bauer, J.,... Friedrich, O. (2022). Myofibrillar Lattice Remodeling Is a Structural Cytoskeletal Predictor of Diaphragm Muscle Weakness in a Fibrotic mdx (mdx Cmah(-/-)) Model . International Journal of Molecular Sciences , 23 (18).
Ryma, M., Genc, H., Nadernezhad, A., Paulus, I., Schneidereit, D., Friedrich, O.,... Groll, J. (2022). A Print-and-Fuse Strategy for Sacrificial Filaments Enables Biomimetically Structured Perfusable Microvascular Networks with Functional Endothelium Inside 3D Hydrogels . Advanced Materials .
Schmid, R., Schmidt, S., Detsch, R., Horder, H., Blunk, T., Schrüfer, S.,... Kengelbach-Weigand, A. (2022). A New Printable Alginate/Hyaluronic Acid/Gelatin Hydrogel Suitable for Biofabrication of In Vitro and In Vivo Metastatic Melanoma Models . Advanced Functional Materials , Volume 32 (Issue 2).
Simon, N., Voigtländer, C., Kappes, B., Rohrbach, P., & Friedrich, O. (2022). PfMDR1 Transport Rates Assessed in Intact Isolated Plasmodium falciparum Digestive Vacuoles Reflect Functional Drug Resistance Relationship with pfmdr1 Mutations . Pharmaceuticals , 15 (2).
Distler, T., Kretzschmar, L., Schneidereit, D., Girardo, S., Goswami, R., Friedrich, O.,... Budday, S. (2021). Mechanical properties of cell- and microgel bead-laden oxidized alginate-gelatin hydrogels . Biomaterials Science .
Distler, T., Polley, C., Shi, F., Schneidereit, D., Ashton, M.D., Friedrich, O.,... Boccaccini, A.R. (2021). Electrically Conductive and 3D-Printable Oxidized Alginate-Gelatin Polypyrrole:PSS Hydrogels for Tissue Engineering . Advanced Healthcare Materials .
Eggert, S., Kahl, M., Bock, N., Meinert, C., Friedrich, O., & Hutmacher, D.W. (2021). An open-source technology platform to increase reproducibility and enable high-throughput production of tailorable gelatin methacryloyl (GelMA) - based hydrogels . Materials and Design , 204 .
Ganzleben, I., Kreiß, L., Mühlberg, A., Friedrich, O., Neurath, M., Schürmann, S., & Waldner, M. (2021). Label-free analysis of experimental lung fibrosis using multiphoton microscopy and Raman spectroscopy . In EUROPEAN RESPIRATORY JOURNAL . SHEFFIELD: EUROPEAN RESPIRATORY SOC JOURNALS LTD.
Gilbert, D., Friedrich, O., Lesko, C., & Hartmann, K. (2021). Hilfsmittel und Verfahren für zellbasiertes high content imaging . BioSpektrum , 27 (2), 156-159.
Goossens, C., Weckx, R., Derde, S., Van Helleputte, L., Schneidereit, D., Haug, M.,... Langouche, L. (2021). Impact of prolonged sepsis on neural and muscular components of muscle contractions in a mouse model . Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle .
Guo, Y., Merten, A.-L., Schöler, U., Yu, Z.Y., Cvetkovska, J., Fatkin, D.,... Friedrich, O. (2021). In vitro cell stretching technology (IsoStretcher) as an approach to unravel Piezo1-mediated cardiac mechanotransduction . Progress in Biophysics & Molecular Biology , 159 , 22-33.
Heltmann-Meyer, S., Steiner, D., Mueller, C., Schneidereit, D., Friedrich, O., Salehi, S.,... Horch, R.E. (2021). Gelatin methacryloyl is a slow degrading material allowing vascularization and long-term use in vivo . Biomedical Materials , 16 (6).
Kah, D.-T.E., Winterl, A., Přechová, M., Schöler, U., Schneider, W., Friedrich, O.,... Fabry, B. (2021). A low-cost uniaxial cell stretcher for six parallel wells . HardwareX , 9 .
Kahl, M., Schneidereit, D., Bock, N., Friedrich, O., Hutmacher, D.W., & Meinert, C. (2021). MechAnalyze: An Algorithm for Standardization and Automation of Compression Test Analysis . Tissue Engineering - Part C: Methods , 27 (10), 529-542.
Martonová, D., Alkassar, M., Seufert, J., Holz, D., Duong, M.T., Reischl, B.,... Leyendecker, S. (2021). Characterisation of passive mechanical properties in healthy and infarcted rat myocardium . In Proceedings of the conference, GAMM Annual Meeting . Kassel, DE.
Martonová, D., Alkassar, M., Seufert, J., Holz, D., Duong, M.T., Reischl, B.,... Leyendecker, S. (2021). Influence of passive mechanical properties in healthy and infarcted rat myocardium on the cardiac cycle . In Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. (PAMM) . Kassel.
Martonová, D., Alkassar, M., Seufert, J., Holz, D., Duong, M.T., Reischl, B.,... Leyendecker, S. (2021). Passive mechanical properties in healthy and infarcted rat left ventricle characterised via a mixture model . Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials , 119 .
Schneidereit, D., Broellochs, A., Ritter, P., Kreiß, L., Mokhtari, Z., Beilhack, A.,... Friedrich, O. (2021). An advanced optical clearing protocol allows label-free detection of tissue necrosis via multiphoton microscopy in injured whole muscle . Theranostics , 11 (6), 2876-2891.
Shafiee, A., Cavalcanti, A., Saidy, N.T., Schneidereit, D., Friedrich, O., Ravichandran, A.,... Hutmacher, D.W. (2021). Convergence of 3D printed biomimetic wound dressings and adult stem cell therapy. Biomaterials , 268 , 120558.
Spörrer, M., Kah, D.-T.E., Gerum, R., Reischl, B., Huraskin, D., Dessalles, C.A.,... Fabry, B. (2021). The desmin mutation R349P increases contractility and fragility of stem cell-generated muscle micro-tissues . Neuropathology and Applied Neurobiology .
Vielreicher, M., Bozec, A., Schett, G., & Friedrich, O. (2021). Murine Metatarsus Bone and Joint Collagen-I Fiber Morphologies and Networks Studied With SHG Multiphoton Imaging . Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology , 9 .
Zimmermann, T., Gebhardt, L., Kreiß, L., Schneider, C., Arndt, S., Karrer, S.,... Boßerhoff, A.K. (2021). Acidified nitrite contributes to the antitumor effect of cold atmospheric plasma on melanoma cells . International Journal of Molecular Sciences , 22 (7).
Carullo, G., Mazzotta, S., Koch, A.M., Hartmann, K., Friedrich, O., Gilbert, D.,... Aiello, F. (2020). New oleoyl hybrids of natural antioxidants: Synthesis and in vitro evaluation as inducers of apoptosis in colorectal cancer cells . Antioxidants , 9 (11), 1-16.
Distler, T., Solisito, A., Schneidereit, D., Friedrich, O., Detsch, R., & Boccaccini, A.R. (2020). 3D printed oxidized alginate-gelatin bioink provides guidance for C2C12 muscle precursor cell orientation and differentiation via shear stress during bioprinting . Biofabrication , 12 (4).
Fey, C., Betz, J., Rosenbaum, C., Kralisch, D., Vielreicher, M., Friedrich, O.,... Zdzieblo, D. (2020). Bacterial nanocellulose as novel carrier for intestinal epithelial cells in drug delivery studies . Materials Science and Engineering C , 109 .
Fröhlich, T., Mai, C., Bogautdinov, R.P., Morozkina, S.N., Shavva, A.G., Friedrich, O.,... Tsogoeva, S. (2020). Synthesis of Tamoxifen-Artemisinin and Estrogen-Artemisinin Hybrids Highly Potent Against Breast and Prostate Cancer . ChemMedChem .
Hazur, J., Detsch, R., Karakaya, E., Kaschta, J., Teßmar, J., Schneidereit, D.,... Boccaccini, A.R. (2020). Improving alginate printability for biofabrication: establishment of a universal and homogeneous pre-crosslinking technique . Biofabrication , 12 (4).
Juia, T., Horch, R.E., Grüner, J., Schmid, R., Kengelbach-Weigand, A., Schubert, D.W.,... Ludolph, I. (2020). Size matters-in vitro behaviour of human fibroblasts on textured silicone surfaces with different pore sizes . Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine .
Kreiß, L., Thoma, O.M., Dilipkumar, A., Carlé, B.-E., Longequeue, P., Kunert, T.,... Vieth, M. (2020). Label-Free In Vivo Histopathology of Experimental Colitis via 3-Channel Multiphoton Endomicroscopy . Gastroenterology .
No, Y.J., Tarafder, S., Reischl, B., Ramaswamy, Y., Dunstan, C.R., Friedrich, O.,... Zreiqat, H. (2020). High-Strength Fiber-Reinforced Composite Hydrogel Scaffolds as Biosynthetic Tendon Graft Material . ACS Biomaterials Science and Engineering , 6 (4), 1887-1898.
Pollmann, C., Haug, M., Reischl, B., Prölß, G., Pöschel, T., Rupitsch, S.,... Friedrich, O. (2020). Growing old too early: Skeletal muscle single fiber biomechanics in ageing r349p desmin knock-in mice using the myorobot technology . International Journal of Molecular Sciences , 21 (15), 1-18.
Ritter, P., Bye, L.J., Finol-Urdaneta, R.K., Lesko, C., Adams, D.J., Friedrich, O., & Gilbert, D. (2020). A method for high-content functional imaging of intracellular calcium responses in gelatin-immobilized non-adherent cells . Experimental Cell Research , 395 (2).
Schwappacher, R., Schink, K., Sologub, S., Dieterich, W., Reljic, D., Friedrich, O.,... Zopf, Y. (2020). Physical activity and advanced cancer: evidence of exercise-sensitive genes regulating prostate cancer cell proliferation and apoptosis . The Journal of Physiology .
Simon, N., Sperber, C., Voigtländer, C., Born, J., Gilbert, D., Seyferth, S.,... Friedrich, O. (2020). Improved stability of polyclonal antibodies: A case study with lyophilization-conserved antibodies raised against epitopes from the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum . European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences , 142 .
Taeger, C.D., Friedrich, O., Horch, R.E., Distler, C., Kengelbach-Weigand, A., Wenzel, C.,... Präbst, K. (2020). Tissue Viability of Free Flaps after Extracorporeal Perfusion Using a Modified Hydroxyethyl Starch Solution . Journal of Clinical Medicine , 9 (12).
Weizel, A., Distler, T., Schneidereit, D., Friedrich, O., Bräuer, L., Paulsen, F.,... Seitz, H. (2020). Complex mechanical behavior of human articular cartilage and hydrogels for cartilage repair . Acta Biomaterialia .
Related Research Fields
The Institute of Medical Biotechnology designs and engineers new systems technologies that allow to investigate and manipulate optical and mechanical properties of biological tissues in health, disease and tissue engineering.
Research projects
Entwicklung eines parallelisierten isotropen Zelldehnungssystesms ("MultiStretcher) für mechanobiologisch und medizinische Anwendungen
(Third Party Funds Single)
Funding source: Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Wirtschaft, Landesentwicklung und Energie (StMWi) (seit 2018)
Multiphoton imaging with computational specificity
(Third Party Funds Single)
Funding source: EU - 9. Rahmenprogramm - Horizon Europe
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