Research and validation of processes, methods and tools to support the design of medical technologies and interventions.
Research projects
Biomechanical Engineering
Musculoskeletal Modeling and Simulation
Development of Exoskeletons and Ortheses
Preoperative Planning of Endosurgeries
Analysis and Optimization of User-Product-Interaction
Current projects
Empatho-Kinaesthetic Sensor Technology
(Third Party Funds Group – Overall project)
Term: 1. July 2021 - 30. June 2025
Funding source: DFG / Sonderforschungsbereich / Transregio (SFB / TRR)
The proposed CRC “Empathokinaesthetic Sensor Technology” (EmpkinS) will investigate novel radar, wireless, depth camera, and photonics based sensor technologies as well as body function models and algorithms. The primary objective of EmpkinS is to capture human motion parameters remotely with wave-based sensors to enable the identification and analysis of physiological and behavioural states and body functions. To this end, EmpkinS aims to develop sensor technologies and facilitate the collection of motion data for the human body. Based on this data of hitherto unknown quantity and quality, EmpkinS will lead to unprecedented new insights regarding biomechanical, medical, and psychophysiological body function models and mechanisms of action as well as their interdependencies.The main focus of EmpkinS is on capturing human motion parameters at the macroscopic level (the human body or segments thereof and the cardiopulmonary function) and at the microscopic level (facial expressions and fasciculations). The acquired data are captured remotely in a minimally disturbing and non-invasive manner and with very high resolution. The physiological and behavioural states underlying the motion pattern are then reconstructed algorithmically from this data, using biomechanical, neuromotor, and psychomotor body function models. The sensors, body function models, and the inversion of mechanisms of action establish a link between the internal biomedical body layers and the outer biomedical technology layers. Research into this link is highly innovative, extraordinarily complex, and many of its facets have not been investigated so far.To address the numerous and multifaceted research challenges, the EmpkinS CRC is designed as an interdisciplinary research programme. The research programme is coherently aligned along the sensor chain from the primary sensor technology (Research Area A) over signal and data processing (Research Areas B and C) and the associated modelling of the internal body functions and processes (Research Areas C and D) to the psychological and medical interpretation of the sensor data (Research Area D). Ethics research (Research Area E) is an integral part of the research programme to ensure responsible research and ethical use of EmpkinS technology.The proposed twelve-year EmpkinS research programme will develop novel methodologies and technologies that will generate cutting-edge knowledge to link biomedical processes inside the human body with the information captured outside the body by wireless and microwave sensor technology. With this quantum leap in medical technology, EmpkinS will pave the way for completely new "digital", patient-centred diagnosis and therapeutic options in medicine and psychology.Medical technology is a research focus with flagship character in the greater Erlangen-Nürnberg area. This outstanding background along with the extensive preparatory work of the involved researchers form the basis and backbone of EmpkinS.
Bereinigung multimodaler Bewegungsmessdaten mittels individualisierter muskuloskelettaler Menschmodelle
(Third Party Funds Group – Sub project)
Overall project: Empathokinästhetische Sensorik - Sensortechniken und Datenanalyseverfahren zur empathokinästhetischen
Modellbildung und Zustandsbestimmung
Term: 1. July 2021 - 30. June 2025
Funding source: DFG / Sonderforschungsbereich (SFB)
Es wird eine neuartige Methode zur Bereinigung und Filterung multimodaler Bewegungsmessdaten in Verbindung mit einer entsprechend notwendigen Multidomänenmodellierung muskuloskelettaler Ganzkörpermenschmodelle erforscht. Aufbauend auf den individualisierten Menschmodellen werden kinematische bzw. dynamische Trackingalgorithmen untersucht, die auf unterschiedliche Kombinationen multimodaler Messdaten angewendet werden können. Außerdem werden die neuen Methoden erprobt und evaluiert, sowie Benchmarks zu konventionellen Methoden durchgeführt. Neue EmpkinS-Messtechniken werden sobald verfügbar auf die neu etablierten Methoden transferiert.
Erforschung der posturalen Kontrolle basierend auf sensomotorisch erweiterten muskuloskelettalen Menschmodellen
(Third Party Funds Group – Sub project)
Overall project: Empathokinästhetische Sensorik
Term: 1. July 2021 - 30. June 2025
Funding source: DFG / Sonderforschungsbereich (SFB)
A novel postural control model of walking is explored to characterise the components of dynamic balance control. For this purpose, clinically annotated gait movements are used as input data and muscle actuated multi-body models are extended by a sensorimotor level. Neuromotor and control model parameters of (patho-)physiological movement are identified with the help of machine learning methods. Technical and clinical validation of the models will be performed. New EmpkinS measurement techniques are to be transferred to the developed models as soon as possible.
Recent publications
Harlan, J., Götz, S., & Wartzack, S. (2025). Natural VR modeling: a viable alternative to freehand sketching for preliminary design? Design Science , 11 .
Schächtl, P., Götz, S., Schleich, B., & Wartzack, S. (2025). Produkt- und Prozessparameterdesign additiv gefertigter Mechanismen . Konstruktion , 03 (2025), 59-59.
van Remmen, J.S., Wartzack, S., & Miehling, J. (2025). A systematic literature analysis of influencing factors affecting the balance between usability and emotional product design . Journal of Engineering Design , 1-41.
Bartz, M., Halmos, F., Jüttner, M., Ankenbrand, M., Häusler, F., Franke, J., & Wartzack, S. (2024). Use of printed sensors to measure strain in rolling bearings under isolated boundary conditions . Konstruktion , 76 (4), 58-59.
Bartz, M., Häußler, F., Halmos, F., Ankenbrand, M., Jüttner, M., Franke, J., & Wartzack, S. (2024). Strain measurement on rolling bearings using sensors applied by aerosol-based deposition . In Proceedings of the Bearing World . Würzburg, DE.
Bartz, M., Jüttner, M., Halmos, F., Uhlich, E., Klein, M., Drumm, P.,... Wartzack, S. (2024). Assessment of the Suitability of Selected Linear Actuators for the Implementation of the Load-Adaptive Biological Principle of Redundant Motion Generation . Biomimetics , 9 , 236.
Behringer, M., Götz, S., & Wartzack, S. (2024). An Approach for Cross-Domain Optimization for Automated Adaptation Design of Mechatronic Systems . In Dieter Krause; Kristin Paetzold-Byhain; Sandro Wartzack (Eds.), DS 133: Proceedings of the 35th Symposium Design for X (DFX2024) (pp. 035-044). Bamberg, DE.
Bickel, S., Götz, S., & Wartzack, S. (2024). Symbol Detection in Mechanical Engineering Sketches: Experimental Study on Principle Sketches with Synthetic Data Generation and Deep Learning . Applied Sciences , 14 (14).
Bickel, S., Götz, S., & Wartzack, S. (2024). Testing the Generalizability of Deep Learning Based Plausibility Detection with Unknown Finite Element Simulations . In DS 130: Proceedings of , Reykjavik, Iceland, 12th - 14th August 2024 (pp. 51-60). Reykjavik, IS.
Bode, C., Götz, S., & Wartzack, S. (2024). On the transferability of nominal surrogate models to uncertainty consideration of clinch joint characteristics . In Xiang Jiang, Paul J. Scott, Qunfen Qi (Eds.), Procedia CIRP (pp. 151-156). Huddersfield, GB: Elsevier B.V..
Bode, C., Schächtl, P., Schleich, B., & Wartzack, S. (2024). Process-Oriented Tolerancing: Consideration of Manufacturing and Operation for Product Assurance Using Virtual Methods . In Sandro Wartzack (Eds.), Research in Tolerancing. (pp. 185-200). Cham: Springer.
Buker, T., Kamin, S., van Remmen, J.S., Wartzack, S., & Miehling, J. (2024). Fostering self-efficacy through usability and emotional product design? An explorative study . Research in Engineering Design .
Deutschmann, T., Gadinger, M., Wartzack, S., & Krause, D. (2024). Design of the Load Introduction of Continuous Fibre-Reinforced Components for Cyclic Loading . In Dieter Krause, Kristin Paetzold-Byhain, Sandro Wartzack (Hrg.), Proceedings of the 35th Symposium Design for X (DFX2024) (S. 115–124). Bamberg, DE: The Design Society.
Döring, J., Bormann, T., Buchholz, A., Rothammer, B., Hembus, J., & Uhler, M. (2024). Tribologie in der Endoprothetik; Reibung und Verschleiß, ein Schlüssel zu langen Standzeiten . Der Orthopäde , 53 , 479 - 486.
Ehlert, M., & Stockinger, A. (2024). Simulation-Based Virtual Validation of Functional Limiting Positions . In Sandro Wartzack (Eds.), Research in Tolerancing. (pp. 161-181). Cham: Springer.
Einwag, J.-M., Götz, S., & Wartzack, S. (2024). Approach for the Reliable and Virtual Design of Mechanical Joints in an Uncertain Environment . In DS 133: Proceedings of the 35th Symposium Design for X (DFX2024) (pp. 222-230). Bamberg, DE.
Feile, K., Bartz, M., & Wartzack, S. (2024). Einsatz von Maschinellem Lernen zur Vorhersage von Schmierfilmparametern in abweichungsbehafteten elastohydrodynamischen Linienkontakten . In Proceedings of the 65. Tribologie-Fachtagung 2024. Reibung, Schmierung und Verschleiß. Forschung und praktische Anwendungen. . Göttingen.
Feile, K., Bartz, M., & Wartzack, S. (2024). Modeling of Shape Deviations for the Development of Predictive Models of TEHD Contacts . Paper presentation at 24th International Colloquium Tribology - Industrial and Automotive Lubrication - Conference Proceedings 2024, Ostfildern/Stuttgart.
Feile, K., Bartz, M., & Wartzack, S. (2024). Prediction of Lubricant Film Parameters of Deviated EHL Line Contacts using Machine Learning Approaches . In Proceedings of the 7th YOUNG TRIBOLOGICAL RESEARCHER SYMPOSIUM . Erlangen.
Fett, M., Kraft, M., Wilking, F., Götz, S., Wartzack, S., & Kirchner, E. (2024). Medium-Level Architectures for Digital Twins: Bridging Conceptual Reference Architectures to Practical Implementation in Cloud, Edge and Cloud–Edge Deployments . Electronics , 13 , 1373.
Fett, M., Macko, S., Wilking, F., Götz, S., Wartzack, S., & Kirchner, E. (2024). Retrofitting Digital Twins of Existing Systems . In 2024 IEEE International Symposium on Systems Engineering (ISSE) (pp. 1-8). Perugia, IT: New York City: IEEE.
Fett, M., Zwickler, J., Wilking, F., Götz, S., Schweigert-Recksiek, S., Hicks, B.,... Kirchner, E. (2024). A survey on the industry’s perception of digital twins – a follow-up to the digital twin workshop at the DESIGN Conference 2022 . In Mario Storga, Stanko Skec, Tomislav Martinec, Dorian Marjanovic, Neven Pavkovic, Marija Majda Skec (Eds.), Proceedings of the Design Society (pp. 2039-2048). Cavtat, Dubrovnik, HR: Cambridge University Press.
Fleischmann, S., Dietz, S., Shanbhag, J., Wünsch, A., Nitschke, M., Miehling, J.,... Koelewijn, A. (2024). Exploring Dataset
Bias and Scaling Techniques in Multi-Source Gait Biomechanics: An Explainable
Machine Learning Approach . ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology , 20 (1).
Franz, M., Freitag, S., & Wartzack, S. (2024). Tolerance Optimization for Composite Structures . In Sandro Wartzack (Eds.), Research in Tolerancing. (pp. 225-252). Cham: Springer.
Franz, M., Radjef, R., Eisenbart, B., & Wartzack, S. (2024). Effects of Ply Misalignment in Material Characterization of Composite Laminates . Fibers , 12 (12).
Freitag, S., Götz, S., & Wartzack, S. (2024). Influence of Laminate Parameter and Draping Variations on Locally Reinforced Composite Parts . Procedia CIRP , 129 , 187-192.
Gadinger, M., Bode, C., Deutschmann, T., Krause, D., & Wartzack, S. (2024). A Simulation-Based Approach for the Automated Design of Fatigue Resistant Continuous Fibre-Reinforced Components . In Dieter Krause, Kristin Paetzold-Byhain, Sandro Wartzack (Eds.), Proceedings of the 35th Symposium Design for X (DFX2024) (pp. 95–104). Bamberg, DE: The Design Society.
Gadinger, M., Bode, C., & Wartzack, S. (2024). Entwicklung eines Vorgehens zur automatisierten Auslegung zyklisch belasteter, endlosfaserverstärkter Bauteile . In Proceedings from the NAFEMS DACH Conference 2024 .
Gambietz, M., Dröge, A., Schüßler, C., Stahlke, M., Wirth, V., Miehling, J., & Koelewijn, A. (2024). Unobtrusive Gait Reconstructions using Radar-based Optimal Control Simulations . In Proceedings of the Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers .
Gerschütz, B., Consten, Y., Götz, S., & Wartzack, S. (2024). PADDME—Process Analysis for Digital Development in Mechanical Engineering . Processes , 12 (1), 173.
Götz, S. (2024). Early Tolerance Management and Robust Design . In Sandro Wartzack (Eds.), Research in Tolerancing. (pp. 39-62). Cham: Springer.
Halmos, F., Wartzack, S., & Bartz, M. (2024). Investigation of Failure Mechanisms in Oil-Lubricated Rolling Bearings under Small Oscillating Movements: Experimental Results, Analysis and Comparison with Theoretical Models . Lubricants , 12 , 271.
Horber, D., Götz, S., & Wartzack, S. (2024). Interconnected Tolerancing Activities and the Role of Key Characteristics . In Sandro Wartzack (Eds.), Research in Tolerancing. (pp. 9-37). Cham: Springer.
Horber, D., Li, J., Grauberger, P., Götz, S., Matthiesen, S., & Wartzack, S. (2024). Robust Conceptual Design for a Robust Early Embodiment Design . In Malmqvist, J.; Candi, M.; Saemundsson, R. J.; Bystrom, F. and Isaksson, O. (Eds.), Proceedings of NordDesign 2024 (pp. 11-20). Reykjavik, IS: The Design Society.
Horber, D., Pickel, J., Götz, S., & Wartzack, S. (2024). Utilizing System Models for Multicriteria Decision-Making - A Systematic Literature Review on the Current State of the Art . IEEE Open Journal of Systems Engineering , 2 , 135 - 147.
Husch, J., & Walter, M.S. (2024). Tolerances in Mechanisms . In Sandro Wartzack (Eds.), Research in Tolerancing. (pp. 65-99). Cham: Springer.
Kebbach, M., Hucke, L., Kluess, D., Miehling, J., Scherb, D., Wartzack, S.,... Schwarze, M. (2024). Numerische Simulation in der muskuloskelettalen Biomechanik . Die Orthopädie .
Kirchner, E., Bartz, M., & Becker-Dombrowsky, F. (2024). Behavior of Lubricated Bearings in Electric Circuits . Lubricants , 12 , 89.
Kopatsch, J., Polzer, M., Bartz, M., & Wartzack, S. (2024). Integration of manufacturing constraints into multi-material topology optimization . In DS 133: Proceedings of the 35th Symposium Design for X (DFX2024) (pp. 231-240). Bamberg, DE.
Kramer, V., Atalay, O., Rüth, L., Wingertszahn, P., Bartz, M., Götz, S.,... Wartzack, S. (2024). Method for the consideration of statistically distributed geometrical deviations in the design of cylindrical roller bearing arrangements . Forschung Im Ingenieurwesen-Engineering Research , 88 (1).
Kramer, V., & Wartzack, S. (2024). Rolling Bearing Calculation with Deviated Components: Incorporating Geometrical Imperfections in the Layout Process of Rolling Bearing Assemblies . In Sandro Wartzack (Eds.), Research in Tolerancing. (pp. 131-159). Cham: Springer.
Li, J., Horber, D., Grauberger, P., Götz, S., Wartzack, S., & Matthiesen, S. (2024). Supporting early robust design for different levels of specific design knowledge – An adaptive method for modeling with the Embodiment Function Relation and Tolerancing model . Design Science , 10 .
Li, J., Horber, D., Renner, P., Jiajie, Y., Götz, S., Grauberger, P.,... Matthiesen, S. (2024). Investigating Modeling in Early Robust Design – A Study with the Modeling Method of Embodiment Function Relation and Tolerance Model . In Malmqvist, J.; Candi, M.; Saemundsson, R. J.; Bystrom, F. and Isaksson, O. (Eds.), Proceedings of NordDesign 2024 (pp. 133-142). Reykjavik, IS: The Design Society.
Litzenburger, P., Götz, S., Margies, L., Bode, C., Müller, R., & Wartzack, S. (2024). Process-Oriented Tolerance and Variation Management: Review and Classification . Applied Sciences , 14 , 8112.
Mayer, J., Hufnagel, T., Sippl, C., & Wartzack, S. (2024). Effiziente Geometrierekonstruktion nach Topologieoptimierung eines Motorhalters . Konstruktion , 76 (11), 66-70.
Mayer, J., Sippl, C., Hufnagel, T., & Wartzack, S. (2024). Effiziente Geometrierekonstruktion nach Topologieoptimierung eines Motorhalters . Konstruktion , 76 (11), 66-70.
Miehling, J., Choisne, J., & Koelewijn, A. (2024). Editorial: Human digital twins for medical and product engineering . Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology , 12 .
Molz, C., Scherb, D., Löffelmann, C., Sänger, J., Yao, Z., Lindenmann, A.,... Miehling, J. (2024). A Co-Simulation Model Integrating a Musculoskeletal Human Model with Exoskeleton and Power Tool Model . Applied Sciences , 14 (6).
Neusser, K., & Rothammer, B. (2024). Plenary talk: "Nowear to be found" . In Gesellschaft für Tribologie e.V. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 7th YOUNG TRIBOLOGICAL RESEARCHER SYMPOSIUM . Erlangen.
Pickel, J., Bickel, S., Götz, S., & Wartzack, S. (2024). Integration of product development data for further ontological utilization . In Proceedings of the DESIGN 2024 (pp. 463-472). Cambridge University Press.
Rolofs, G., Wilking, F., Götz, S., & Wartzack, S. (2024). Integrating Digital Twins and Cyber-Physical Systems for Flexible Energy Management in Manufacturing Facilities: A Conceptual Framework . Electronics , 13 , 4964.
Roth, M. (2024). Sampling-based Tolerance-Cost Optimization: The Key to Optimal Tolerance Allocation . Erlangen: FAU University Press.
Roth, M., Bickel, S., Götz, S., & Wartzack, S. (2024). Challenges in the Virtual Geometry Assurance of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Stacks . In Xiang Jiang, Paul J. Scott, Qunfen Qi (Eds.), Procedia CIRP (pp. 121-126). Huddersfield, GB: Elsevier B.V..
Roth, M., Freitag, S., Franz, M., Götz, S., & Wartzack, S. (2024). Accelerating sampling-based tolerance–cost optimization by adaptive surrogate models . Engineering Optimization .
Roth, M., & Wartzack, S. (2024). Sampling-Based Tolerance-Cost Optimization: Automating Least-Cost Tolerance Allocation Through Joint Metaheuristic Optimization and Sampling-Based Tolerance Analysis . In Sandro Wartzack (Eds.), Research in Tolerancing. (pp. 101-127). Cham: Springer.
Rothammer, B., Feile, K., Werner, S., Frank, R., Bartz, M., Wartzack, S.,... Marian, M. (2024). Ti3C2Tx-UHMWPE nanocomposites—Towards an enhanced wear-resistance of biomedical implants . Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A , 1 -15.
Rothammer, B., Neusser, K., Bartz, M., & Wartzack, S. (2024, January). Amorphous Carbon Coatings for Total Knee Arthroplasty – a Knee Simulator Evaluation . Paper presentation at 24th International Colloquium Tribology - Industrial and Automotive Lubrication - Conference Proceedings 2024, Ostfildern/Stuttgart, DE.
Rothammer, B., Neusser, K., Bartz, M., Wartzack, S., & Kistler, M. (2024). A knee simulator pilot study: Performance of amorphous carbon coated articulating surfaces for total knee replacement . In Gesellschaft für Tribologie e.V. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 65. Tribologie-Fachtagung. Reibung, Schmierung und Verschleiß. Forschung und praktische Anwendungen. . Göttingen, DE.
Rothammer, B., Neusser, K., Bartz, M., Wartzack, S., & Marian, M. (2024). Biotribological investigation of amorphous carbon coatings in hard-on-soft contact for biomedical applications . In DKOU 2024 . Berlin, DE: Düsseldorf: German Medical Science GMS Publishing House.
Rothammer, B., Winkler, A., Bartz, M., & Wartzack, S. (2024). Numerical Wear Simulation based on Experimentally Determined Wear Coefficients . In Gesellschaft für Tribologie e.V. (Hrg.), Tagungsband 65. Tribologie-Fachtagung. Reibung, Schmierung und Verschleiß. Forschung und praktische Anwendungen. . Göttingen, DE.
Scherb, D., Barbosa, M.H., Völkl, H., Fleischmann, C., Betsch, M., Sesselmann, S.,... Miehling, J. (2024). Optimizing the individual design of revision hip implants – evaluating the effects for bone and stem using patient-specific finite element models . In Dieter Krause; Kristin Paetzold-Byhain; Sandro Wartzack (Hrg.), Proceedings of the 35th Symposium Design for X (DFX2024) (S. 15-24). Bamberg, DE.
Scherb, D., Steck, P., Wartzack, S., & Miehling, J. (2024). Musculoskeletal simulation for human-centred engineering of wearable assistive devices . Poster presentation at 29th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics, Edinburgh, GB.
Schleifer, S., Lungu, A., Kruse, B., van Putten, S., Götz, S., & Wartzack, S. (2024). Automatic derivation of use case diagrams from interrelated natural language requirements . In Proceedings of the DESIGN 2024 (pp. 2725 – 2734). Cavtat/Dubrovnik, HR: Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Schleifer, S., Lungu, A., Kruse, B., van Putten, S., Götz, S., & Wartzack, S. (2024). KI-gestützte Anforderungsformalisierung und Architekturmodellerstellung für das MBSE . WiGeP News , 1 , 14 - 15.
Schleifer, S., Lungu, A., Kruse, B., van Putten, S., Götz, S., & Wartzack, S. (2024). Minimal Data, Maximal Impact: Language Model-based Pipelines for the Automatic Generation of Use Case Diagrams from Requirements . In Dieter Krause; Kristin Paetzold-Byhain; Sandro Wartzack (Eds.), Proceedings of the 35. Symposium - Design for X (DfX) (pp. 240-249). Bamberg, DE: Cambridge University Press.
Schächtl, P., Götz, S., Schleich, B., & Wartzack, S. (2024). Knowledge-based product and process design synthesis of additively manufactured non-assembly mechanisms . Journal of Engineering Design .
Schächtl, P., Roth, M., Bräu, J., Götz, S., Schleich, B., & Wartzack, S. (2024). Generating Manufacturing Distributions for Sampling-based Tolerance Analysis using Deep Learning Models . Procedia CIRP , 129 , 103-108.
Schächtl, P., Schleich, B., & Wartzack, S. (2024). Process-Oriented Tolerancing for Additive Manufacturing—Application to Non-assembly Mechanisms . In Sandro Wartzack (Eds.), Research in Tolerancing. (pp. 201-223). Cham: Springer.
Shanbhag, J., Fleischmann, S., Gaßner, H., Winkler, J., Eskofier, B., Koelewijn, A.,... Miehling, J. (2024). Modelling postural control of upright standing during translational perturbations . Poster presentation at 29th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics, Edinburgh, Scotland.
Shanbhag, J., Fleischmann, S., Wechsler, I., Gaßner, H., Winkler, J., Eskofier, B.,... Miehling, J. (2024). A sensorimotor enhanced neuromusculoskeletal model for simulating postural control of upright standing . Frontiers in Neuroscience , 18 .
Steck, P., Scherb, D., Miehling, J., & Wartzack, S. (2024, August). Multi-body simulation of an ankle foot orthosis mechanics . Paper presentation at NAFEMS DACH Conference, Bamberg, Germany.
Steck, P., Scherb, D., Miehling, J., & Wartzack, S. (2024). On the Influence of Incorrect Idealized Joint Axes to the Design Process of Orthoses . In Wafa Skalli, Sébastien Laporte, Aurélie Benoit (Eds.), Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering II (pp. 187-194). Paris, FR: Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.
Steck, P., Scherb, D., Miehling, J., & Wartzack, S. (2024). Passive Ankle-Foot Orthoses: A Novel Approach for Passive Support of Plantar and Dorsiflexion Based on an Innovative Mechanism and Closed-Loop Logic . In Volume 1: Acoustics, Vibration, and Phononics; Advanced Design and Information Technologies . Porrtland, OR, US.
Steck, P., Schuler, D., Witzgall, C., & Wartzack, S. (2024). A New Slicer-Based Method to Generate Infill Inspired by Sandwich-Patterns for Reduced Material Consumption . Materials , 17 , 5596.
Wartzack, S. (2024). KI, digitaler Zwilling und die Zukunft der Produktentwicklung . Konstruktion , 76 (11), 3-4.
Wartzack, S. (2024). Research in Tolerancing . In Sandro Wartzack (Eds.), Research in Tolerancing. (pp. 1-6). Cham: Springer.
Wechsler, I., Wartzack, S., Koelewijn, A., & Miehling, J. (2024). IMU-based direct analytical joint center identification method for OpenSim – A proof of concept . In Proceedings of the 29th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics . Edinburgh, Scotland.
Wechsler, I., Wartzack, S., Koelewijn, A., & Miehling, J. (2024, July). IMU-based identification method for joint axes in OpenSim – a proof of concept . Poster presentation at 29th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics, Edinburgh., Edinburgh.
Wechsler, I., Wolf, A., Shanbhag, J., Leyendecker, S., Eskofier, B., Koelewijn, A.,... Miehling, J. (2024). Bridging the sim2real gap. Investigating deviations between experimental motion measurements and musculoskeletal simulation results—a systematic review . Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology , 12 .
Wilking, F. (2024). Assistenzsystem zur Nutzbarmachung von Systemmodellen für Digitale Zwillinge .
Wilking, F., Fett, M., Götz, S., Kirchner, E., & Wartzack, S. (2024). RSM-DT: Reusable System Models for Digital Twins by Utilizing and Automating SysML Profiles . In 2024 IEEE International Symposium on Systems Engineering (ISSE) (pp. 1-8). Perugia, IT: New York City: IEEE.
Wilking, F., Horber, D., Götz, S., & Wartzack, S. (2024). Utilization of system models in model-based systems engineering: definition, classes and research directions based on a systematic literature review . Design Science , 10 (e6).
Wilking, F., Horber, D., Schleifer, S., Behringer, M., Miehling, J., Götz, S., & Wartzack, S. (2024). Utilization of MBSE Models for a Micro-Mobility Solution in the Context of System of Systems . In 2024 19th Annual System of Systems Engineering Conference (SoSE) (pp. 24-29). Tacoma, US: New York City: IEEE.
Wilking, F., Kaup, S., Fett, M., Götz, S., Kirchner, E., & Wartzack, S. (2024). Utilization of SysML System Models for Smart Assembly Using Digital Twins . In J. Malmqvist, M. Candi, R. J. Sæmundsson, F. Byström, O. Isaksson (Eds.), DS 130: Proceedings of NordDesign 2024, Reykjavik, Iceland, 12th - 14th August 2024 (pp. 61-70). Reykjavik, IS.
Witzgall, C., Ashhab, M.S., & Wartzack, S. (2024). Enhancing the Design of Experiments on the Fatigue Life Characterisation of Fibre-Reinforced Plastics by Incorporating Artificial Neural Networks . Materials , 17 (3).
Yao, Z., Seyed Milad Mir, L., Molz, C., Scherb, D., Löffelmann, C., Sänger, J.,... Weidner, R. (2024). A Novel Approach to Simulating Realistic Exoskeleton Behavior in Response to Human Motion . Robotics , 13 (2), 27.
Zieger, D., Güthlein, F., Henningson, J.-O., Jakob, V., Gaßner, H., Shanbhag, J.,... Stamminger, M. (2024). 3D Body Twin: Improving Human Gait Visualizations Using Personalized Avatars . In ShapeMI 2024 (pp. 70-83). Marrakesh, MA.
Ziegler, K., Demir, K., Luft, T., Mucks, T., Fürst, M., Otto, M.,... Zimmermann, M. (2024). Computing solution spaces for gear box design . In Mario Storga, Stanko Skec, Tomislav Martinec, Dorian Marjanovic, Neven Pavkovic, Marija Majda Skec (Eds.), Proceedings of the Design Society (pp. 3041-3050). Cavtat, Dubrovnik, HR: Cambridge University Press.
Zirngibl, C., Götz, S., & Wartzack, S. (2024). Influence of process variations on clinch joint characteristics considering the effect of the nominal tool design . Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part E-Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering .
van Remmen, J.S., Horber, D., Händel, J., Miehling, J., & Wartzack, S. (2024). The balance between a usable and emotional product design – a comparison of different methods for prioritising relevant influencing factors . In DESIGN 2024 (pp. 2463-2472). Cavtat, HR: Cambridge University Press.
van Remmen, J.S., Miehling, J., & Wartzack, S. (2024). Berücksichtigung der Physiologie und Einstellung von Nutzern mittels Integration externer Einflussfaktoren in Affective Engineering Methoden . In Kristin Paetzold-Byhain, Andrea Augsten, Jens Krzywinsk (Hrg.), Tagungsband Entwerfen Entwickeln Erleben 2024
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Atalay, O., Koch, O., Kramer, V., Bartz, M., Götz, S., Wartzack, S., & Schleich, B. (2023). Methode zur Berücksichtigung geometrischer Abweichungen bei der Auslegung von Zylinderrollenlagern . In VDI Wissensforum (Hrg.), 15. VDI-Fachtagung Gleit- und Wälzlagerungen 2023: Gestaltung – Berechnung – Einsatz (S. 117-132). Schweinfurt, DE: Düsseldorf: VDI Verlag.
Bartz, M. (2023). Beyond Predictive Maintenance und Condition Monitoring: Mit smarten Systemen in der Tribologie und Antriebstechnik Reibung und Verschleiß minimieren um die Nachhaltigkeit zu verbessern. In Proceedings of the Eröffnung des Forschungszentrums für das Engineering Smarter Produkt-Service-Systeme (ZESS) . Bochum, DE.
Bartz, M., Häußler, F., Halmos, F., Ankenbrand, M., Jüttner, M., Roudenko, J.,... Wartzack, S. (2023). Use of Printed Sensors to Measure Strain in Rolling Bearings under Isolated Boundary Conditions . Lubricants , 11 , 424.
Bickel, S., Götz, S., & Wartzack, S. (2023). Detection of Plausibility and Error Reasons in Finite Element Simulations with Deep Learning Networks . Algorithms , 16 , 209.
Bickel, S., Götz, S., & Wartzack, S. (2023). DETECTION OF SINGULARITIES IN FINITE ELEMENT SIMULATIONS: A 3D DEEP LEARNING APPROACH . In Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference . Boston, MA, US: American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME).
Bickel, S., Schleich, B., & Wartzack, S. (2023). A Novel Shape Retrieval Method for 3D Mechanical Components Based on Object Projection, Pre-Trained Deep Learning Models and Autoencoder . Computer-Aided Design , 154 .
Bode, C., Götz, S., Schleich, B., & Wartzack, S. (2023). Implementation And Interpretation Of A Scrap And Failure Oriented Multi-Objective Optimization Considering Operational Wear . In Design Society (Eds.), Proceedings of the Design Society (pp. 2225-2234). Bordeaux, FR: Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Bode, C., Schleich, B., & Wartzack, S. (2023). Teilprojekt 1: Virtuelle und experimentelle Toleranzuntersuchungen abweichungsbehafteter Baugruppen . In Sandro Wartzack (Hrg.), Abschlussbericht DFG-Forschungsgruppe FOR 2271, 2. Phase. Prozessorientiertes Toleranzmanagement mit virtuellen Absicherungsmethoden. (S. 7 - 37). Erlangen: FAU University Press.
Denk, M., Jäger, M., & Wartzack, S. (2023). Symbolic Parametric Representation of the Area and the Second Moments of Area of Periodic B-Spline Cross-Sections . Applied Mechanics , 4 (2), 476-492.
Fett, M., Wilking, F., Götz, S., Kirchner, E., & Wartzack, S. (2023). A Literature Review on the Development and Creation of Digital Twins, Cyber-Physical Systems, and Product-Service Systems . Sensors , 23 , 9786.
Fett, M., Wilking, F., Götz, S., Kirchner, E., & Wartzack, S. (2023). Sensor selection and integration for Cyber-Physical Systems in context of Digital Twins – A systematic review of requirements . In 2023 18th Annual System of Systems Engineering Conference (SoSe) . Lille, FR: IEEE.
Fleischmann, C., Leher, I., Scherb, D., Kollerer, M., Miehling, J., Wartzack, S., & Sesselmann, S. (2023). Comparison of maximum hip abductor torques from patient-specific multibody simulation models with isometric and isokinetic force measurements . In Tareq Ahram and Redha Taiar (eds) (Eds.), Human Interaction & Emerging Technologies (IHIET 2023): Artificial Intelligence & Future Applications . Nizza, FR: USA: AHFE International.
Fleischmann, S., Shanbhag, J., Miehling, J., Wartzack, S., Leyendecker, S., Koelewijn, A., & Eskofier, B. (2023). Time vs. Space: Comparing gait cycle normalization methods and their effect on foot placement control . Poster presentation at 28th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics, Maastricht, NL.
Freitag, S., Götz, S., & Wartzack, S. (2023). Continuous simulation of variations during the design of endless fiber reinforced composite structure assemblies . In Dieter Krause, Kristin Paetzold-Byhain, Sandro Wartzack (Eds.), Proceedings of the 34th Symposium Design for X (DFX2023) (pp. 015-024). Radebeul, DE: The Design Society.
Freitag, S., Götz, S., & Wartzack, S. (2023). Simulationsstrategie zur Abbildung des abweichungsbehafteten Herstellungsprozesses von Faser-Kunststoff-Verbund-Baugruppen . In Sandro Wartzack (Hrg.), Tagungsband der 5. Summer School Toleranzmanagement 2023 (S. 41 - 48). Erlangen, DE: Erlangen: FAU University Press.
Gadinger, M., Witzgall, C., Hufnagel, T., & Wartzack, S. (2023). Using machine learning to increase efficiency in design of experiments for cyclic characterization of fibre-reinforced plastics . In Dieter Krause, Kristin Paetzold-Byhain, Sandro Wartzack (Eds.), Proceedings of the 34th Symposium Design for X (DFX2023) (pp. 115–124). Radebeul, DE: The Design Society.
Gambietz, M., Nitschke, M., Miehling, J., & Koelewijn, A. (2023). Contributing Components of Metabolic Energy Models to Metabolic Cost Estimations in Gait . IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering , 1-9.
Gerschütz, B., Götz, S., Hörmann, M., & Wartzack, S. (2023). Case-Based-Reasoning zur Vorhersage von Produkteigenschaften . In Proceedings of the Artificial Intelligence und Machine Learning in der CAE-basierten Simulation . Grafing b. München, DE: NAFMES DACH.
Gerschütz, B., Götz, S., & Wartzack, S. (2023). AI4PD—Towards a Standardized Interconnection of Artificial Intelligence Methods with Product Development Processes . Applied Sciences , 13 (5), 3002.
Gerschütz, B., Götz, S., & Wartzack, S. (2023). Umsetzung der Digitalisierung in der Produktentwicklung . Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb , 118 , 163-168.
Gerschütz, B., Sauer, C., Götz, S., Hörmann, M., & Wartzack, S. (2023). Potentiale von Simulationsdatenmanagementsystemen zur KI-gestützten Vorhersage und Bewertung von Produkteigenschaften . Grafing b. München: NAFEMS.
Gerschütz, B., Sauer, C., Kormann, A., Nicklas, S.J., Götz, S., Roppel, M.,... Wartzack, S. (2023). Digital Engineering Methods in Practical Use during Mechatronic Design Processes . Designs , 7 , 93.
Halmos, F., & Bartz, M. (2023). Charakterisierung von Ermüdungsschäden bei Wälzlagern unter Schwenkbewegungen . In Proceedings of the 64. Tribologie-Fachtagung der Gesellschaft für Tribologie e.V. . Göttingen, DE.
Halmos, F., Bartz, M., & Wartzack, S. (2023). Schadens- und Ausfallmechanismen bei Wälzlagern unter Schwenkbewegungen . In Proceedings of the 15. VDI-Fachtagung „Gleit- und Wälzlagerungen 2023" . Schweinfurt, DE.
Halmos, F., Bartz, M., & Wartzack, S. (2023). Schadens- und Ausfallmechanismen bei Wälzlagern unter Schwenkbewegungen . In Gleit- und Wälzlagerungen 2023. (pp. 321-332). VDI Verlag GMBH.
Halmos, F., Jüttner, M., Bartz, M., Ankenbrand, M., Häusler, F., Franke, J., & Wartzack, S. (2023). Einsatz von gedruckten Sensoren zur Messung der Dehnung von Wälzlagern unter isolierten Randbedingungen . WiGeP News , 2/2023 .
Harlan, J., Götz, S., & Wartzack, S. (2023). USE CASES FOR A HYBRID AUGMENTED REALITY COMPUTER WORKSTATION IN CAD WORKFLOWS . In Proceedings of the Design Society (pp. 3731-3740). Bordeaux, FR: Cambridge University Press.
Hick, H., Schleich, B., Sanladerer, S., Ryan, K., Trautner, J., Piguet, J.,... Wartzack, S. (2023). Combining System Models and CAD for Change Scenario Management . In INCOSE - International Council on Systems Engineering (Eds.), 33rd Annual INCOSE International Symposium (pp. 117-132). Honolulu, US: Hoboken, USA: Wiley.
Horber, D., Brand, O., Li, J., Götz, S., Matthiesen, S., & Wartzack, S. (2023). Digitale Durchgängigkeit im Toleranzmanagement am Beispiel der ganzheitlichen Robustheitsbewertung in frühen Phasen . In Sandro Wartzack (Hrg.), Tagungsband der 5. Summer School Toleranzmanagement 2023 (S. 69-76). Erlangen: Erlangen.
Horber, D., Götz, S., Schleich, B., & Wartzack, S. (2023). A Model-Based Approach for Integrated Variation Management . In American Society of Mechanical Engineers (Eds.), Proceedings of the ASME 2022 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE2022) (pp. IMECE2022-90956(1-10)). Columbus, Ohio, USA, US: American Society of Mechanical Engineers,U.S..
Kramer, V., Wirsching, S., Wartzack, S., & Miehling, J. (2023). Electrified cross skate as a micromobility solution | Elektrifizierter Cross-Skate als Mikromobilitätslösung . Konstruktion , 75 (9), 59-66.
Kügler, P., Dworschak, F., Schleich, B., & Wartzack, S. (2023). The evolution of knowledge-based engineering from a design research perspective: Literature review 2012–2021 . Advanced Engineering Informatics , 55 .
Li, J., Horber, D., Grauberger, P., Götz, S., Wartzack, S., & Matthiesen, S. (2023). Robustness evaluation in early phases of product development . Karlsruhe: KITopen.
Li, J., Horber, D., Keller, C., Grauberger, P., Götz, S., Wartzack, S., & Matthiesen, S. (2023). Utilizing the Embodiment Function Relation and Tolerance Model for Robust Concept Design . In Design Society (Eds.), Proceedings of the Design Society (pp. 3771 - 3780). Bordeaux, Frankreich, FR: Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Marian, M., Feile, K., Rothammer, B., Bartz, M., Wartzack, S., & Rosenkranz, A. (2023). Biotribological behavior of MXene-UHMWPE composites . In Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers (Eds.), Proceedings of the 77th STLE Annual Meeting & Exhibition (pp. 166 - 166). Long Beach, California, US.
Marian, M., Zambrano, D., Rothammer, B., Waltenberger, V., Boidi, G., Krapf, A.,... Grützmacher, P. (2023). Combining multi-scale surface texturing and DLC coatings for improved tribological performance of 3D printed polymers . Surface & Coatings Technology , 466 , 129682.
Mayer, J., Denk, M., & Wartzack, S. (2023). Reconstruction of Topology Optimized Geometry with Casting Constraints in a Feature-Based Approach . In Design Society (Eds.), Proceedings of the Design Society (pp. 3015 - 3024). Bordeaux, FR: Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Mayer, J., & Wartzack, S. (2023). Computational Geometry Reconstruction from 3D Topology Optimization Results: A New Parametric Approach by the Medial Axis . Computer-Aided Design and Applications , 20 (5), 960 - 975.
Neusser, K., Marian, M., Bartz, M., Wartzack, S., & Rothammer, B. (2023). Amorphous carbon coatings for total knee arthroplasty – a knee simulator evaluation . In Gesellschaft für Tribologie e.V. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 6th YOUNG TRIBOLOGICAL RESEARCHER SYMPOSIUM . Bayreuth, DE.
Neusser, K., Marian, M., Bartz, M., Wartzack, S., & Rothammer, B. (2023). Amorphous carbon coatings for total knee arthroplasty – A knee simulator evaluation . In Gesellschaft für Tribologie e.V. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 64. Tribologie-Fachtagung. Reibung, Schmierung und Verschleiß. Forschung und praktische Anwendungen. . Göttingen, DE.
Nečas, D., Vrbka, M., Marian, M., Rothammer, B., Gallo, J., Wimmer, M.A.,... Hartl, M. (2023, September). Lubrication Mechanisms in Knee Joint Replacements: A Comprehensive Experimental Investigation . Poster presentation at International Tribology Conference Fukuoka 2023, JP.
Pickel, J., Gerschütz, B., Horber, D., Götz, S., & Wartzack, S. (2023). Ontology-based knowledge provision for decision support in product development . In Dieter Krause, Kristin Paetzold-Byhain, Sandro Wartzack (Eds.), Proceedings of the 34th Symposium Design for X (DFX2023) (pp. 45-54). Radebeul, DE: The Design Society.
Polzer, M., Bartz, M., Rothammer, B., Schulz, E., & Wartzack, S. (2023). Tribological behavior of different doped ta-C coatings for slip-rolling contacts with high hertzian contact pressure . Industrial Lubrication and Tribology , 1 - 10.
Popp, J., Zirngibl, C., Schleich, B., Wartzack, S., & Drummer, D. (2023). Influence of geometrical parameters of conic pin structures in thermoplastic composite/steel hybrid joining . In Marion Merklein, Hinnerk Hagenah, Joost R. Duflou, Livan Fratini, Fabrizio Micari, Paulo Martins, Gerson Meschut (Eds.), Materials Research Proceedings (pp. 117-124). Erlangen, DEU: Association of American Publishers.
Preis, A., Grigull, R.-C., Wang, Y., Benke, E., Martin, S., Rieker, R.,... Reitelshöfer, S. (2023). Pinch Valve Approach for a Biofilm Resistant Mechatronic Intraurethral Artificial Urinary Sphincter* . In Proceedings of the 2023 45th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC) . Sydney, AU: IEEE.
Ries, L., Wartzack, S., & Zipse, O. (2023). Creating Sustainable Products . In Oliver Zipse, Joachim Hornegger, Thomas Becker, Markus Beckmann, Michael Bengsch, Irene Feige, Markus Schober (Eds.), Road to Net Zero. (pp. 123-157). Cham: Springer.
Roth, M., Seitz, M.J., Schleich, B., & Wartzack, S. (2023). Coupling Sampling-Based Tolerance-Cost Optimization and Selective Assembly – An Integrated Approach for Optimal Tolerance Allocation . In Proceedings of the ASME 2022 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE2022) (pp. V02AT02A008). Columbus, Ohio, USA, US.
Rothammer, B., Bartz, M., Wartzack, S., Weihnacht, V., & Marian, M. (2023). Biotribological behavior of ta-C coatings for load-bearing implants . In Proceedings of the 4th International Brazilian Conference on Tribology – TriBoBR 2023 . Vitória-ES, BR.
Rothammer, B., Neusser, K., Bartz, M., Wartzack, S., Schubert, A., & Marian, M. (2023). Evaluation of the Wear-Resistance of DLC-Coated Hard-on-Soft Pairings for Biomedical Applications . In Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Wear of Materials . Banff, Alberta, Canada, CA.
Rothammer, B., Neusser, K., Bartz, M., Wartzack, S., Schubert, A., & Marian, M. (2023). Evaluation of the wear-resistance of DLC-coated hard-on-soft pairings for biomedical applications . Wear , 523 .
Rothammer, B., Schwendner, M., Bartz, M., Wartzack, S., Böhm, T., Krauß, S.,... Marian, M. (2023). Wear Mechanism of Superhard Tetrahedral Amorphous Carbon (ta-C) Coatings for Biomedical Applications . Advanced Materials Interfaces , 10 (7), 1 - 17.
Rothammer, B., Wolf, A., Winkler, A., Schulte-Hubbert, F., Bartz, M., Wartzack, S.,... Marian, M. (2023). Subject-specific tribo-contact conditions in total knee replacements: a simulation framework across scales . Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology , 22 , 1395–1410.
Scherb, D., Fleischmann, C., Sesselmann, S., Miehling, J., & Wartzack, S. (2023). Evidence for the Applicability of Musculoskeletal Human Models to Improve Outcomes of Total Hip Arthroplasty . In Computer Methods, Imaging and Visualization in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering II. (pp. 194-207). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
Scherb, D., Fleischmann, C., Sesselmann, S., Miehling, J., & Wartzack, S. (2023). Evidence for the Applicability of Musculoskeletal Human Models to Improve Outcomes of Total Hip Arthroplasty . In Computer Methods, Imaging and Visualization in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering II. (pp. 194-207). CHAM: SPRINGER INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHING AG.
Scherb, D., Steck, P., Völkl, H., Wartzack, S., & Miehling, J. (2023). A New Method For Passive Ankle Foot Orthosis Design – Integration Of Musculoskeletal And Finite Element Simulation . In Design Society (Eds.), Proceedings of the Design Society (pp. 333 - 342). Bordeaux, Frankreich, FR: Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Scherb, D., Steck, P., Wartzack, S., & Miehling, J. (2023). Verification of a passive ankle-foot orthosis design method by using truss models . Paper presentation at 28th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics, Masstricht, NL.
Scherb, D., Steck, P., Wechsler, I., Wartzack, S., & Miehling, J. (2023). The Determination of Assistance-as-Needed Support by an Ankle–Foot Orthosis for Patients with Foot Drop . International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health , 20 (17).
Scherb, D., Wartzack, S., & Miehling, J. (2023). Modelling the interaction between wearable assistive devices and digital human models—A systematic review . Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology , 10 .
Schleifer, S. (2023). Potentialanalyse SysML-basierter Modellierungen von Systemen und Prozessen im Kontext des Toleranzmanagements . In Tag des Systems Engineering 2023 (S. 324 - 330). Würzburg, DE: Bremen: GfSE Verlag.
Schächtl, P., Götz, S., Schleich, B., & Wartzack, S. (2023). Knowledge-driven Design for Additive Manufacturing: A Framework for Design Adaptation . In Design Society (Eds.), Proceedings of the Design Society (pp. 2405-2414). Bordeaux, FR: Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Schächtl, P., Roth, M., Götz, S., Schleich, B., & Wartzack, S. (2023). Effiziente, prozessorientierte Konformitätsbewertung bei Toleranzsimulationen auf Basis von Klassifikationsmodellen . In Sandro Wartzack (Hrg.), Tagungsband der 5. Summer School Toleranzmanagement 2023 (S. 25-32). Erlangen: Erlangen: FAU University Press.
Schächtl, P., Schleich, B., & Wartzack, S. (2023). A Hierarchical Approach for the Verification and Validation of Tolerance Analysis Models . In Proceedings of the ASME 2022 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE2022) (pp. V02BT02A068). Columbus, Ohio, USA, US.
Seynstahl, A., Polzer, M., Bartz, M., Wartzack, S., & Tremmel, S. (2023). Effects of Nitrogen Modification of Porous PVD–MoS2 Coatings on the Tribological Behavior under Rolling–Sliding Conditions in Vacuum . Lubricants , 11 , 335.
Shanbhag, J., Fleischmann, S., Eskofier, B., Koelewijn, A., Wartzack, S., & Miehling, J. (2023). Towards postural control simulation using a sensorimotor enhanced musculoskeletal human model . Poster presentation at ISPGR World Congress 2023, Brisbane, AU.
Shanbhag, J., Wolf, A., Wechsler, I., Fleischmann, S., Winkler, J., Leyendecker, S.,... Miehling, J. (2023). Methods for integrating postural control into biomechanical human simulations: a systematic review . Journal of neuroEngineering and rehabilitation , 20 (1).
Steck, P., Scherb, D., Mayer, J., Jäger, M., Miehling, J., Völkl, H., & Wartzack, S. (2023). A New Design Method for Generating Surrogate Kinematic Truss Orthoses to support Pathological Gait Patterns in Human Model Simulations . In Design Sociey (Eds.), Proceedings of the Design Society (pp. 323-332). Bordeaux, France, FR: Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Steck, P., Scherb, D., Witzgall, C., Miehling, J., & Wartzack, S. (2023). Design and Additive Manufacturing of a Passive Ankle–Foot Orthosis Incorporating Material Characterization for Fiber-Reinforced PETG-CF15 . Materials , 16 (9), 3503.
Steck, P., Völkl, H., & Wartzack, S. (2023). Ein von nachgiebigen Mechanismen inspirierter Ansatz zur Konzeptionierung von additiv gefertigten Soft Robots. Konstruktion , 04 , 66-74.
Sänger, J., Wirth, L., Yao, Z., Scherb, D., Miehling, J., Wartzack, S.,... Matthiesen, S. (2023). ApOL-Application Oriented Workload Model for Digital Human Models for the Development of Human-Machine Systems . MDPI Machines , 11 (9).
Wartzack, S. (2023). KI in der Entwicklung – Eine Revolution für die Konstruktion . Konstruktion , 75 (7-8), 3-.
Wartzack, S., Götz, S., Bode, C., Franz, M., Freitag, S., Horber, D.,... Schächtl, P. (2023). Holistisches Toleranzmanagement am Lehrstuhl für Konstruktionstechnik . In Sandro Wartzack (Hrg.), Tagungsband der 5. Summer School Toleranzmanagement 2023 (S. 3-15). Erlangen: Erlangen: FAU University Press.
Wartzack, S., Miehling, J., & Kramer, V. (2023). Cross-Skates mit Elektroantrieb und hybridem Fahrmodus . WiGeP News , 1 , 20-21.
Wechsler, I., Koelewijn, A., Wartzack, S., & Miehling, J. (2023, July). Towards individualized biomechanical models in multiple domains . Poster presentation at 28th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics, Maastricht.
Wechsler, I., Wolf, A., Fleischmann, S., Waibel, J., Molz, C., Scherb, D.,... Miehling, J. (2023). Method for Using IMU-Based Experimental Motion Data in BVH Format for Musculoskeletal Simulations via OpenSim . Sensors , 23 , 5423.
Wilking, F., Behringer, M., Fett, M., Götz, S., Kirchner, E., & Wartzack, S. (2023). Concept of a Modular and System Model Driven Digital Twin for Engineering Education . In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on System of Systems Engineering (SoSE) . Lille, FR.
Wilking, F., Fett, M., Götz, S., Kirchner, E., & Wartzack, S. (2023). Handlungsempfehlungen für die Entwicklung Digitaler Zwillinge in der Antriebstechnik . WiGeP News , 1 , 4-5.
Winkler, A., Bartz, M., & Wartzack, S. (2023). Experimentelle Ermittlung von Verschleißkoeffizienten ölgeschmierter Kontakte an einem Zwei-Scheiben-Tribometer . Tribologie und Schmierungstechnik , 70 (3), 14-21.
Wirsching, S., & Bartz, M. (2023). Using exact macroscopic geometry in elastohydrodynamic simulations of point and elliptical contacts . Tribologie und Schmierungstechnik , 69 , 54-61.
Wirsching, S., Winkler, A., Bartz, M., & Wartzack, S. (2023). Elastohydrodynamische Simulation tribologischer Kontakte in Wälzlagern . Konstruktion , 75 (5), 55-62.
Witzgall, C., Gadinger, M., & Wartzack, S. (2023). Fatigue Behaviour and Its Effect on the Residual Strength of Long-Fibre-Reinforced Thermoplastic PP LGF30 . Materials , 16 , 6174.
Witzgall, C., Steck, P., & Wartzack, S. (2023). On the Influence of Fatigue Damage in Short-Fibre Reinforced Thermoplastic PBT GF30 on Its Residual Strength under High Strain Rates: An Approach towards Simulative Prediction . Journal of Composites Science , 7 , 23.
Witzgall, C., & Wartzack, S. (2023). Fatigue Damage of Short Fibre-Reinforced Thermoplastics in Crashworthiness Simulation . Applied Mechanics , 4 (4), 1188-1205.
Ziegler, M., Rothammer, B., Bartz, M., Wartzack, S., Beau, P., Patzer, G.,... Marian, M. (2023). Experimental study on the tribological behavior of ceramic disks for application inmixer taps under different lubrication conditions . Industrial Lubrication and Tribology , 1 - 8.
Zirngibl, C., Martin, S., Steinfelder, C., Schleich, B., Tröster, T., Brosius, A., & Wartzack, S. (2023). Methodical approach for the design and dimensioning of mechanical clinched assemblies . In Materials Research Forum LLC (Eds.), Materials Research Proceedings (pp. 179 - 186). Nuremberg.
van Remmen, J.S., Horber, D., Lungu, A., Chang, F., van Putten, S., Götz, S., & Wartzack, S. (2023). Natural Language Processing in Requirements Engineering and Its Challenges for Requirements Modelling in the Engineering Design Domain . In Design Society (Eds.), Proceedings of the Design Society (pp. 2765 - 2774). Bordeaux, Frankreich, FR: Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
van Remmen, J.S., Horber, D., Miehling, J., & Wartzack, S. (2023). The Balance Between a Usable and Emotional Product Design - A Concept for Prioritising Relevant Influencing Factors . In Dieter Krause, Kristin Paetzold-Byhain, Sandro Wartzack (Hrg.), Proceedings of the 34th Symposium Design for X (DFX2023) (S. 25-34). Radebeul, DE: The Design Society.
van Remmen, J.S., Horber, D., Pickel, J., Götz, S., & Wartzack, S. (2023). Potentiale von NLP-basierten Assistenzsystemen im Anforderungsmanagement . In Hölzle, Katharina; Kreimeyer, Matthias; Roth, Daniel; Maier, Thomas; Riedel, Oliver (Hrg.), Tagungsband zum Stuttgarter Symposium für Produktentwicklung SSP 2023 (S. 91-102). Stuttgart: Stuttgart: Fraunhofer IAO.
Bartz, M., Uttich, E., Wanieck, K., Bender, B., & Wartzack, S. (2022). An Approach to Transfer Biological Solutions Based on the Interaction of Mechanisms to Technical Products . In Proceedings of the Design Society (pp. 831-840). Online, HU: Cambridge University Press.
Bickel, S., Schleich, B., & Wartzack, S. (2022). A New Projection Based Method for the Classification of Mechanical Components Using Convolutional Neural Networks . In Proceedings of the Design Society (pp. 1501-1510). Online, HR: Cambridge University Press.
Bickel, S., Schleich, B., & Wartzack, S. (2022). ResNet networks for plausibility detection in Finite Element simulations . In N.H. Mortensen, C.T. Hansen, M. Deininger (Eds.), Proceedings of NordDesign 2022: How Product and Manufacturing Design Enable Sustainable Companies and Societies . Copenhagen, DK: The Design Society.
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Buker, T., Endreß, F., Miehling, J., & Wartzack, S. (2022). The Interplay of Subjective Quality Evaluation, Prototyping Technologies and the User's Technology Acceptance . Proceedings of the Design Society , 2 , 2077-2086.
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Buker, T., Schmitt, T., Miehling, J., & Wartzack, S. (2022). What’s more important for product design – usability or emotionality? An examination of influencing factors . Journal of Engineering Design , 1-35.
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Denk, M., Bickel, S., Steck, P., Götz, S., Völkl, H., & Wartzack, S. (2022). Generating Digital Twins for Path-Planning of Autonomous Robots and Drones Using Constrained Homotopic Shrinking for 2D and 3D Environment Modeling . Applied Sciences , 13 , 105.
Denk, M., Mayer, J., & Wartzack, S. (2022). Fully Automated Reconstruction of Topology Optimization Results with Feature Transformation and Curve Skeletonization! In VDI Wissensforum GmbH (Eds.), 20. VDI-Kongress mit Fachausstellung SIMVEC, Aktuelle Herausforderungen bei der Auslegung und Absicherung von Fahrzeugsystemen. (pp. 501-511). Düsseldorf 2022: VDI Verlag GmbH.
Denk, M., Mayer, J., & Wartzack, S. (2022). Procedural Concept Design with Computer Graphic Applications for Light-Weight Structures using Blender with Subdivision Surfaces . In Proceedings of the 33rd Symposium Design for X (DFX2022) .
Denk, M., Rother, K., & Paetzold, K. (2022). Truss Parametrization of Topology Optimization Results with Curve Skeletons and Meta Balls . Proceedings of the Design Society , 2 , 363-372.
Dworschak, F., Dietze, S., Wittmann, M., Schleich, B., & Wartzack, S. (2022). Reinforcement Learning for Engineering Design Automation . Advanced Engineering Informatics , 52 .
Dworschak, F., Sauer, C., Schleich, B., & Wartzack, S. (2022). Reinforcement Learning As an Alternative for Parameter Prediction In Design for Sheet Bulk Metal Forming . In The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) (Eds.), Volume 2: 42nd Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (CIE) . St. Louis, MO, US: St. Louis, Missouri.
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Feile, K., Rothammer, B., Bartz, M., Wartzack, S., & Marian, M. (2022). Biotribological behavior of MXene-UHMWPE-composites for total knee arthroplasty . In Proceedings of the 5th YOUNG TRIBOLOGICAL RESEARCHER SYMPOSIUM . online and Karlsruhe, DE.
Franz, M., Pfingstl, S., Zimmermann, M., & Wartzack, S. (2022). Estimation of Composite Laminate Ply Angles Using an Inverse Bayesian Approach Based on Surrogate Models . (pp. 1569-1578).
Franz, M., Völkl, H., & Wartzack, S. (2022). Spider web inspired composite structures - a new concept for load introduction in fiber-reinforced-plastics sandwich structures . In Proceedings of the DS 119: Proceedings of the 33rd Symposium Design for X (DFX2022) . Hamburg, DE.
Franz, M., & Wartzack, S. (2022). Tolerance Optimization of Patch Parameters for Locally Reinforced Composite Structures . Applied Composite Materials .
Gambietz, M., Nitschke, M., Miehling, J., & Koelewijn, A. (2022). What should a metabolic energy model look like? Sensitivity of metabolic energy model parameters during gait . Poster presentation at 9th World Congress of Biomechanics 2022 Taipei, Taipei, TW.
Gerschütz, B., Bickel, S., Schleich, B., & Wartzack, S. (2022). Enabling Initial Design-Checks of Parametric Designs Using Digital Engineering Methods . Proceedings of the Design Society , 2 , 405-414.
Götz, S. (2022). Frühzeitiges konstruktionsbegleitendes Toleranzmanagement . Erlangen: FAU University Press.
Götz, S., Lechner, T., & Schleich, B. (2022). Computer-aided tolerance specification of preliminary designs based on variation analysis . Procedia CIRP , 114 , 203-208.
Harlan, J., Schleich, B., & Wartzack, S. (2022). A concept for a novel hybrid augmented reality computer workstation for virtual product development . In Dieter Krause, Kristin Paetzold, Sandro Wartzack (Eds.), Proceedings of the 33rd Symposium Design for X (DFX2022) . Hamburg: The Design Society.
Hasselbruch, H., Decho, H., Kröner, J., Bartz, M., & Mehner, A. (2022). POSEIDON – Entwicklung reibungsarmer Kohlenstoffschichtsysteme für den Einsatz unter tribokorrosiven Betriebsbedingungen . In Gesellschaft für Tribologie e.V. (Hrg.), 63. Tribologie-Fachtagung 2022. Reibung, Schmierung und Verschleiß. Forschung und praktische Anwendungen. (S. 77/1-77/10). Göttingen, DE: Stolberg-Venwegen: Druckservice Zillekens.
Horber, D., Li, J., Grauberger, P., Schleich, B., Matthiesen, S., & Wartzack, S. (2022). A model-based approach for early robustness evaluation – Combination of Contact and Channel Approach with tolerance graphs in SysML . In Dieter Krause, Kristin Paetzold, Sandro Wartzack (Eds.), Proceedings of the 33rd Symposium Design for X (DFX2022) (pp. 1-10). Hamburg, DE: The Design Society.
Horber, D., Schleich, B., & Wartzack, S. (2022). Identification of Property Change Impacts Based on Requirements-Oriented, Multi-Criteria Decision Models . In The Design Society (Eds.), Proceedings of the Design Society (pp. 465-474). Online, HR: Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Jäger, M., & Wartzack, S. (2022). Efficient Computation of Spatial Truss Structures for Design Optimization Approaches Using Tube-Shaped Thin-Walled Composite Beams . In Proceedings of the Munich Symposium on Lightweight Design 2021 (pp. 1-12).
Jäger, M., & Wartzack, S. (2022). Strength Analysis of Structurally Optimized Aluminium-Composite Tubular Lap Joints . Proceedings of the Design Society , 2 , 2473-2482.
Jüttner, M., Bartz, M., Tremmel, S., Correns, M., & Wartzack, S. (2022). Edge Pressures Obtained Using FEM and Half-Space: A Study of Truncated Contact Ellipses . Lubricants , 10 , 107.
Jüttner, M., Bartz, M., Tremmel, S., & Wartzack, S. (2022). On the Transient Effects at the Beginning of 3D Elastic-Plastic Rolling Contacts for a Circular Point Contact Considering Isotropic Hardening . Lubricants , 10 (3).
Kappe, F., Zirngibl, C., Schleich, B., Bobbert, M., Wartzack, S., & Meschut, G. (2022). Determining the influence of different process parameters on the versatile self-piercing riveting process using numerical methods . Journal of Manufacturing Processes , 84 , 1438 - 1448.
Kolli, V., Winkler, A., Wartzack, S., & Marian, M. (2022). Micro-scale deterministic asperity contact FEM simulation . Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties , 10 (4).
Kramer, V., Atalay, O., Koch, O., Bartz, M., Schleich, B., & Wartzack, S. (2022, September). Einfluss statistisch verteilter geometrischer Formabweichungen auf Reibmoment und Schwingungsanregung von Zylinderrollenlagern . Poster presentation at 63. Tribologie-Fachtagung, Göttingen, DE.
Kügler, P., Marian, M., Dorsch, R., Schleich, B., & Wartzack, S. (2022). A Semantic Annotation Pipeline towards the Generation of Knowledge Graphs in Tribology . Lubricants , 10 (2).
Marian, M., Mursak, J., Bartz, M., Profito, F.J., Rosenkranz, A., & Wartzack, S. (2022). Predicting EHL film thickness parameters by machine learning approaches . Friction .
Marian, M., Rothammer, B., Bartz, M., Nečas, D., Vrbka, M., Wimmer, M.A., & Wartzack, S. (2022). Numerical study on the lubrication in total knee replacements: The influence of dynamics, geometry, material and fluid . In Proceedings of the 7th World Tribology Congress, WTC 2022 . Lyon, FR.
Mayer, J., Völkl, H., & Wartzack, S. (2022). Feature-Based Reconstruction of Non-Beam-Like Topology Optimization Design Proposals in Boundary-Representation . In Dieter Krause; Kristin Paetzold; Sandro Wartzack (Eds.), Proceedings of the 33rd Symposium Design for X (DFX2022) . Hamburg, DE.
Mehlstäubl, J., Braun, F., Denk, M., Kraul, R., & Paetzold, K. (2022). Using Machine Learning for Product Portfolio Management: A Methodical Approach to Predict Values of Product Attributes for Multi-Variant Product Portfolios . Proceedings of the Design Society , 2 , 1659-1668.
Meißner, R., Wolf, A., Wartzack, S., & Miehling, J. (2022). Prädiktive biomechanische Simulation am Beispiel von ergonomischer Produktoptimierung in Burkina Faso / Predictive biomechanical simulation based on the example of ergonomic product optimization in Burkina Faso . Konstruktion , 74 (3), 60-66.
Miehling, J. (2022, June). Individualized vs. Population-based Musculoskeletal Simulation for Medical and Product Engineering . Paper presentation at 27th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics, Porto, PT.
Molz, C., Yao, Z., Sänger, J., Gwosch, T., Weidner, R., Matthiesen, S.,... Miehling, J. (2022). A Musculoskeletal Human Model-Based Approach for Evaluating Support Concepts of Exoskeletons for Selected Use Cases . Proceedings of the Design Society , 2 , 515-524.
Neusser, K., Rothammer, B., Bartz, M., Wartzack, S., & Marian, M. (2022). Biotribological screening of amorphous carbon coatings on hard-on-soft pairings for total knee arthroplasty . In Gesellschaft für Tribologie e.V. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 63. Tribologie-Fachtagung. Reibung, Schmierung und Verschleiß. Forschung und praktische Anwendungen. (pp. 12). Göttingen, DE.
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Polzer, M., Bartz, M., Schulz, E., Procelewska, J., & Wartzack, S. (2022). Optimierung der tribologischen Effizienz von Lagerkomponenten mit modifizierten ta-C Beschichtungen . In Gesellschaft für Tribologie e.V. (Eds.), Tribologie-Fachtagung (pp. 442 - 451). Göttingen, DE.
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Rohrmoser, A., Bode, C., Schleich, B., Hagenah, H., Wartzack, S., & Merklein, M. (2022). Influence of metal gear tooth geometry on load and wear within metal-polymer gear pairs . Applied Sciences , 12 (1).
Roth, M., Schleich, B., & Wartzack, S. (2022). Concurrent Machine and Batch Size Selection in Sampling-based Tolerance-Cost Optimization . Procedia CIRP , 109 , 13-18.
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Roth, M., Schächtl, P., Giesert, A., Schleich, B., & Wartzack, S. (2022). Toward cost-efficient tolerancing of 3D-printed parts: a novel methodology for the development of tolerance-cost models for fused layer modeling . International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology , 119 , 2461–2478.
Rothammer, B., Bartz, M., & Wartzack, S. (2022, October). Tribological behavior of amorphous carbon coatings on Ti6Al4V alloy and UHMWPE for total knee replacement using a pin-on-disk tribometer . Paper presentation at Deutscher Kongress für Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie (DKOU 2022), Berlin, DE.
Rothammer, B., Neusser, K., Marian, M., Bartz, M., & Wartzack, S. (2022). Investigation of the tribological behavior of amorphous carbon coatings for total knee replacement using a pin-on-disk tribometer . In Proceedings of the 7th World Tribology Congress, WTC 2022 . Lyon, FR.
Römisch, D., Zirngibl, C., Schleich, B., Wartzack, S., & Merklein, M. (2022). Robustness Analysis of Pin Joining . Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing , 6 (5).
Sauer, C., Gerschütz, B., Bernsdorf, J., Schleich, B., & Wartzack, S. (2022). A Machine Learning-Based Approach for Quick Evaluation of Live Simulations in Embodiment Design . Proceedings of the Design Society , 2 , 1757-1766.
Sauer, C., Rothammer, B., Pottin, N., Bartz, M., Schleich, B., & Wartzack, S. (2022). Design of Amorphous Carbon Coatings Using Gaussian Processes and Advanced Data Visualization . Lubricants , 10 (2).
Scherb, D., Steck, P., Wartzack, S., & Miehling, J. (2022). Integration of musculoskeletal and model order reduced FE simulation for passive ankle foot orthosis design . Paper presentation at 27th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics, Porto, PT.
Schleich, B., Qie, Y., Wartzack, S., & Anwer, N. (2022). Generative adversarial networks for tolerance analysis . CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology , 71 (1), 133-136.
Schleich, B., Roth, M., & Schächtl, P. (2022). Conceptualization and Elaboration of a Teaching Unit on Digital Twins in Geometrical Variations Management . Procedia CIRP , 114 , 221-226.
Schwarz, S., Grillenberger, H., Graf-Goller, O., Bartz, M., Tremmel, S., & Wartzack, S. (2022). Using Machine Learning Methods for Predicting Cage Performance Criteria in an Angular Contact Ball Bearing . Lubricants , 10 (2).
Schächtl, P., Schleich, B., & Wartzack, S. (2022). On the Potential of Slicing Algorithms in Additive Manufacturing for the Optimization of Geometrical Part Accuracy . Procedia CIRP , 114 , 215-220.
Steck, P., Scherb, D., Miehling, J., Völkl, H., & Wartzack, S. (2022). Synthesis of passive lightweight orthoses considering humanmachine interaction . In Dieter Krause; Kristin Paetzold; Sandro Wartzack (Eds.), DS 119: Proceedings of the 33rd Symposium Design for X (DFX2022) . Hamburg: Hamburg.
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Winkler, A., Bartz, M., & Wartzack, S. (2022). Numerical Wear Modeling in the Mixed and Boundary Lubrication Regime . Lubricants , 10 (12).
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Witzgall, C., Giolda, J., & Wartzack, S. (2022). A novel approach to incorporating previous fatigue damage into a failure model for short-fibre reinforced plastics . International Journal of Impact Engineering , 162 .
Witzgall, C., Völkl, H., & Wartzack, S. (2022). Derivation and Validation of Linear Elastic Orthotropic Material Properties for Short Fibre Reinforced FLM Parts . Journal of Composites Science , 6 (4).
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Wolf, A., Buker, T., Molz, C., Scherb, D., Wartzack, S., & Miehling, J. (2022). Proactive Integration of User Data into Engineering Processes - A Generic Approach and Specific Examples . In Vincent G. Duffy, Mark Lehto, Yuehwern Yih, Robert W. Proctor (Eds.), Human-Automation Interaction. Manufacturing, Services and User Experience. (pp. 337-352). Cham: Springer.
Wolf, A., Fackler, K., Reulbach, M., Wartzack, S., & Miehling, J. (2022). Computer Aided Ergonomics: Evaluation Study of a Interaction Model for Digital Human Models . In Cambridge University Press (Eds.), Proceedings of the Design Society (pp. 663 - 672). Dubrovnik, HR: Cambridge University Press.
Ziegler, M., Rothammer, B., Marian, M., Henzler, S., Beau, P., Bartz, M., & Wartzack, S. (2022). Tribological behavior of ceramic disks for application in mixer taps under different lubrication conditions . In Proceedings of the 5th YOUNG TRIBOLOGICAL RESEARCHER SYMPOSIUM . online and Karlsruhe, DE.
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Zirngibl, C., Schleich, B., & Wartzack, S. (2022). Estimation of Clinch Joint Characteristics Based on Limited Input Data Using Pre-Trained Metamodels . AI , 3 , 990-1006.
Zirngibl, C., Schleich, B., & Wartzack, S. (2022). Robust estimation of clinch joint characteristics based on data-driven methods . International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology .
Bickel, S., Schleich, B., & Wartzack, S. (2021). Detection and Classification of Symbols in Principle Sketches using Deep Learning . In Cambridge University Press (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED21) (pp. 1183 - 1192). Göteburg, SE: Cambridge University Press.
Briard, T., Jean, C., Aoussat, A., Véron, P., Le Cardinal, J., & Wartzack, S. (2021). Data-driven design challenges in the early stages of the product development process . In Proceedings of the Design Society (pp. 851-860). Gothenburg, SWE: Cambridge University Press.
Denk, M., Rother, K., & Paetzold, K. (2021). Beam-colored Sketch and Image-based 3D Continuous Wireframe Reconstruction with different Materials and Cross-Sections . In Proceedings of the Entwerfen Entwickeln Erleben - EEE2021 (pp. 345 - 354). Dresden, DE: Dresden: Thelem Universitätsverlag & Buchhandlung GmbH & Co. KG.
Denk, M., Rother, K., & Paetzold, K. (2021). Fully Automated Subdivision Surface Parametrization for Topology Optimized Structures and Frame Structures Using Euclidean Distance Transformation and Homotopic Thinning . In Springer Vieweg (Eds.), Proceedings of the Munich Symposium on Lightweight Design 2020. (pp. 18-27). Heidelberb.
Dworschak, F., Kügler, P., Schleich, B., & Wartzack, S. (2021). Model and Knowledge Representation for the Reuse of Design Process Knowledge Supporting Design Automation in Mass Customization . Applied Sciences .
Eifler, T., & Schleich, B. (2021). A robust design research landscape - review on the importance of design research for achieving product robustness . In Proceedings of the Design Society: International Conference on Engineering Design (pp. 211-220). Göteborg, Online, SE: Cambrige University Press.
Fechter, M., Schleich, B., & Wartzack, S. (2021). Comparative evaluation of WIMP and immersive natural finger interaction: a user study on CAD assembly modeling . Virtual Reality .
Fleischmann, C., Scherb, D., Leher, I., Wolf, A., Miehling, J., Wartzack, S., & Sesselmann, S. (2021). Segmentation of musculotendinous structures of the hip from 3d imaging for patient-specific individualization of biomechanical simulations . In Tareq Ahram, Redha Taiar, Karine Langlois, Arnaud Choplin (Eds.), Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (pp. 331-337). Paris, FR: Springer.
Franz, M., Schleich, B., & Wartzack, S. (2021). Tolerance management during the design of composite structures considering variations in design parameters . International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology , 113 (5-6), 1753–1770.
Franz, M., & Wartzack, S. (2021). Tolerierung bei der Auslegung endlosfaserverstärkter Faserverbundbauteile . WiGeP News , 2 , 8-9.
Gerschütz, B., Sauer, C., Wallisch, A., Mehlstäubl, J., Kormann, A., Schleich, B.,... Wartzack, S. (2021). Towards Customized Digital Engineering: Herausforderungen und Potentiale bei der Anpassung von Digital Engineering Methoden für den Produktentwicklungsprozess . In Hansgeorg Binz, Bernd Bertsche, Dieter Spath, Daniel Roth (Eds.), Stuttgarter Symposium für Produktentwicklung SSP 2021 (pp. 93-104). Stuttgart, DE: Stuttgart: Fraunhofer-Institut für Arbeitswirtschaft und Organisation IAO.
Gerschütz, B., Schleich, B., & Wartzack, S. (2021). A semantic web approach for structuring data-driven methods in the product development process . In Krause D, Paetzold K, Wartzack S (Eds.), Proceedings of the 32nd Symposium Design for X (DFX2021) . Tutzing, DE.
Gerschütz, B., Spießl, B.V.M., Schleich, B., & Wartzack, S. (2021). An adapted Method for Design Process Capturing to meet the challenges of digital product development . In Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED21) (pp. 365-374). Gothenburg, Sweden, SE: Cambridge University Press.
Götz, S., Horber, D., Schleich, B., & Wartzack, S. (2021). SIMULTANEOUS DEFINITION OF KEY CHARACTERISTICS IN ORDER TO FACILITATE ROBUST DESIGN IN EARLY PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT STAGES . In Proceedings of the Design Society (pp. 2691-2700). Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.
Götz, S., Kirchner, P., Schleich, B., & Wartzack, S. (2021). Integrated approach enabling robust and tolerance design in product concept development . Design Science , 7 .
Götz, S., Roth, M., & Schleich, B. (2021). Early Robust Design—Its Effect on Parameter and Tolerance Optimization . Applied Sciences , 11 , 9407.
Hallmann, M., Schleich, B., & Wartzack, S. (2021). Process and machine selection in sampling-based tolerance-cost optimisation for dimensional tolerancing . International Journal of Production Research , 60 (17), 5201-5216.
Hallmann, M., Schleich, B., & Wartzack, S. (2021). Sampling-based tolerance analysis: the key to establish tolerance-cost optimization in the product development process . Procedia CIRP , 100 , 560-565.
Harlan, J., Schleich, B., & Wartzack, S. (2021). A SYSTEMATIC COLLECTION OF NATURAL INTERACTIONS FOR IMMERSIVE MODELING FROM BUILDING BLOCKS . In Cambridge University Press (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED21) (pp. 283 - 292). Göteburg: Cambridge University Press.
Harlan, J., Schleich, B., & Wartzack, S. (2021). Ausarbeitungsleitfaden für Nutzerstudien zur Evaluation von XR-Interfaces in der Produktentwicklung . In Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Ralph H. Stelzer
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Marian, M., Bartz, M., Wartzack, S., & Rosenkranz, A. (2020). Non-Dimensional Groups, Film Thickness Equations and Correction Factors for Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication: A Review . Lubricants , 8 , 1-20.
Marian, M., Song, G.C., Wang, B., Fuenzalida, V.M., Krauß, S., Merle, B.,... Rosenkranz, A. (2020). Effective usage of 2D MXene nanosheets as solid lubricant – Influence of contact pressure and relative humidity . Applied Surface Science , 531 , 1-10.
Marian, M., Tremmel, S., Wartzack, S., Song, G., Wang, B., Yu, J., & Rosenkranz, A. (2020). Mxene nanosheets as an emerging solid lubricant for machine Elements – Towards increased energy efficiency and service life . Applied Surface Science , 523 (146503), 1-8.
Mayer, J., & Wartzack, S. (2020). Ermittlung eines Skelettierungsverfahrens zur Konvertierung von Topologieoptimierungsergebnissen . In Dieter Krause; Kristin Paetzold; Sandro Wartzack (Hrg.), Proceedings of the 31st Symposium Design for X (DFX2020) (S. 111 - 120). Virtuell, DE.
Mayer, J., & Wartzack, S. (2020). Investigation of surface skeletonization methods for reconstruction of topology optimized structures . In Dieter Krause, Kristin Paetzold, Sandro Wartzack (Eds.), Proceedings of the 31st Symposium Design for X, DFX 2020 (pp. 111-120). The Design Society.
Meixner, M., & Götz, S. (2020). Ontologie-basierte Tolerierung von Produktkonzepten . In Sandro Wartzack (Hrg.), Summer School Toleranzmanagement - Beiträge zur 4. Summer School - September 2020 (S. 61-68). Erlangen: Stamsried: Druck+Verlag Ernst Vögel GmbH.
Metzner, M., Krieg, L., Krüger, D., Ködel, T., & Franke, J. (2020). Intuitive, VR- and Gesture-based Physical Interaction with Virtual Commissioning Simulation Models . In Annals of Scientific Society for Assembly, Handling and Industrial Robotics. (pp. 11-20).
Metzner, M., Utsch, D., Walter, M., Hofstetter, C., Ramer, C., Blank, A., & Franke, J. (2020). A system for human-in-the-loop simulation of industrial collaborative robot applications . In IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (pp. 1520-1525). Hong Kong, HK: IEEE Computer Society.
Miehling, J., Schleich, B., & Wartzack, S. (2020). Digitale Zwillinge und Digitale Zwillingspaare im Kontext des Digital Engineerings - Mögliche Anwendungen und Herausforderungen . Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb , 115 (Special), 55-57.
Rohrmoser, A., Heling, B., Schleich, B., Hagenah, H., & Merklein, M. (2020). Ausgewählte Einflussgrößen auf die erzielbaren Verzahnungstoleranzen beim Kaltfließpressen. In Sandro Wartzack (Eds.), Summer School Toleranzmanagement - Beiträge zur 4. Summer School - September 2020 (pp. 107-116). Erlangen: Druck+Verlag Ernst Vögel GmbH.
Sauer, C., Schleich, B., & Wartzack, S. (2020). Meta-model based generation of solution spaces in sheet-bulk metal forming . Procedia CIRP , 91 , 905-910.
Sauer, C., Schleich, B., & Wartzack, S. (2020). Simultaneous Development of a Self-learning Engineering Assistance System . In Marion Merklein, A. Erman Tekkaya, Bernd-Arno Behrens (Eds.), Sheet Bulk Metal Forming. Research Results of the TCRC73. (pp. 127 - 146). Cham: Springer.
Scherb, D., Kurz, M., Fleischmann, C., Wolf, A., Sesselmann, S., Miehling, J., & Wartzack, S. (2020). Patientenspezifische Modellierung des passiven Bewegungsapparates als Grundlage für die präoperative Abschätzung postoperativer Folgeerscheinungen des endoprothetischen Hüftgelenkersatzes . In Dieter Krause; Kristin Paetzold; Sandro Wartzack (Hrg.), Proceedings of the 31st Symposium Design for X (DFX2020) (S. 1-10). Virtuell, DE.
Schleich, B., Dittrich, M.A., Clausmeyer, T., Damgrave, R., Erkoyuncu, J.A., Haefner, B.,... Wuest, T. (2020). Shifting value stream patterns along the product lifecycle with digital twins . In Franz Dietrich, Nicole Krenkel (Eds.), Procedia CIRP (pp. 3-11). Berlin, DE: Elsevier B.V..
Schleich, B., Götz, S., & Hallmann, M. (2020). RDTol: Konzeption und Aufbau einer Lehrveranstaltung zum Robust Design und Toleranzmanagement . In Sandro Wartzack (Hrg.), Erlangen (S. 45-52). Summer School Toleranzmanagement - Beiträge zur 4. Summer School - September 2020: Stamsried: Druck+Verlag Ernst Vögel GmbH.
Schleich, B., & Wartzack, S. (2020). FORCuDE@BEV: Neuer Forschungsverbund zum Customized Digital Engineering . WiGeP News , 1 , 11-11.
Schröppel, T., Miehling, J., & Wartzack, S. (2020). How to identify relevant product properties in the context of user-product interaction? Procedia CIRP , 91 , 615-620.
Schächtl, P., Hallmann, M., Schleich, B., & Wartzack, S. (2020). Tolerance Analysis of Additively Manufactured Non-assembly Mechanisms considering Joint Clearance . Procedia CIRP , 92 , 27-32.
Schächtl, P., Schleich, B., & Wartzack, S. (2020). Statistische Toleranzanalyse additiv gefertigter montagefreier Mechanismen unter Berücksichtigung von Gelenkspiel . In Sandro Wartzack (Hrg.), Summer School Toleranzmanagement - Beiträge zur 4. Summer School - September 2020 (S. 83 - 90). Erlangen: Stamsried: Druck+Verlag Ernst Vögel Verlag.
Tremmel, S., Marian, M., Rothammer, B., Weikert, T., & Wartzack, S. (2020). Designing Amorphous Carbon Coatings Using Numerical and Experimental Methods within a Multi-Scale Approach . In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference THE A Coatings . Nürnberg, DE.
Tremmel, S., Marian, M., Rothammer, B., Weikert, T., & Wartzack, S. (2020). Designing Amorphous Carbon Coatings Using Numerical and Experimental Methods within a Multi-Scale Approach . Defect and Diffusion Forum , 404 (77-84).
Völkl, H., Franz, M., Klein, D., & Wartzack, S. (2020). Computer Aided Internal Optimisation (CAIO) method for fibre trajectory optimisation: A deep dive to enhance applicability . Design Science , 6 (E4).
Völkl, H., Mayer, J., & Wartzack, S. (2020). Strukturmechanische Simulation additiv im FFF-Verfahren gefertigter Bauteile . In Lachmayer, Roland; Rettschlag, Katharina; Kaierle, Stefan (Eds.), Konstruktion für die Additive Fertigung 2019. (pp. 143-157). Springer Vieweg.
Völkl, H., Schemat, M., Weigert, A., & Wartzack, S. (2020). Auslegung eines CFK-Schubfelds über einen simulationsbasierten Ansatz . ATZ - Automobiltechnische Zeitschrift , 122 (9/2020), 64-69.
Völkl, H., Steck, P., Franz, M., & Wartzack, S. (2020). Kraftflussgerechte Fused Layer Modeling-Strukturen mit kurzfaserverstärktem Filament . Konstruktion , 10/2020 , 76-82.
Völkl, H., Steck, P., Franz, M., & Wartzack, S. (2020). Kraftflussgerechte Fused Layer Modeling-Strukturen mit kurzfaserverstärktem Filament . Konstruktion , 2020 (10), 76-82.
Wartzack, S. (2020). Maßgeschneidertes Model-based Systems Engineering . Konstruktion , 2020 (11-12), 3-.
Wartzack, S., & Schleich, B. (2020). Symposium „Design for X“ und Summer School Toleranzmanagement . WiGeP News , 2020 (2), 6.
Wartzack, S., Schleich, B., Heling, B., Götz, S., Hallmann, M., Schächtl, P.,... Kramer, V. (2020). Durchgängiges Toleranzmanagement aus Sicht des Lehrstuhls für Konstruktionstechnik . In Sandro Wartzack (Hrg.), Summer School Toleranzmanagement - Beiträge zur 4. Summer School - September 2020 (S. 3-13). Erlangen: Stamsried: Druck+Verlag Ernst Vögel GmbH.
Weikert, T., & Tremmel, S. (2020). Amorphe Kohlenstoffschichten für Werkzeuge der Blechmassivumformung . Poster presentation at 23. Umformtechnische Kolloquium Hannover, Hannover, DE.
Weikert, T., & Tremmel, S. (2020). Amorphous Carbon Coatings for Sheet-Bulk Metal Forming Tools . In Marion Merklein, A. Erman Tekkaya, Bernd-Arno Behrens (Eds.), Sheet Bulk Metal Forming. Research Results of the TCRC73. (pp. 192-215). Cham: Springer.
Weikert, T., & Tremmel, S. (2020). Dünnschichtsensoren zur Verschleißdetektion als Beitrag zur Auslegung intelligenter Werkzeuge – eine Machbarkeitsstudie . In M. Merklein, B.-A. Behrens, A. E. Tekkaya (Hrg.), Tagungsband 4. Workshop Blechmassivumformung: Umformtechnische Herstellung von komplexen Funktionsbauteilen mit Nebenformelementen aus Feinblechen (S. 133-146). Hannover, DE: Erlangen: FAU University Press.
Weikert, T., Tremmel, S., Stangier, D., Tillmann, W., Krebs, E., & Biermann, D. (2020). Tribological studies on multi-coated forming tools . Journal of Manufacturing Processes , 49 , 141-152.
Wilking, F., Schleich, B., & Wartzack, S. (2020). Definition, Klassen und Anwendungsmöglichkeiten des Digitalen Zwillings für die Antriebstechnik . WiGeP News , 15-16.
Wilking, F., Schleich, B., & Wartzack, S. (2020). MBSE along the Value Chain – An Approach for the Compensation of additional Effort . In Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE 15th International Conference of System of Systems Engineering (SoSE) (pp. 61-66). Budapest, HU.
Wilking, F., Walter, L., Schleich, B., & Wartzack, S. (2020). Erweiterte Systemmodellierung - Integration impliziter Wissenselemente in die Erstellung technischer Systemmodelle . In Krause, D.; Paetzold, K.; Wartzack, S. (Hrg.), Beiträge zum 31. DfX Symposium (S. 31-40). Erlangen.
Winkler, A., Marian, M., Tremmel, S., & Wartzack, S. (2020). Numerical Modeling of Wear in a Thrust Roller Bearing under Mixed Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication . Lubricants , 8 (5).
Wirsching, S., Hierold, P., Stahl, T., Tremmel, S., & Wartzack, S. (2020). Experimentelles Prüfverfahren an einem Vierlagerprüfstand zur Ermitt-lung des Reibungsmomentes einer einzelnen Angular Roller Unit unter axialer und radialer Last . In Gesellschaft für Tribologie e. V. (Hrg.), Tagungsband 61. Tribologie-Fachtagung 2020
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Wirsching, S., Schwarz, S., & Tremmel, S. (2020). Use of analytically describable geometries to calculate the contact between rolling element face and rib in bearing simulations . Tribologie und Schmierungstechnik , 3 , 25-33.
Witzgall, C., Huber, M., & Wartzack, S. (2020). Berücksichtigung zyklischer Materialdegradation in der crashsimulation kurzfaserverstärkter Thermoplaste . Konstruktion , 2020 (1-2), 78-82.
Wolf, A., Miehling, J., & Wartzack, S. (2020). Challenges in interaction modelling with digital human models – A systematic literature review of interaction modelling approaches . Ergonomics .
Wolf, A., Miehling, J., & Wartzack, S. (2020). Elementary affordances: A study on physical user-product interactions . In Khumbulani Mpofu, Peter Butala (Eds.), Procedia CIRP 91 (pp. 621-626). Kruger National Park, ZA.
Wärmefjord, K., Söderberg, R., Schleich, B., & Wang, H. (2020). Digital Twin for Variation Management: A General Framework and Identification of Industrial Challenges Related to the Implementation . Applied Sciences , 10 (10).
Zirngibl, C., Schleich, B., & Wartzack, S. (2020). Potentiale datengestützter Methoden zur Gestaltung und Optimierung mechanischer Fügeverbindungen . In Dieter Krause; Kristin Paetzold; Sandro Wartzack (Hrg.), Proceedings of the 31st Symposium Design for X (DFX2020) (S. 1-10). Virtuell, DE.
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